Chapter 3 - A Wizard's Birth

London - 30 Kinnerton Street (23rd April 1874)

Arthur slowly regained consciousness, feeling extremely sleepy.

He could hear people speak English from time to time, yet what he heard always sounded muffled.

'It's so warm and comfortable, just like the Afterlife.'

'But I am also hearing voices… Does it mean I have been reborn ? Am I in a womb ?'

'If I am, this black hole solved all my problems. But despite feeling completely natural, it clearly wasn't. I have never seen a single black hole in the Afterlife before this one and it magically swallowed me ? There is clearly something at play here.'

'But anyways, I can't do anything about it. I can only accept it I guess.'

'Hopefully I will be reborn in a world with magic or superpowers. And I hope I can use them, if that's the case. It would be horrible to be reborn with memories only to watch with envy when other people display inhuman feats.'


Arthur almost immediately fell asleep.


London - 30 Kinnerton Street (1st June 1874)

"...ame...eady ?" (Have you chosen a name already ?)

"...thur…oy…Vict…irl" (Arthur if it's a boy or Victoria if it's a girl)

"...ful !" (Wonderful !)

'Hearing only half of the conversation is getting boring ! When can I finally get out of here !?' *baby punch*

"...ming !" (Ow ! The baby is coming !)

Finally, after waiting for so long, Arthur was ready to be born.

'Is that what they call *the light at the end of the tunnel* *Giggles*'

'Finally I can breathe ! That was comfortable in the beginning but it was getting really cramped and boring'

The first thing he saw was an old woman, full of wrinkles, with grey and white hairs looking like a kind grandmother, wearing white clothes and a white cap. She took Arthur and started to wrap him in a clean white sheet.

'A doctor or a midwife i guess ?'

The second thing he noticed was the environment, they were in a room that looked pretty luxurious, clearly a bedroom, one for rich people at that.

'Who gives birth at home nowadays ? Everyone goes to the hospital, only the ultra-rich have personal doctors or midwives !'

'Just how rich is this family ?'

The doctor then turned Arthur, allowing him to see his mother for the first time. She was a 30ish years old looking brunette, with long hair and green eyes, showing him a kind yet tired smile. She was lying in a luxurious bed wearing something that looked like a black nightgown.

'Am I supposed to cry now ? I mean, that's the perfect moment. How do I do that again? Let's just think about how I felt when I died, that should be sad enough I guess ?'


The tired woman lying in the bed started to worry and turned her head to face the old woman.

"He isn't crying, is it normal ? Is he fine, doctor ?"

"It's a bit troubling indeed, all the babies I have helped deliver started to cry as soon as they were out…Maybe he just needs a helping hand ?"



'It hurts old hag !'

His mother seemed relieved after hearing him cry.

"Can I hold him now ?"

"Yes, of course ! But not for long, don't forget that you need to rest. Here you go, a perfectly fine baby boy, congratulations!" 

The old doctor then handed her Arthur, who seemed to be sulking and giving her the cold shoulder for slapping him.

'I really should have practiced before getting out. I knew I wouldn't be able to cry on demand but I hoped that having the body of a baby would help me the first time.'

'I was naive, of course it didn't help at all ! Wouldn't be fun otherwise. Now I have already been slapped by an old witch and I haven't been born for more than a few minutes !'

His mother, clearly unaware of her son's ramblings, proceeded to name him.

"You're now *Arthur Richard Polaris* ! I am sure you will become a great man in the future !"


'At least my name didn't change, though the *Richard* in the middle is new…'

'Now, where is my father ? I haven't seen him yet, and I am pretty sure I heard a male voice when I appeared in the womb, just before passing out the first time.'

Her mother kept him in her arms for a few minutes before falling asleep, after which the doctor took Arthur once again. She then went out of the room, with him, to let his mother sleep in peace. Turns out his father was just outside, pacing anxiously in front of the door.

His eyes lit up when he saw his son, before asking the doctor a barrage of questions "Is my wife fine ? Is it a boy or a girl ? Is my child healthy ?"

