
Furious steps were marching up towards the young lord's bedroom. 'Again!? I told them this was an abuse of power!' Estefan tried to compose himself before knocking on Vesper's door. Estefan let himself in without waiting for a reply. 'How long are you both going to continue this?' Estefan's patience was growing thin.

Both Cassius and Vesper looked at each other for a moment, then their gaze focused on Estefan, until Cassius broke the silence.

'Did you save the game? I don't believe Estefan will let us continue.' He spoke slowly, without moving his gaze, worried that Estefan would pounce at any moment.

Over the weekend Vesper had introduced Cassius to online gaming, which became a new hobby for him.

'Ermmm, maybe now's not the time?' Vesper whispered from the side of his mouth, also not shifting his focus off Estefan.

'After such a grand performance and speech, you both have done nothing but live in this room and play games!' Estefan began to rant. 'Look at this room since when did you live like animals?' He gestured to the multiple packets of food deliveries, as he walked up to the TV, another joy of the modern world that Cassius discovered was priority food deliveries.

Even though, vampires don't need to eat actual food to survive, depending on preference they still enjoy the taste. Although indulging too much can cause adverse side effects.

Estefan, in one swift swipe he unplugged the entire entertainment centre from the socket.

'What … happened?' Cassius slowly turned to Vesper for an explanation.

'Well, he cut off the power source.' Vesper said.

'What does that mean for my Data?!' Cassius asked grabbing Vesper by the shoulders hoping he saved the game. Yet another word added to Cassius' modern vocabulary.

'Don't worry as soon as I heard Estefan knock, I took precautions" Vesper smiled.

Cassius hugged Vesper in desperation as he had become quite the avid gamer.

'Now that we have resolved the main issue, Estefan … there's simply nothing to do now' Cassius explained.

Since Vesper had already ingested Cassius blood not too long ago, they had to wait enough time so he wouldn't become addicted or worse overdose.

'Vesper is already training enough as it is, it won't do him any good to do so with me. For now, all he needs is time with me to build trust in his family and gain confidence through that.' Cassius explained while sipping some of his blood bag.

'I understand but must you go about it in such an underwhelming manner?' Estefan sighed.

[Beep beep beeeeep]

The sound of a mobile ringing echoed in the room and paused the conversation. The three looked to each other, looking for the owner.

'Is that mine? Who has my contact number apart from two of you?' Cassius wondered as he began digging for his phone the bed sheets head been using to sleep in Vesper's room.

[Beep beep beeeeep]

'This is exactly why I told you to keep your phone on you at all times.' Estefan sighed, he seemed to naturally take on the motherly role when it came to Cassius.

[Beep beep beeeeep]

The phone continued to ring, Estefan and Vesper were also growing curious as to who was calling.

Finally, Cassius found his mobile after most of his bed ended up on the floor and answered.


[Bro! Took you long enough!]

Cassius recognised the voice instantly as there weren't many people he knew who spoke to him in this manner.


[Well, ain't I lucky to have Mr popular remember my name!] Ashin replied with his usual tone.

[How did you come by my contact number; I don't believe I gave you such information?] Cassius asked.

[Ahh never mind that, we can catch up later, you ran off so quickly the other day, you didn't hear about the exhibition match. It's the university's top coders going head-to-head to show off.]

[Coders! That should be amusing.] Cassius was indeed interested to see them in action after what Estefan had told him.

[Great! So, you'll come tomorrow then!?] Ashin asked to confirm.

[I will be there.]

[Cool, will message you the details.] Ashin said before hanging up.

Cassius walked past both Estefan and Vesper as he went to exit the room, without giving them a single explanation. The grin on his face told them that he was too excited to give them any focus.

He paused 'Ahh apologies I must turn in for the night, I have university to attend in the morning.'

The next morning Cassius felt confident picking out his outfit for the day, he sported a beige sweatshirt and blue denim jeans to match. He was proud of his casual look for the day. Estefan added his final touch with accessories but gave him the seal of approval.

'Seems like I've almost mastered this era's fashion trends.' Cassius was pleased with himself as he admired his reflection.'

Vesper came down the stairs greeting the two. 'I'm ready, lets go!' The young lord was dressed in a traditional school uniform.

'Where are you off to?' Cassius enquired.

'School.' Vesper replied innocently.

Cassius paused. 'Why?'

'What do you mean, why? I'm confused, I guess the best answer is to learn.' Vesper tried to answer to the best to his ability, sensing that something was wrong.

Cassius sighed. 'Estefan how often is the boy going to school?' he looked to Estefan knowing he clearly wouldn't get the answer he was looking for from anyone else. The downside of having a capable retainer as Estefan was becoming spoilt. Cassius was used to Estefan knowing exactly what he needed, when, where and why, that having conversations with others became too troublesome.

'Vesper goes to Vampire school to train with others his age due to the lack of relatives, he currently attends full time.' Estefan explains.

'Well, that is just insulting, no wonder the other students taunt you' Cassius remarked, sighing showing his frustration with everything wrong. 'From now on, you will only attend school on sparring matches, you don't need anything else they teach. Spend the rest of your time freely, but I would advise… hmm… reading the family memoirs.'

'But then the headmaster!' Vesper argued.

'The headmaster?' Cassius warned. 'Boy! Who is stronger, me or your headmaster?'

'You are Sir.'

'Don't call me Sir you are no less than me. Try again.' Cassius warned again.

'You are stronger.' Vesper corrected himself, looking to the floor in embarrassment.

Cassius knelt to his level and raised his face, his expression was not that of a parent reprimanding a child, it was simply a face confident of his strength.

'Who is more frightening, me or your headmaster?' Cassius asked again.

'You are.' Vesper answered this time smiling and holding eye contact.

'Good! Then let us adjust his schedule accordingly Estefan.' Cassius proclaimed like a proud parent. 'Any complaints can be directed to me personally, if they dare' Cassius directed at Vesper mischievously.

Vesper dropped his school bag in the hallway and ran to the central library to get start on his new task. Before leaving, Estefan briefed Cassius about the young lord's check-up, confirming Vesper's condition.

'The young lord's birthday is in a few weeks, that should be an acceptable time for the ritual.'

'Excellent!' Cassius replied excited with how much the boy will grow.