"There you go, Red. Nice and quiet, Well, a little, at least. You're a noisy thing!"
"Hmmph..." Elise groaned in frustration as the masked man pushed a pair of wadded up red bandanas into her mouth before tying a blue bandana tightly over it. He checked the knots on the ropes around her ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows, before setting her down on the edge of a hay bale and leaving, shutting the stall behind him.
She was in the stables of a ranch owned by one of her friends, having visited for the day to hang out, play with the farm animals, and get some horse riding lessons. Her friend had left her to explore the stables and meet the horses while she went to the house to prepare lunch for the both of them. She had only been gone for a minute or two when Elise had been jumped by a group of men, clad in the style of Wild West outlaws and with faces covered by bandanas. One of them had quickly tied her up and gagged her, leaving her in a stall, as she heard the others working to steal the horses. She groaned again and shook her legs, hearing her black calf length leather stiletto boots squeak against each other. She felt the soft hay pressing against the bare parts of her legs, and the tight blue denim short shorts fitting snugly around her thick thighs and waist. She shook her arms behind her back, peeking past her large amount of cleavage to watch the red plaid shirt she had tied off just below her chest shake in tune with her arms.
'I need to get out of here and warn Amelia fast. If she comes back then we'll both be in this predicament. But if I can get away maybe she can get ahold of the cops quickly enough to catch these guys. But these ropes are tight...I think trying to untie them is going to take too long. Just gonna have to try and hop for it. Maybe if I get the gag off I can call for help as I go, too.' Elise thought, sliding off the end of the hay bale and standing up. She hopped a few steps to the side of the stall and leaned over, rubbing her face against it. After a few moments, the bandana over her mouth slid down her neck, and she pushed the ones in her mouth out with her tongue, watching as they caught in the one around her neck. She then hopped to the stall door and leaned forward, grabbing the latch handle with her teeth and moving it to the unlock position. She then slowly moved it until the door was unlatched, and she slowly pushed it open until she could squeeze out of it.
Looking left, she saw the front door of the barn slightly ajar, and without hesitation, began quickly hopping toward it. She heard commotion behind her and the masked men call out in alarm, but she ignored them and kept hopping as fast as she could toward the door. She was nearly there, when suddenly a rope flashed in front of her eyes and she felt the lasso tug against her stomach, stopping her in her tracks. She felt herself being pulled backward and kept hopping to keep from falling over, opening her mouth to call out.
"Amel-mmmph!" Her cry for help was cut off as one of the men wrapped an arm around her chest and clamped his other hand over her mouth. He then took the hand off of her chest and grabbed the bandanas around her neck, pulling them back up and pushing the soggy, wadded up ones back inside and the other between her teeth before clamping his hand back over her mouth tightly.
"Now Red, where do you think you're going? You're becoming quite the noisy handful, but lucky for you we have just the stuff make sure you stay out of the way and to keep your big mouth quiet. Get to hopping, back to your stall with you!" Elise moaned as he pushed her forward and one of the others pulled the lasso, leading her back to the stall. The third outlaw was already waiting inside, with a large bag open and full of coils of rope, packages of bandanas, and a large roll of duct tape.
She squirmed as the lasso was removed from around her body, and then the man behind her grabbed her chest and pulled the shirt down, exposing her massive, perky G cups. The other men's eyes widened at the sight, staring for a few moments before they looked at each other and nodded. Taking some rope, Elise soon found her chest wrapped snugly in it, with the ropes winding above, below, and between her huge breasts. They then tied more rope around her forearms and halfway between her elbows and her shoulders, pressing her arms even tighter behind her back and forcing her already ample chest out even more. Ropes were then added around her calves and thighs, and another rope was connected to her breast bondage, winding down her torso and then looping around her waist. She groaned and rubbed her legs together as they pulled the rope tightly between her legs in a snug crotchrope.
She then watched as they opened a package of 3 bandanas, taking them out and wadding them up as the man behind her untied the one between her teeth and wadded it up as well, keeping a hand firmly over her mouth. He took his hand away and Elise was helpless to resist as he pushed the newly wadded up bandanas into her mouth, filling it to its maximum.
"Goodness, Red, you really do have quite the big mouth! I think that earns you this whole roll of tape and some more bandanas, how does that sound?"
"Aww, thanks for being an agreeable captive, Red."
"Hmmph!!! Mhhh!" Elise groaned in frustration at his teasing as he loosened the roll of duct tape, pressing it over her mouth and beginning to wrap it around and around her head. While he wrapped, one of the other men opened the two remaining packs of bandanas, readying them. After a full two minutes, the man smoothed the final part of the tape over her mouth, before pressing it all down with his hands. Her lower half of her face, from the tip of her chin to just under her nose, was completely covered in the silver, sticky tape. One of the other men approached with some bandanas, and she watched as he tied them tightly over her mouth. He then took two of the last three, and tied them over her mouth and nose. The last one was pulled over her eyes and she felt him tuck the bandana under the ones over her nose, ensuring no light could reach her eyes.
"Now that you're nice and quiet, er, well, about as quiet as we can make you, Red, it's time to make sure you aren't going anywhere and stay out of the way. And we have just the idea to accomplish that. But first, a little compensation for our troubles is in order..." Elise softly moaned and helplessly squirmed as he grabbed her chest and began groping her, kneading her massive breasts in his hands. After a minute or two, she was passed to the second man, who did the same before then passing her over to the third man. He gave her hardened nipples a firm pinch as he let go, and she moaned happily in response, much to their amusement. They then laid her down on the ground and she felt her legs pulled up. She felt another rope around her wrists and soon felt herself stretched into a strict hogtie. She moaned in surprise as they picked her up, and after feeling more ropes around her arms and legs, suddenly felt herself hanging in the air. A little more struggling made her realize they had left her hanging underneath the feeding trough that was connected to one of the walls a few feet off of the ground. She felt one of them squeeze her chest one last time before the three men left the stall, latching it shut.
Elise groaned happily, squirming back and forth in the tight bondage. 'Mmm...I gotta hand it to these guys, they know their knots! And this gag is quite something, too, my moans are so sexy...' Her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of men bursting into the barn with shouts of "Freeze!" and "Police!" She giggled softly and squirmed some more, hoping they would give her at least a few more minutes to enjoy herself before they found her stall...