'How strong am I?' A thought continuosly rang in my head, My surroundings blurred and even the weight of Muichiro barely affected me.
Upon reaching the medical ward, I was welcomed by a sword slicing towards me. I quickly used my sword to deflect the attack...focusing on the offender, I let out a sigh.
"Sora, I might have defeated you...but at least don't try to kill me." My eyes scanned the room in just a second...For a second I believed there was no one in the room except Sora; however, a slight unnatural reflection of light caught my eye.
"Misachi?" I spoke hesitantly, my eyes focused on the dark area... however, it seemed I was worried about nothing as a silhouette of a woman walked out of the darkness.
Her walk had almost made me lose focus; however, my eyes locked onto her injured hand.
"Muichiro, how are you in this state?" Sora had jumped at me, taking away Muichiro before I could even focus on him.
'Good, you deal with him.'.
Walking towards her, I held her hand. "You are injured." My eyes wandered towards her concerned gaze; she locked hands with me. Her hands soon placed themselves on my cheek.
Her voice was full of concern; her eyes darted all around my body, looking for injuries. "Are you alright? What is even happening right? Are you injured? Can you fight? Did you win?" A bombardment of questions was laid upon me.
I shushed her mouth with my finger, "Yes, I won, no, I am not injured, and a civil war is currently happening outside.". Her mouth opened with wide O.
" Civil war ?...so soon, this wasn't supposed to happen " her unfocused eyes soon landed on me, " We need to help them " She took my hand and moved ahead. However, a small tug, and I stopped her.
"You aren't going anywhere; I will be the one doing the fighting," I spoke in a dead serious tone.
"What? No, I have promised my loyalty to Lord Gizmo," she spoke while holding my hand; however, I had other plans.
" I said no fighting for you " my voice dead serious, " However I never said I don't have a need for you " looking towards her eyes, I quickly explained my plan to her.
She nodded, "Let's go." Her wrist wraps were shredded to pieces. It seemed she was determined to provide utility.
Before we could take a step out of the room, a voice disturbed us, "Kagami." I looked behind to see a nervous Sora looking at me, "Muichiro is a brother to me...so thanks for saving him." He moved forward, "Is there anything I can do?".
I smiled.
Moving out of the gates, I was met with a sheer disaster; the whole arena had been closed down; hence, there was no place out for the civilians.
The opposing forces seemed to be at odds with the defending forces...Looking upwards at the wide platform, I could see hints of explosions; sharp winds moved around the area with huge arcs of fire following.
"Higarashi and Mifune," I muttered under my breath.
'Now...let's see how strong I am.'
Focusing my target on a set of samurai, I could see them locked in a battle with what seemed to be civilians.
The samurai were in battle armor, which protected them from the fatal impacts of their opponents; however, the civilians were bare open.
'They aren't civilians, probably samurai who have come to watch the championship and chose to help,' I thought while running at full speed towards them.
They were approximately forty meters away from me... I let my legs unfold their maximum speed, my form flickering towards my target.
' What the hell, I am fucking fast ' I smirked while ' Quick Slashing ' my opponent,My chakra flowed through my fist and triceps and landed on his neck.
His black obsidian armor granted him defense against the sharpness of my katana; however, the sheer velocity and force behind my attack broke his neck... Killing him on the spot.
They were a pair of three samurai, who I had just reduced to two. The sudden shock at my entrance led them to increase their ferocity.
I, however, barely stopped. It was time to fulfill my job here.
'Fast Kata Barrage'
My mind honed itself to the core; my chakra heeded my call; my form, as detached from reality, soon interfered in their fights.
The samurai armor didn't seem to be all that durable in front of the chakra sword; it barely took my two seconds.
their heads rolled on the grounds, The shocked civilians looked at me, their eyes bulging at the sheer might that I exerted.
"Sir, thank you so much for helping." He had a big moustache and a sharp jawline, his round eyes barely hiding his admiration... I nodded towards him.
Looking around the arena, I knew I had to choose my fights cautiously.
'I don't know how strong I am, Peak Chunin? Low Jonin?' However, the thought was fleeting as I focused on the unarmed child.
'Body flicker' I barely even had to focus; my body had instinctually remembered the chakra flow for the move.
One moment I was standing with them; the next my sword blocked a well-timed attack at the young kid.
What? What?" " A jumble of words escaped his mouth; his short height and tear marks on his eyes indicated he had lost someone.
This time a blue armored samurai was the one who was attacking the boy.
"My little sister, She is here, please can you find her?" His voice had cracks in it, his hands joined together, pleading to save his sister.
"Don't forget about me, Mr. Finalist," the blue armored samurai spoke, his voice raspy as if a snake had taken human form.
I turned towards him, "Why try to kill an unarmed and defenseless boy? Your battle is with Mifune...right?"
"Boy, you are too young to understand how the world works, but I will enlighten you," he pointed towards the boy. "Lord Hagarashi aims to rule with fear so that after his succession to the land of Iron Kage...No one can revolt against him.".
'This fucker...'
My eyes steeled themselves... "I see...". Looking back at him, I was filled with disgust.
' Fucking monkeys ' .
" Let's dance ".
Meanwhile, Misachi and Sora
Misachi was rushing at the VIP stands, Sora clearly on her tail; her breathing was even, a habit that she had learned at quite a young age.
Turning towards Sora, she spoke, "Was he supposed to be here?" She never truly despised Sora; neither did she like him. Truth be told, she had barely gotten to know the boy. All she considered him was Muichiro's lackey.
However, his clear loyalty to his friend was something that deserved admiration.
"Yes, Muichiro told me that he was supposed to be seated right in the middle here." Sora, looking at the now empty seats, could only hope to find the man elsewhere.
Looking towards the right, where a small stack of dead bodies lay, he winced.
'Civil war or not...this is just cruel.' Rage grew as his hand on the sword tightened.
His thoughts were soon interrupted by his blue-haired temporary partner, "There, he is protecting that group of civilians.".
Looking towards the right, he could see a small group of civilians taking refuge behind a broken boulder... Few men are defending the site. Their bodies seemed at the edge of collapse.
All but one, his brown hair dances in the wind, his body turning with the gracefulness of a ballet dancer.
He seemed to be helping his teammates at times, throwing small wind blades...however his interference led him to be troubled in his own battle.
" That's ...Toki " Misachi spoke, Soft and small tears escaped her eyes as she looked towards the now alive figure of a person she considered her own big brother.
" Toki ! " She shouted and immediately rushed to help him.
Her loud shout made the man turn in her direction, a soft smile on his face as he continued defending against the attacks.
Sora immediately stopped her in her tracks..."No fighting for you, remember? ...let me handle this" .
She blinked her eyes, and Sora was gone. The man sped through to reach the place in barely a second.
Sora quickly blocked one attack with his sword while his other latched onto the ungaurded side of the enemy.
His armor provided no defense against his chakra sword.
With one person down, the rest of the enemy samurai quickly grew focused as to not die of a surprise attack... however, with the lack of numbers on their side, they were soon on the defensive.
Loud sounds kept appearing all over the place as the battle commenced.
Argh!" A" loud scream erupted from their side as one of their people was injured with a huge cut on his eyes.
Sora's eyes widened... however, he knew he couldn't do anything since he himself was locked in a battle.
'I just need a few more minutes; I can finish all of them, 'he thought. However, seeing them lose time, his hope grew thin.
a long Odachi appeared in the path of the sword, with another set of graceful movements, a chakra sword clearly beheaded the enemy samurai.
Sora's mouth gaped open; however, at the very next second, he smiled, "You are late, you bastard."
Muichiro smiled.
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