Drastic Change

Yo, Dear Readers!

Author here.

Here's the new chapter. Honestly, I was planning to do some research before uploading, but I figure I can hold off for a few more chapters. This world isn't your typical Hentai setting. It's got more depth than that.

Right now, things may seem positive, but trust me, the story's direction can change at any moment. Also, not every girl the MC meets will be part of the harem. Realistically, I'm aiming for around 4-5 girls at most, and even that's a stretch. But rest assured, there will be solid chemistry between them all. Think of it like a harem anime, just without a completely useless MC.

That's all for now.



I still can't get used to this.

The events of yesterday were still fresh in my mind. Dying was one thing. Waking up in someone else's body? That was another. Even now, I struggle to process it. These memories—this life—felt distant yet familiar, like a blurry dream I couldn't quite grasp. But what really unsettled me was my own reflection.

I was Kido Yuuto now.

A 16-year-old high schooler, technically older than my past self by a year. I stared at the mirror, my fingers grazing my face as if that would make it feel more real. It didn't. Instead, it only deepened the ache in my skull.

God. This wasn't a dream, huh? Even after waking up, I was still here.

A sigh escaped my lips as I turned away.

"No point in wasting time."

I forced myself through the motions—brushing my teeth, washing my face—and doing whatever I could to distract myself from the existential crisis brewing in the back of my mind. That worked.

Until I took off my clothes.

My brow twitched in irritation as I caught sight of my own reflection again.

Damn. I was a walking skeleton.

Was that my ribcage showing? Woah. Did those brothers of mine starve me or something? Maybe my portion of food went straight to Souma, my little brother. That oaf was growing like a pig.

I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. Whatever. At least I could fix that. Eat more, work out. Simple.

And then… I looked down.

"… Wait, what happened to my ding-dong?"

My entire body stiffened as my brain tried to process the massive difference.

What the hell—?!

Even with Yuuto's memories, I knew it wasn't like this before. There was no way. I sure as hell didn't ask for an anaconda when I got isekai'd!

For a solid five seconds, I just stared—trying and failing to wrap my head around it.

"… Ugh. Disgusting."

I quickly grabbed a towel, tossing it over myself as if that would erase the very cursed knowledge I had just acquired.

Nope. Not thinking about it. Moving on.

Turning my focus back to the bathtub, I filled it up, willing myself to stop overanalyzing every little thing.

I had school to get to. No use wasting time on nonsense.

I was a punctual nerd, after all.


One thing I liked about this life?

I got to live alone.

No annoying landlord, no stress about rent, no judgemental aunties breathing down my neck. For the first time ever, I had the chance to actually relax.

Munching on a piece of toast, I scrolled through my phone, gathering more insights into this world.

And what I found was disturbing.

Rape, polygamy, pedophilia, incest—hell, even supernatural beings weren't considered unheard of here. So, in theory, my suspicions about succubi might be correct. I can't afford to let my guard down around anyone. But beneath all of this, there was one undeniable common thread.


This wasn't some lighthearted slice-of-life world. No. This was something bad.

Really bad.

A sigh left my lips as I gulped down the last of my milk. Dwelling on it wouldn't change anything. I just had to keep my head down, go to school, and survive. Whatever genre this was, I supposed I'd just have to wait and find out.

Bag slung over my shoulder, I moved toward the door—

"Where were you last night?! I was waiting for you, you know!"

"I told you I had an important meeting, didn't I? Would you drop it?"

"Drop it?! You're lying to me again! A colleague of yours told me you left early!"

"Why are you even talking to my colleagues?! Ugh, stop this, Kazane! I'm leaving!"

"Yeah, leave! I don't care anymore!"

Here we go again…

Without a second thought, I locked my door just as my neighbor stormed out of his apartment, looking both flustered and pissed.

Did I pity him? Not in the slightest. The guy was a douchebag—a married man screwing around with a younger girl, playing the role of a sugar daddy. Seriously, talk about bad investments.

As expected, he shot me a glare, probably hoping to take out his frustration on someone. But the moment my indifferent gaze met his, he hesitated, clicking his tongue before stomping away.


Just as I crouched down to tie my shoelaces, a quiet sob reached my ears.

… Ugh. Not again.

"… Why… Why did he have to…"

Here comes the waterworks.

Ayasato Kazane, my lovely neighbor and the definition of a pain in the ass, stepped out of her apartment as well, cigarette in hand, her red-rimmed eyes staring out at the railing.

She didn't seem to notice me at first. But then, of course, our eyes met.

Here we go again.

