I tried blocking the attack but it seemed like Gabriel had already attacked before he spoke.
"What did you do?" I asked picking myself up from the ground.
"It's something you would call time lag." Gabriel started explaining. My gaze trailed as I saw Radkiel sitting behind Gabriel drinking something from a teacup.
Gabriel snapped his fingers and my full attention was on him.
"Now. I made you stop in time but you weren't able to realize it." Gabriel finally said.
"So you stopped me in time and then hit me?" I asked.
"Yes. That's what happened."
"Cheater." I smirked.
"Doesn't matter." He said and I felt a punch right on my nose. I flew back from the sheer force from the punch.
I bled from my nose, lots of red liquid dripping on the lush green grass. The blood then magically stopped rushing and I touched my nose and saw that it had been healed.
I looked ahead and saw Radkiel smile as he raised his cup at me.
I ran forward and started attacking Gabriel. With one hand behind him, he was blocking each and every one of my attacks effortlessly.
"Hmph." Gabriel touched me with two fingers right on my forehead and I was thrown far back into a mountain.
The giant mass of stone crumbled from my collision with it and rubble fell on top of me.
I picked myself up from under the rubble and looked to see Gabriel sitting down and drinking whatever liquid was in Radkiel's cup.
I ran forward at blinding speed but I was down before I even reached the table. Moreover, it didn't seem like either of them had made a move at all.
I got up and stared at Gabriel intently. "What was that?" I asked, clearly perplexed and surprised.
"Nothing. I was just faster."
"You're that fast?" I was surprised at the sort of speed he had.
"Gabriel is physically the strongest demigod." Radkiel chipped in.
My eyes widened in surprise. "So you put me, who you basically saved from oblivion against the physically strongest member of your race?"
"Yes. Can the both of you please go on, you're interfering with my tea time." Radkiel said finally and then I was in the middle of the stream once again.
Gabriel walked towards me majestically, his eyes glowing with a cobalt blue color.
I felt fingers tapping at my pressure points but for some reason, I didn't go down and was able to move better than before.
"How did you do that?" I asked, stretching my arms and legs.
"I basically just released your full physical potential." Gabriel replied.
"Won't it have any strain on my body?" I asked again.
"No. You forget that this body was given to you as a way to withstand our power." Gabriel cleared his throat. "Now come at me."
I attacked time and time again. Gabriel's sheer speed and strength put him far above me. Since training began, I haven't been able to land a single hit on him.
Meanwhile he averages 2000 hits in 1 second, sometimes more.
I attacked again but I could feel myself floating. "What's going on?" I asked. My body feels extremely light and heavy at the same time.
"The law of gravity states that what goes up must go down. I just changed it a bit." Gabriel replied smiling and then I felt something hit me on my stomach and I fell to the ground with a deep impact.
"How do you guys do that?" I asked, picking myself up from the ground.
"I believe that Radkiel informed you, didn't he? Reality, time, space, concepts, causality and laws are our playthings." Gabriel replied with a straight face.
He hadn't smiled since the training began. I attacked once again trying to see if I could circulate mana but no mana existed here.
How is he able to do such things without mana? The question echoed throughout my head.
My punches always missed Gabriel's face by a hair's breadth, almost as if he intentionally slowed down to match my pace.
"Your attacks are too slow. Find a way to increase your speed. I know you've noticed that mana is non-existent here so find something else to use as an energy source." Gabriel explained while effortlessly dodging my attacks.
Gabriel conjured numerous arrows of light and shot them at me. I dodged each of them but not without difficulty. They were much faster than the light arrows I had seen being used in my previous world.
The memories of sheer horror crossed my mind again as I remembered my world that was destroyed.
It renewed my thirst for revenge.
"So that's what you want?" Gabriel said as he easily caught my foot and threw me towards the trees, leveling a whole lot of them. "You knew?"
I could sense that the question was directed at Radkiel.
"Yes. It doesn't really matter." I overheard as I walked back to where both of them stood.
"What were the both of you talking about?" I asked.
"Your quest for revenge against Samiel, Draneeve and the demons." Gabriel answered, anger evident in his voice.
"Yes. That's what I want, revenge." I replied with a straight and calm face. "If I don't get my revenge then I won't be able to live properly."
Gabriel sighed and then punched me 19 times in what seemed like 0.00001 seconds.
I fell to my knees. "Come on. Let's carry on with your training."
I attacked with multiple punches but Gabriel was just too fast. Without mana as an energy source, I couldn't increase my speed or strength.
I looked forward and then saw Radkiel smile. He snapped his fingers and I felt a giant surge of energy throughout my body.
My wounds healed immediately. "What did you do?" Gabriel turned around and faced Radkiel in anger. "Why did you give him the Essence?"
"He needed it, to make things a little bit easier for him."
I spoke up. "What's the Essence?"