Magic & Spells Repertoire

Here you can find the definitions of Spell/Charm/Hex/Jinx/Transfiguration/Transformation/Transmutation as well as a short descriptions of most spells by alphabetical order.

It will be updated one day...maybe ?

The most common spells found in cannon or those created for this Fanfiction mostly for QOL (Quality of Life) are in the first category.

The spells created by the MC later in this fanfiction are in the second category.


Spells are all the kinds of magic used with a wand.

Charms are spells that change the properties of a target (closed/open state, movement (adding/substracting a vector to/from a target)...).

Curses are spells affecting a target extremely negatively (death/pain/dismemberment...) often with aftereffects (scars, phobies, traumas, pain, health problems...)

Hexes are spells that affect a target negatively but without lasting effects, often considered mild curses (like the stinging hex : it just stings, it's uncomfortable but bearable and without consequences)

Jinxes are funny spells (joke spells like vomiting slugs, sneezing fire... wizards have a strange sense of humor, okay ?)

Transfiguration is the basic magic used to change any target into anything.

Can be used to change the shape of a non-living target permanently.

Can be used to Conjure anything by changing "void" in "anything", envisionning them into existence for a certain amount of time.

Can be used to Vanish a target by changing "anything" in "void", erasing them from existence for a certain amount of time.

The more magic is supplied for the Transfiguration/Conjuration/Vanishment of a target, the longer it will last, can be permanent if powered with a sufficent amount of magic.

The higher the magic resistance of the target and/or their mastery of Transfiguration, the shorter the time they will stay transfigured, and the higher the cost of a permanent transfiguration will be, often becoming too high for most to bear.


Transformation is the advanced form of Transfiguration, allowing one to do anything Transfiguration can do (see paragraph above) but with the ability to change the molecular composition of the target, permanently if desired.

The Transformation demands a lot of magic and profound knowledge of atomic science, something that can be circumvented by supplying even more magic. The more knowledgeable the less it costs, but those who know nothing can brute force their way with a higher amount of magic.

Can be only used by the most knowledgeable Warlocks, most Archmages, and all those above this rank.

Transmutation is Transformation through external means such as alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone, instead of using magic and knowledge. Can be used by anyone with the right tools, but not just anyone can put their hands on said tools.

Cannon and QOL spells

Accio - Summoning Charm

Attracts the nearest item or living being that correpond to what you asked for (might need a huge amount of magic depending on the magical resistance, active or passive, of your target)

Aguamenti - Water Summoning Charm

Creates drinkable water out of magic.

Can be used offensively by using a different name (Aqua Eructo, etc...), to summon water from the tip of the wand to create a water gun or a water blade by adjusting the water pressure.

Alohomora - Unlocking Charm

Unlocks any lock (doors, trunks, chests...).

Locks can be charmed to become immune to Alohomora.

Locks can still be opened with Alohomora despite the presence of a locking charm, as long as the caster of this unlocking charm is sufficently proficient with it.

Anti-disapparition Jinx

Someone hit with this spell looses the ability to disapparate (teleport away) for some time, the higher the proficiency of the caster with this spell, the longer the spell will last. A more powerful and definitive version of this spell exists, as a ward, to prevent disapparition in an area.

Apparition & Disapparition - Teleportation Spell

A spell that allows a wizard to teleport away and reappear anywhere he imagines, as long as he has already visited the place in question.

Can be used to transport anyone in contact with the caster, in which case it is called side-along apparition.

The act of disappearing from the original position is called Disapparating (Disapparition) and the act of appearing at the destination imagined is called Apparating (Apparition).

(You disapparate from a place to apparate somewhere else, different words describing the two steps of the same spell)

Arresto Momentum - Slowing Charm


Revelio -


Wingardium Leviosa - Levitation spell


MC's original spells

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