The Devil

A city named Eastender was being hunted by an unknown serial killer every night to the extent that no shadow will be seen roaming on the street at night, until the moon sleeps and allows the sun to rise for a new brighter morning.

The king of the great city got angry and sent twenty of his soldiers to every corners of the Eastender to capture the devil whether dead or alive;but unfortunately, none of the soldiers survived before the next morning. Different rumors roams the great village after seeing the dead soldiers in cold blood. Some said an evil spirit is taking revenge for a reason while some other villagers said it was a wild animal from hell that tore them apart.

Everyone in the city became very afraid the next morning after hearing the bad news that filled the atmosphere in Eastender , the sorrowful noises and tears echoing from the north to the south of the cities. Tears falling like drops from the cloud and noises like thunder from the mouth of the soldier's family.

The king was so confused after receiving the sorrowful results from the other guards , or should I say "Comrades". He banged his rod down to the ground with anger and screamed to the extent that the Queen of Eastender who's name was queen Eliza mistakenly spilled the hot tea she was drinking on her beautiful, flashy ,fabric dress which penetrate from her woven dress to her skin.

She also screamed louder than the lousy king because of the hot tea that spilled on her lap. The king ran quietly like a mouse tracing a cheese with it's nose, thinking the killer has sneaked into the palace to kill his loved ones. The king went to the queen and asked "My queen, what's wrong?, why did you scream like someone who's being tortured by a demonic spirit ?" She then looked at him and asked" why did you also shout like a ram that's about to be slaughtered by a sword that's made from china?. She then pushed the king down to the ground and hurried down to the tap to relief her pains with a cool cold water.

The king was so ashamed when he found out that his maids were staring at him lying on the ground, he then stood up immediately with confidence and dusted his white big dress even when it has no stain on it .