
The elders and chiefs marched down to the palace the next morning to see if the soldier had written what happened the other night; for them to know what their next move would be. But unfortunately, what they were expecting is not what they heard. As they got the message that the soldier had committed suicide because of the life of the king, they felt so depressed and confused. One of the chief voiced out and said

 "Did the devil come into this kingdom because of the king;I think he is using the people of Eastender to hurt the king indirectly. He might be passing a message that the king should be dethroned for peace to reign has it had always been ".

He then took the other chiefs and elders to the past where the late king was still on the throne.

Three years ago was when the late king died and passed the throne to his only son,'James'.

Author :You might be wandering that, why have the story writer been calling a man with a deep voice the king's brother when the late king gave birth to only one son. Chillax,the story is about to be clear to you.

The guy with the deep voice is the king's cousin, the people of Eastender are always referring him as the king's brother because they both had a close relationship from their childhood. The late king's brother and his wife got into a serious ancient when the prince cousin(Philip) was six years old. The king had no other option but to take him into the palace as his second son.

The late king showed equal love to boot of them like how a good father does. But when the late king got to the stage to pass the throne to his son. He passed it to James, though Philip is also called and referred to as a prince and still older than James but the throne is expected and must be passed through someone in the thick blood line of the king. Eastender is a monarchical state cause they practice the monarchical system of government. The throne a must be passed through the system of hereditary, only until the whole family of the king is wiped out before they can elect another offspring to rule over them. So there was no other chance to make Philip, the elderly, adopted brother.

The chief continued his speech and said

"Thank God the late king left two sons behind. Even if he's not from the blood line but still treats him as his beloved child, so why can't we let the other son to take over the throne since the gods of Eastender don't want king James as the ruler of this kingdom."The King was so intense when he heard this from the chief. One of the elders then rose up and said

" That's a great idea and a good option cause this kingdom have never faced such level of chaos and death rate before he entered into power "

All the chiefs and elders insisted that the king must be dethroned and let Philip become the new ruler of Eastender to see what the result will be.

Philip was so surprised at that moment when we he heard the elders suggestion.

James and Philip starred at each other without saying a word; their facial expressions weren't smiling at all but Philip was filled with extraordinary joy in his heart because being the king of Eastender had been his dream and goal since he stepped into the palace.

The chief and elders then told the king that all the villagers wants him to be dethroned by 10:00 am in the morning because they can't afford to lose any more souls just because of one person.

After they all left the palace, James then knelt down at the front of the throne and cried bitterly to his father, saying,

"Father, I'm sorry for not keeping your people safe, it's all my fault. If this is what you want, I will hand the throne over to Philip . But before I do that, oh Lord of my father and the goddess of Eastender, reveal who the devil is too me. That's all I've requested for ".

As the princess was about to move away from her hiding spot, she saw Philip laughing silently to her dad's painful moment. She got so preoccupied and ran back to her room to shed her years also.

No one was able to sleep in the palace except from Philip who was lying on his floafy bed ready to grab his dream. As we all know, sleep is the fastest way to see the next morning. Some believe that sleep is like a fast machine to someone's destination cause while one is awake all through the night, it's always longer than when sleeping.

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