London - 30 Kinnerton Street (1st June 1875)
Arthur had been planning his entire future for the past month and half. Since the book incident, he had nothing else to do as there was always at least one of his parents keeping an eye on him at all times. Arthur was close to reaching his breaking point as he had been forced to sleep, poop or eat and nothing else for a year now.
For someone from the 21st century, a time when there was a constant source of entertainment within reach at all times, being forced to do literally nothing so for so long was akin to torture for him, especially since as a baby, he couldn't even practice sports, read or even eat sweets to pass the time without his beloved smartphone.
So he spent all his time planning his future and world domination or sleeping to escape reality. It made him realise that he was a free bird, someone who hates being restrained in any way, he wanted to be free to spend his time however he wants, and stop wasting away like that. Something that was going to change soon if he had any say in it, and even if as a baby, he didn't, he had already found a way to make it happen.
Today was his birthday, he was now a year old, and he intended to capitalize on that to gain more freedom, and if possible, persuade his parents to give him some books, no matter the topic as long as it was something readable.
So he concocted a little scheme, he would condition them to think that he was insufferable unless he had a book in his hands, and since any parent wants a peaceful child instead of an insufferable one, they would yield and start giving him books to regain their peace of mind and finally sleep at night once again.
He knew that they would start with baby books or very unimportant books if it succeeded, but he was just that desperate and it was only the first part of his *insufferable bookworm baby* scheme anyway.
That's why he had been making his parents' life hell since the book incident. Everything started because of a book, and since then, he never stopped giving them hints that he wanted one whenever it was possible by simply looking in the direction of a book or outright asking for one.
He would wake them up in the middle of the night, he would misbehave and pretend that it was because of his milk teeth growing, or because he wasn't feeling well, sometimes because of some really random reason. That was the downside of being a little genius, since he could speak, he had to answer them when they asked him what was wrong.
He almost missed the time when he could just cry without having to provide an explanation, the time when he could make their life hell for fun and giggles, without consequences, by simply crying, when his cries where still a multipurpose all-in-one sound to ask for anything and he could see them panic because they didn't understand what was wrong with him.
Now, just like him, his parents were fed up with this situation and were just as desperate for a solution as he was desperate for some good reading material. Except that he knew he would have to settle for some boring book instead of an interesting one. But he would be patient and proceed one step at a time.
First step was getting a book, no matter the topic and his birthday was the best opportunity for that. It would subdue him a bit, but his *insufferable bookworm baby* scheme would continue until he finally gets a better book, at which point he would calm down even more. Only when he gets a really good book would he finally give them some peace in this house.
His parents, far from being dumb, had already noticed his hints, they would soon understand that giving him books would improve their life after giving him the first book for his birthday, and they would soon notice that the better the book, the more well behaved their son would be.
In short, they would sacrifice books to their son to get some sleep, the more pleased with their offerings he would be, the more peace they would get.
Everything was proceeding as planned, a few days ago he had asked them to get him a book for his birthday, the bait was cast, now he just needed to wait for the unboxing of the presents later in the day to see if his plan had worked.
Arthur was just in front of a little pile of presents, numbering 4 in total, with one of them looking suspiciously like a book despite being wrapped in paper covered with teddy bears.
'Perfect, it seems that my plan worked this time around !'
'Now I just hope they don't try to give me a suit like they did last Christmas or I might accidentally drop it in the fireplace.'
'If the first one ended up covered in cake and the second burned… Will it be enough ? I hope they will get the hint. I would hate to have to find new ways of destroying suits twice a year until I reach adulthood, though it could also be a bit fun and force me to be more imaginative.'
'Now enough with the suspens what did I get this year ?'
"Mama ! Can I open gifts ? Pwetty please ?" (Mom, can I open my gifts ? Pretty please ?)
"Wait a bit, Art, your father will be back in a second with the camera."
'Why do they have to take photos of me everytime ? With parents like that, I am sure I could have already become a baby influencer if I were born in the 21st century !'
He didn't have to wait for long because William came into the living room with the camera in his hands, and proceeded to take photos of Arthur sitting on his pile of gifts like a little king on his throne.
'Finally the photoshoot is over, let's open these gifts! I will keep the book for the end.'
First was a big teddy bear, bigger than Arthur. He surprisingly took a liking to this gift, using it as his new throne after the unboxing. Second was a little foam ball : simple and effective. Third was a dreaded suit, one he unsurprisingly hated on sight and immediately decided to destroy that very night, not caring the tiniest bit about the consequences of this act.
'And now the book ! Please, I beg you, not something with only pictures, I need text, I need words, anything but a picture book.'
"Yaaaaaaaay ! A book !"
'A picture book, it's official, I hate you both !'
"Thank youuuu mommyyy, thank you daddyyyyy!"
'I am dying inside and now I have to lessen the nightly harassment as if I were really pleased with this shit !'
'I swear, what I wouldn't do for better books… You both better follow the plan to the letter, if I don't have a readable book by next month, heads are going to roll !'
