It did not end there though, the motes of light transformed once again and became a fierce sword and in a few breaths, it screeched through the air, plunging deep into the Serpent's massive body.
Mu Shen would have rejoiced, however the Serpent that his sword had pierced is merely a phantom — a mirage of the real one.
"Mu Shen, it's using Illusion!" Shi Feng realized but Mu Shen shook his head.
"It is not an Illusion. Illusion gives someone a clearer picture of what isn't true. I think this is a mirage. Short, precise and dangerous."
Shi Feng was not in a good state. Mu Shen had already protected him so far, actually keeping to his promise. However if they are not able to leave this place fast with those eggs, they would die for sure.
"Can you surround me with that shield of yours, I'll locate the eggs and grab us a handful."