Her expression twisted into a familiar scowl, and for a second, I thought she was about to lash out again. But then—she hesitated. Her face softened, pain flickering behind her gaze.

"I'm sorry, I…" she muttered, voice hoarse. "I'm sorry."


Well, that was new.

I had fully expected her to go off on me like usual, but maybe because I'd snapped at her yesterday, she was rethinking her approach. Good. I had no energy for her bullshit this early in the morning.

With a sigh, I slung my bag over my shoulder, ready to leave—only to feel a sudden resistance near my arm.

What the—?

"Do you think… Do you think I'm ugly?"

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Ayasato had grabbed my arm.

Up close, there was no denying it—she was gorgeous. But she was also judgmental as hell, the first person I had met in this world, and quite frankly, an absolute bitch.

I had zero interest in entertaining whatever emotional crisis she was going through. But ignoring her now would only make her more annoying later.

So, I opted for the dismissive route.

"Why even ask me? You know that's not true."

Her grip tightened. "Then why is my husband like this? What does he see in that girl that he doesn't see in me?"

I deadpanned. "A good personality, maybe?"


"I said he's blind to your beauty, Ayasato-san. The old man's gone senile."

She gave me a weird look, probably wondering if I was messing with her. I stared back blankly. What do you want from me? A pat on the back? Some motivational speech? Lady, I'm trying to get to school.

She exhaled heavily, releasing my arm and leaning over the railing, staring off into the distance.

"No… I think you're right. I do have a terrible personality." Her voice wavered. "Even to you, I was rude, wasn't I? I took my frustrations out on everyone around me just because I failed to keep my man loyal. I'm the worst."

I blinked.

Well. At least she wasn't in denial.

Checking the time, I figured I could humour her for one minute.

"I won't argue with you on that," I said flatly. "But that doesn't mean it's all on you. To be honest, Ayasato-san, I don't like you at all."

She looked at me in surprise.

And then… she smiled.

A soft smile. Not her usual condescending smirk, not a scowl—just a real smile.

"I could tell," she chuckled. "Since you called me a bitch yesterday."

She gave me a mock glare before taking another drag of her cigarette.

"I also don't like you, you know. You're a creep—always listening in on us. And you give off major loser vibes."

"Gee, thanks."

"But…" Her expression softened slightly. "The new haircut suits you. You don't look like a stalker anymore."


She continued. "And you're able to hold a conversation now without blushing and stuttering like a kid. What happened?"

"I hit puberty."

She snorted. "Did you, now?"

A long sigh left her lips as she extinguished her cigarette.

"I guess I should apologize for how I've treated you." Her voice was quieter now. "You're still a kid. I don't expect you to forgive me, but… I won't bother you anymore."

I blinked.

Was she… getting character development because of me?

Damn. I really was just built different.

"It's fine."

With that, I decided I had wasted enough time. I turned to leave, but before heading down the stairs, I glanced back at her one last time.

"It's not your fault your husband cheated." My voice was casual, but firm. "As much of a bitch as you are, you're still young and beautiful. If he isn't even guilty about it, leave his ass. There are plenty of guys who'd line up for you."

And with that, I walked away—without waiting to see her reaction.


The journey to school was uneventful. Luckily, Hoshikawa Academy wasn't far from my apartment, making the walk short and simple. As I stood before the grand entrance of the prestigious institution, I had to admit—I was impressed.

Hoshikawa Academy was known for producing some of the most talented students in Tokyo. Fine arts, music, fashion—if there was a craft worth mastering, this place had a department dedicated to it. Students from all over the world came here to study, which meant getting admitted was no small feat. Even the original Yuuto had been shocked when he received his acceptance letter.

Glancing around, I observed the diverse cliques scattered across the school grounds. Gyarus, jocks, delinquents, nerds, otakus, the quiet loners—every social archetype was present. I already knew which category I'd fall into.

Judging by the short, barely-regulated skirts some of my female classmates wore, I could also tell that the dress code wasn't strictly enforced. A stark contrast to my old school.

Well, that was a welcome change.

If the school embraced such diversity, then that meant one very important thing.

Their cafeteria must have amazing food.

"Their canteen would have such delicious food," I muttered to myself, lost in thought.

"...That's the first thing you think about? You sure know your priorities, stranger."

A voice interrupted my musing, and I blinked, turning to face the speaker.

A girl stood beside me, watching with curiosity. She had long, dark hair and striking blue eyes, her uniform crisp and properly worn—aside from the subtle adjustments that emphasized her impressive figure. She also had a mole just below the left side of her lips, subtly enhancing her allure.

And, like every other girl I'd encountered in this world, her tits are amazing!

