Elise's Car Trouble Consequence

"There, that should fix it, I hope." Elise said, shutting the hood to her car and sighing heavily. A few days after her night in the hands of the horny motel owner, she had been continuing on her road trip...well, until the car started sputtering, anyway. She had pulled off the lonely road late at night and gotten to work, using what little knowledge and Googling she could do to find and fix the problem. She set the tools back in her trunk and closed the lid, wiping her hands on her white short shorts and tube top as she heard a vehicle approaching and pull in front of her, with a man stepping out.

"Hey there sweetheart, got some car troubles?" He asked, walking over to her. He was a taller, middle aged man in a t shirt and jeans, and she shook her head.

"Oh, no, it's okay, I did have some problems but I got them fixed. Thanks anyway, I need to get back on the road." She said, stepping around him to get in her car.

"I have a better idea, how about you give me your money and jewelry?" He said, amusement in his voice.

"What?" She said, trying not to panic as she tried to open her car door, but he reached a hand out and held it shut.

"I'm robbing you." He said, flatly. He reached out and pulled her arms behind her back, putting his free hand firmly over her mouth. "No talking, or you get gagged. Keep talking and it gets bigger." He said, and she raised an eyebrow as he took his hand off of her mouth. 'Am I really about to do this?' She thought, but seeing no good options, she figured she might as well make this...interesting...

"Really now...in that case, let me just start talking your ear off! I wonder how big of a gag you'll give me. Ooh, are you gonna tie me up good too? I'd love that! Tell me, tell me! I wanna kn-mmph!" She said, before his hand clamped firmly back over her mouth and he laughed softly.

"Just my luck, gorgeous, horny, and with a car full of valuables? I've really hit the jackpot this time. Lets get you all tied up nice and tight first." He said, taking out some zipties from his pocket. He quickly tied her wrists, elbows, ankles, and knees with them. He then had her hop to the back of his car as he opened the trunk, taking out rope. She soon found her chest in a snug rope harness, and he thread the harness down her stomach, soon giving her a tight crotchrope. He reached up to her tube top, and she moaned happily into the hand he put back over her mouth as he used his other hand to pull her massive breasts out of the top. He squeezed them briefly, pinching each nipple before letting her go.

"I want you to hop to the trunk of your car and wait there. I suppose, if you're feeling playful, you can try to hop away, but I'll catch you no problem." He said, pushing her gently. She hopped around her car and to the trunk, looking back at him. She waited until he started walking toward her, and then took off with a giggle, hopping down the road. As she expected, she didn't get far.

He grabbed her arms and she opened her mouth, only for him to push several thick rags into it, filling it up. He led her back to the trunk of her car, hand tightly over her mouth again, where he grabbed a cloth and tied it tightly between her teeth, holding the rags in. He grabbed a second, and then a third, giving her three tight cleave gags, one toward the bottom, one in the middle, and one toward the top of her wide open mouth. He then grabbed a roll of duct tape out of one of his pockets, and began winding it around her head. She groaned softly as he finished it, smoothing it with his hands, and he then grabbed red, green, and black electrical tape. He wound the black tape around the middle part of her gag, until it was all used up, followed by the red on the top part, and the green tape on the bottom. Then, he produced a thick roll of clear packing tape, and she soon found that wrapped tightly over her mouth, too. He then reached into her suitcase in the trunk and grabbed something, before holding it up, and she blushed.

"Kinky little redhead, aren't you?" He said, smirking. He held up her large black leather muzzle, complete with a head harness and a thick leather panel acting as the muzzle over her mouth and nose, with two small holes for her nostrils. He also revealed her leather sleep blinder, with a hole for her nose to fit through. "I think you're just about all set. I'll give you these two things and leave you hogtied in the backseat. Don't worry, I'll make sure you have scissors and stuff, think you'll be able to get out?" He asked, and she nodded. He smiled and pulled the blinder over her eyes, followed by the muzzle around her head. He strapped them tightly and made sure she could breathe fine, and then grabbed her chest, groping her for a few minutes as she softly groaned.

He then guided her to the backseat, laying her down and pulling her legs up. He took out another ziptie and hogtied her, before laying scissors on the seat next to her. He reached over and grabbed her chest again, before standing back up.

"Well, there you go sweetheart, all bundled up. Enjoy!" He shut the door, leaving her to moan, squirm, and struggle in the backseat as she heard him rifling around her car. After a few minutes, she heard him leave and his car speed away, and she grabbed around until she found the scissors, and got to work...