It took some time for the doctor to convince him that everything was fine, time that Arthur used to inspect his father. 

He was a 1m90 (6 '2) tall man in his thirties, short brown hair and brown eyes, looking pretty lean. He wore a beige wool suit (in comments) with a blue bowtie.

'Just what is he wearing ? Who wears something like that in 2025 ?'

'Wait…Who said I was in 2025 ? What if I am born in the Middle Ages ? No, I am pretty sure they didn't wear suits like that in the Middle Ages. But that's certainly not the 21st century !'

'So… no phones, no advanced medicine, no junk food, almost no entertainment ! What the f*ck I am going to do in this life ? I might even be born close to a World War and forcefully enrolled !'

'Now that I think about it, maybe it's not even the same world at all, so maybe the history of this world is completely different, still, the fact that they speak English means it's probably a similar world if not the same.'

'I guess I need to grow up a bit before I can get answers. Also, I still don't know what the soul symbols mean and what is different between dim and vibrant souls…I assumed the vibrant ones were special souls, maybe with some ability or superpower. But perhaps they are simply full of luck… That could explain why I was born with a silver spoon. The answers might give me an advantage in life, but how can I know ?'

'Let's grow up and make sure to be the best in everything. That will be a good start, I won't have to worry about money since I have rich parents, but I don't want to become a lazy young master who wasted all the opportunities he had in life.'

'First, I need to know what world and time period I am in.'

'Second, I need to plan for the immediate future, deciding what I will do in my childhood, depending on the answer.'

'Third, if there are no superpowers I try to become filthy rich to enjoy life to the fullest. If there are superpowers I try to become the strongest. If there are superpowers but I don't have one myself… either I become rich and study how to gain power through science and human experimentation or ... I commit suicide if I know it's a pointless endevor, in order to start all over again.'

'Yeah, let's do this !'

While thinking about his world domination plans, his face started to form a pensive yet cute look. Seeing that, his father started to pinch his cheeks lovingly, thinking about how lucky he was to have such a cute son, bringing Arthur out of his reverie.

'Who do you think you are to pinch my cheeks old hag ? Slapping my *ss wasn't enough for you ?' 

Looking angrily at his aggressor he noticed it was in fact his father, not the doctor.

'Oops, father ?' Arthur then immediately stopped throwing angry glares at his father, trying to look cute instead, but still looking menacingly at the doctor from time to time.

'If we are going to be a family, I guess you are allowed to pinch my cheeks, but keep the old hag away from me !'

The doctor seemed to understand the message unlike his clueless father, looking amused yet a bit surprised

"Your son seems pretty intelligent Mr. Polaris, he didn't cry when he was born and he seems to hold a grudge toward me for making him cry earlier !"

"Also, you probably didn't hear what happened in the room earlier, but your wife named him *Arthur Richard Polaris*. I am assuming the *Richard* comes from your side of the family ?"

"Yes, one of my cousins was called Richard, he was always kind to me when we were kids, and still kept contact with me, even after I was thrown out of the family. But he passed away recently and it's my way of keeping a memory of him while wishing for my son to be the same kind of person in the future."

'Oh ! Thrown out of his family and he still managed to become so rich ? Or did the money come from mother ? What did he do to get thrown out of the family anyway ?'


'I guess having the body of a baby means I am going to be sleeping most of the time.'

'Rejoice my family, you will have the honor of being the first humans in history with a silent baby that won't wake you up every night'

'But now that I think about it… Maybe I will wake you up for fun, at night, if I get too bored. After all, depending on how advanced this world is, having a silent and well behaved baby could seem unnatural, you might even be accused of witchcraft and sent to the church to be burned at stake. I am totally doing this for you, I swear !' *Tiny baby fingers crossed*

'Well technically, if this world is backward enough, my entire existence could be considered witchcraft... especially with all the scientific knowledge I have. Does that make me a wizard in the eyes of the people of this world ?


'Today, a wizard is born ! Fear me you peasants !'


'I have become even more childish than before, haven't I ?'

'Anyways, good night world !'