"I somehow do. Unfortunately," I replied dryly, casting a glance at her necktie. It was red. "A first-year?"

"Yes. And judging by your dark blue tie, I assume you're a second-year, Senpai?"

"You guessed it."

She hummed thoughtfully, her eyes studying mine with open curiosity. Something about her was... off. Not in a bad way, just different. Why was she even talking to me?

"...Did you need something?"

"Ah, yes." She nodded. "I was hoping to ask if you knew where I could find Class 1-B. It's my first day here, and I'm still a bit lost. I'd appreciate your guidance, Senpai."

I raised an eyebrow. "I doubt I'd be much help. I'm a transfer student myself."

The girl tilted her head, clearly surprised. "At this time of year?"

"I could say the same for you."

Another hum. This was getting weird. Why did we keep humming at each other? Was she an airhead? Could she not see that we were both wasting time just standing here?

Still, I had to give her credit. She was polite, at least.

"Well, fellow new upperclassman, it's very nice to make your acquaintance," she said, bowing slightly. "My name is Mibu Aoi."

"Likewise. Kido Yuuto."

Another hum. Seriously, what was with this girl?

"Well then, I'll take my leave, Kido-senpai."

With that, she turned and walked off, presumably to find someone else who could actually help her. She was interesting, but I doubted we'd cross paths again anytime soon.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back to face the looming school building.

This was a fresh start. For both Yuuto and me.

I didn't know what awaited me here, but there was one thing I was absolutely sure of.

This time, I was going to graduate high school.


Ayasato Kazane was not having a good time.

At 26 years old, Kazane had once been the picture of a perfect married woman—beautiful, admired, and deeply in love with her husband. For years, she had been the envy of her acquaintances, living in a cosy little apartment with the man she adored.

That illusion shattered a week ago.

The moment she heard the whispers about Ryusuke's affair, she dismissed them with laughter. It was absurd. There was no way her loving husband—her Ryusuke—would betray her like that. They were happy. Weren't they?

She clung to that belief… until the pictures arrived.

Snapshots of him with another woman, younger, softer, fresher. Photos of their hands intertwined, of stolen kisses, of them entering a love hotel together.

Kazane felt the ground slip from beneath her.

That wasn't the Ryusuke she knew. That wasn't the man she had built her life around.

Because the man in those photos had a look on his face she hadn't seen in years. A look of adoration, of hunger, of warmth.

He never smiled at her like that anymore.

He never held her like that anymore.

He never whispered sweet nothings in her ear or made her feel wanted the way he once did.

And that realization cut deeper than she ever thought possible.


"Would you fucking leave us alone?! I don't want your pity, you virgin loser!"

That was the first time she had snapped at Kido Yuuto.

Until then, she had only mocked him behind his back, laughing at his expense to entertain her husband. But that day, she had looked the boy in the eye and let her rage spill out.

"I... I am so sorry, ma'am! I-I didn't—"

His nervous stammer only made her angrier.

Kido Yuuto disgusted her.

She had always found him unsettling—the way his gaze lingered too long on her, the way he watched her husband with something between envy and resentment. And then there was that day.

The day she caught him trying to peek.

That had shattered whatever restraint she had left.

From that moment on, Kazane treated him with nothing but open hostility, using him as an outlet for all her anger, all her bitterness.

And he never fought back.

The kid was too much of a coward to defend himself.

Until one day—he wasn't.

"Shut it, bitch. I'm trying to think."

The words had stunned her into silence.

Kido Yuuto had changed.

It was subtle—less meekness, a stronger presence. Then, it became undeniable. He wasn't the same awkward, stalkerish kid anymore. He no longer sought her approval, no longer flinched under her insults.

She had even witnessed him kicking his older, handsome brother out of his room—something the old Yuuto would never have had the courage to do.

The transformation was unsettling.

How could someone change so drastically in such a short amount of time?

Kazane couldn't understand it.

What happened to him?


"It's not your fault your husband cheated."

Yuuto's voice echoed in her mind, dragging her back to reality.

"As much of a bitch as you are, you're still young and beautiful. If he isn't even guilty about it, leave his ass. There are plenty of guys who'd line up for you."

She stood frozen, staring at his retreating back.

Those words.

Those words came from him?

That shy, pathetic boy she used to torment?

For a moment, she felt an odd mixture of amusement and disbelief. Then, with a soft chuckle, she reached for another cigarette, lighting it with steady hands.

"...Weird kid."

She exhaled, watching the smoke curl into the morning air.

And for the first time in days, Kazane found herself thinking—not about Ryusuke, not about his betrayal.

But about Kido Yuuto.