'I really want to destroy something right now ! The suit will be perfect, this little sh*t of a suit will burn tonight, even if I get an earful later !'
'Now how do I do that *innocently* ?'
A plan rapidly formed in his head, involving some knots and a lot of spinning around…
'Alright, I will use a knot to *fuse* the lower and upper part of the suit, then I will spin on myself with the suit in my hands. I will innocently approach the fireplace and accidentally drop the suit, the suit will fly in the fireplace while I will fall down and pretend to be hurt. Just enough to make them worry about me first, before they think about getting the suit out of the fire, and by the time they do, the suit will be ruined !'
'Perfect ! And now… Light ! Camera ! Action ! It's time for some dramaaaaa !'
Everything proceeded as Arthur envisioned it, the suit was ruined, he got an earful and now he simply had to act accordingly to the next phase of his *insufferable bookworm baby* plan, in hopes of getting new books, and more specifically, real books.
London - 30 Kinnerton Street (25th December 1875)
Turns out that his plan worked spectacularly well, in less than a month his parents started to give him more advanced books, though, mainly cooking books. Arthur wouldn't complain about that, he was not a really good cook in his previous life and it was perfect because cooking would be really useful for him in the future since he had decided to travel around the world.
Such a decision to explore the world came from the frustration of being at home for too long. He was someone who loved to be at home in both lives, but too much is too much, even for someone like him. His parents mainly strolled with him in the garden or a nearby park, and even for someone as forgetful and without any sense of direction as he was, it was getting really boring and predictable, he needed novelty, and what's better than touring the world for that ?
But such plans are for the future, as Arthur is currently only a year and a half years old. Right now, it's time for the mandatory suit unboxing followed by some sweet, suit destruction !
And his parents indeed didn't disappoint him, as they offered him yet another hideous suit, they hadn't learned anything from the first two times apparently, and Arthur had once again prepared an original plan this time around : the suit ended up buried in the garden, his father only found it almost 5 months later while gardening, way too late to save it !
This earned Arthur two earfuls, one the day after the suit was buried, because he lost one of his gifts and a second time when the suit was found.
London - 30 Kinnerton Street (25th December 1877)
Life continued, Arthur managed to gain access to increasingly advanced books and never failed to destroy the suits he was offered, something that had become a running joke in the family.
One was full of cake, one was burned, one was buried, one mysteriously disappeared and hadn't been found to this day (probably still on top of some carriage that had the misfortune of driving near their house), one sank to the bottom of their little pond in the garden, another one lost its way in the attic and the last one would meet its end today.
Arthur was posing for the traditional photo for the unboxing of the presents, dramatically faking being drowned in the middle of his presents.
When the awaited suit finally appeared, Arthur almost fell sick at the sight, his parents had finally thrown away any thought of seeing him wearing a suit and decided to buy the ugliest they could find, knowing it would disappear soon after.
The problem was that this suit vaguely remembered Arthur of an event that traumatised him in his past life, just seeing the suit was enough to give him the urge to puke. He vowed to erase this suit of existence that very night, no matter what, the suit just disgusted him by simply existing, way more than any of those he had managed to get rid of before.
'It's about sending a message, they need to see its eviscerated remains scattered through the entire house !'
'Yes, I need to find a way to put it in pieces, without proof that i was the one to do it, even if they will guess it.'
As if the world answered his heartfelt wish, the suit magically started to be ripped apart, every piece of it getting scattered in every corner of the living room in front the entire family
'Yes ! Perfect ! Exactly like that ! This is ART unlike this horrible piece of cloth'
This scene stunned the entire family, though for different reasons.
'Did this suit just end up in tatters in front of my eyes ? Is that magic ? Doesn't it change all my future plans ? Oh who cares, I got M-A-G-I-C !'
'Now that's a great Christmas gift ! I am still just a three years old, I have enough time to create new plans, and better ones at that ! As long as magic is involved…anything is possible !'
His father was looking at him with complicated feelings while his mother seemed genuinely happy for him.
His parents now remembered the chocolate incident, realising that it indeed wasn't an accident as they had hypothesized after his stunt with the Yule Log.
"Oooooopsies ?"
"You are going to need more than just an *oopsies* to explain that, young man !" His mother tried to probe him.
"But I really don't know what happened ?"
"Didn't you do something similar the day you started to talk ?"
"Don't know !"
'The flying chocolate cake was my doing ? I should have realised, I was still so focused on eating chocolate after so long that I simply dismissed it as my mother doing a wrong movement while laughing'
'Meh, who cares, it wouldn't have changed much, I still have a lot of time !'
"I guess we need to talk a bit since you can use magic, not sure if you are old enough to understand though…" His father seemed a bit down, and reluctant to say these words, but he said them nonetheless.
'Oh so he knows something ? Even better, I won't have to discover everything by myself !'
"I really hope that magic won't be a burden for you as it has been for me …"
'How could magic be a burden father ? I haven't even seen you use it since I was born ! Wait ? Isn't that precisely the problem ? He doesn't have magic ?'