First Impression.

The school year began in earnest and with it, James' challenge to Asher was approved by the school board and a date was set for the duel.

"Are you sure you should go on with this? It doesn't make any sense." Victor said as he and Asher walked together towards their next class.

"Don't worry. It'll be fine. It would do you well to know that I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Alright then, I'll take your word for it."

The entire classroom fell silent as Asher Blackwood walked in. The circumstances surrounding his upcoming duel with James Sorrel had circulated round the school.

"It seems they already know who you are." Victor stated.

"Seems so." Asher replied.

The both of them walked to two empty seats and sat together. The other students were clearly avoiding them, especially those from humble backgrounds.

The chatter in the classroom continued and then a loud boom was heard within the class, smoke appeared and then everything cleared with a huge gust of wind.

"Settle down children, time for class to begin." A calm but deep voice said from within the dust that the wind had brought up.

The dust cleared revealing a man who looked like he would be in his 30's standing in front of them dressed in exquisite attire.

"I am Professor Orion Loren. I shall be your teacher for practical magic lessons." He stared round the class and his eyes came to rest upon Asher, he smiled.

"As we all know learning about mana manipulation through books and through theoretical classes aren't all bad." He continued.

"But if you don't learn how to put what you've learnt into usage then it'd all be a waste of time right?"

The whole class stared at him quietly with most of them leaned forward so they could hear him perfectly.

Orion's eyes shifted towards Asher and the young student could feel the teacher's gaze upon him and he turned to face him.

What the hell does he want from me? Thoughts flashed through Asher's mind.

"Asher? I think the Professor is staring." Victor nudged him.

"I can see that."

"So… what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. I don't know what he wants from me and so I can't act out."

"A wise choice Asher Blackwood. I presume you're well prepared for your duel?" Professor Orion said as he started handing out pamphlets to the entire class with his expert manipulation of the wind element.

"Yes. Yes I am." Asher replied.

"Then shall we proceed to the duel field."

The entire class moved in sync with Professor Orion leading the way.

"Are you sure you should go on with this? I did some findings on James Sorrel and it seems he's an interesting mage who specializes in elemental magic." Victor started explaining.

"I'll be fine, it doesn't matter." Asher replied.

"You don't even know what he's capable of doing. I've done extensive research on him and I know how powerful he is." Victor warned.

Can his nagging get any more annoying? Asher thought to himself.

"I thought you'd run away." James' voice echoed throughout the duel arena.

So the spoilt brat is here as well. How convenient. Asher thought to himself.

"Well, since I'm here, I'll be the one overseeing this duel." Professor Orion stated. "Do either of you have any problems with that?"

"No." They both echoed in unison.

"Now, both of you take your places." He ushered to both of them. Asher Blackwood. This will give me a good opportunity to see what he's capable of.

"Are you sure you don't want to back down peasant?" James sneered.

"Well, if I win then I win. If I lose then I lose." His opponent replied.

"Begin!" James formed a ball of mana around his hands and expanded it the moment he heard Professor Orion's voice.

The ball of mana expanded to the point where it seemed to take the form of a room.

"There's no escaping this." James shouted. "None of us can get out of this room. You can only enter from the outside and once inside you can't get out."

Interesting. Asher thought as he covered himself with mana. James charged at him with a fist of lightning and as he got closer, the lightning became a spear which he threw at Asher.

"Try dodging that!" James exclaimed as he let go of the lightning spear. Asher dodged it easily and then smiled at James.

"Is that all? I thought I might fall asleep seeing how slow that spear was." James felt ridiculed by Asher's words. He gathered the mana in his hands once again.

"Let's see if you can escape this." James once again used lightning, this time turning it into a bow and arrow.

This kids are better than I expected. Professor Orion stared lost in thought.

James let go of the arrow, Asher was almost hit but dodged it nevertheless. James kept firing and Asher kept dodging.

The cheers of the onlooking students were as loud as it could get. Victor stood with his mouth open in awe at the kind of extraordinary speeds Asher was exhibiting.

I know such speeds are normal for experienced mages and exceptional students like Arin Jardel and James Sorrel but for a first year like Asher?. Victor thought.

Asher kept on dodging and manoeuvering his way through the field, dodging every arrow seamlessly.

He's good, I'll give him that. Asher noted.

"Is that all you can do? Run away with your tail between your legs." James mocked at the top of his voice.

Asher stopped running and charged at James. The child of the Sorrel house was shocked at the speed at which Asher came at him.

He's fast! I can't react fast enough!

Asher delivered a punch to James' face which sent the Noble flying into the stands. James got up and touched his nose.

Blood?! He thought in anger.

"I never knew you were so fragile, the punch I gave you wouldn't even hurt a newborn baby." Asher said, the sarcasm evident in his voice.

"You peasant!" James shouted at the top of his voice.

James started chanting for a spell. Asher just stared at him waiting to see what he was about to do. A giant water dragon formed in front of James.

"I'll make sure this ends you." James stated.

"Hmm. Interesting. I'll use a spell that's weak against water to end this." Asher retaliated.

He formed a ball of mana within his hands and the mana became redder the more Asher molded the mana and then it turned into flames.

Flames?! But he's going up against water. Professor Orion stated. Let me see what he's going to do with this.

Asher formed a giant fire arrow and bow. He let it go and sent it towards the water dragon and James.

The flames evaporated the water and hit James hard which sent him flying back into the stands, knocked out.

That takes care of that. Asher smirked.