Chapter 48: Failure

In response to the order, the remaining rocket artillery vehicles switched their ammunition types and bombarded Godzilla.

Hundreds of rockets flew through the air, striking its face at several times the speed of sound before exploding together.


Thick smoke filled the area.

The latest D81 smoke rounds only required one shot to create a smoke screen measuring thirty to forty meters in length and width. It had the world's leading range and could last up to three minutes, making it the most enduring smoke round available.

The D81 smoke agent was undoubtedly the most versatile and potent smoke ammunition today.

The hundreds of smoke rounds containing D81 smoke agents exploded right in front of Godzilla.

In an instant, its field of vision ahead was completely covered by smoke.

Smoke filled the area around Godzilla, obstructing its view of the surrounding world.

Next, some of the rocket artillery vehicles switched their ammunition types again and began using high-explosive rockets for saturation bombardment on the area where Godzilla was located.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...!!!"

At this moment, its senses suffered significant interference. Godzilla couldn't rely on its conventional vision to determine the locations of its enemies.

It was a situation that truly annoyed Godzilla.

Godzilla tried to move away from the smoke, and the rest of the vehicles that hadn't switched their ammunition types yet used satellite maps to force Godzilla with smoke.

By setting smoke at multiple locations, they managed to make some areas denser with smoke, successfully diverting Godzilla's direction.

However, this tactic came with significant sacrifices.

Godzilla was not an unintelligent beast, and although the smoke made it uncomfortable, it could avoid certain unimportant areas. But smoke could never change Godzilla's overall direction and route; it could only make minor adjustments to its path.

To change Godzilla's major direction, [humans] had to attract its attention.

Using a large number of transport planes to move towards a specific location, they could divert Godzilla's attention. Through countless sacrifices, they managed to adjust Godzilla's path.

Through smoke and lives, the military forces successfully completed the induced operation, successfully luring Godzilla onto the designated path.

Cease the smoke rounds, now they just had to wait.

Wait for Godzilla to reach the third sniper point.

Almost all of them were killed.

Godzilla roamed through the mountains of Yubari, using its human radar to determine the remaining human forces.

One-sixth left? Or one-seventh? Or even fewer?

Since the start of the operation until now, Godzilla had already destroyed the vast majority of human forces. Now, all it needed was a little more effort to complete its mission.

Just a little further, and Godzilla would accomplish the destruction of the Far East.

"Godzilla has reached the third sniper point!"

"Let's commence our final sniper attack."


After several minutes of silence, the rocket launchers once again fired smoke rounds at Godzilla. Simultaneously, the aircraft carriers stationed hundreds of kilometers away launched numerous planes.

The third sniper point, the final attack.

Smoke once again covered Godzilla, and this time, the smoke was denser than the previous one.

"They are deliberately obstructing my vision."

At this point, Godzilla also sensed that the humans must have a hidden tactical plan, or else they wouldn't be using smoke so extensively.

Humans must know that smoke alone wouldn't be effective against it, so they must have a plan that required the use of smoke.

Perhaps they wanted to use the smoke to force it into a trap.

Or maybe they were planning to use this cover to launch a sneak attack.

Godzilla wasn't sure what they were up to.

In this smoke-filled area, Godzilla endured bombardments from the military vehicles, as they fired at full capacity in a concentrated direction.

At this moment, all the transport planes within the mountain range began to move. They rushed towards Godzilla at the fastest speed, leaping over peaks and ravines.

The naval fleet's bombers and fighter jets in the sky fired various bombs and missiles at Godzilla.

The power of their attacks caused the smoke in front of Godzilla to disperse, triggering another round of avalanches on the already collapsed mountains.

Full power, full power; this was the humans' full power. Humans bombarded Godzilla with all their might, and Godzilla sensed that something was amiss.

Why did they suddenly change their firepower? Why did all the transport planes come now?

Following the same pattern as the last time, all the transport planes came straight towards it.

If it was the same as before, then there must be one hidden transport plane.

Searching on the human radar, Godzilla indeed found several transport planes that were not coming directly towards it but were preparing to fly into a gorge between two mountains.

They must be the real threat.

No, not necessarily.

At this moment, Godzilla still didn't know whether the humans truly believed that these transport planes could do something significant, which was why they were coming, or if the transport planes were just a decoy to distract it.

Were the transport planes just bait, or did they truly have some kind of weapon?

It didn't know.

The last time, Godzilla used its super breath to flatten everything directly. This time, however, in the mountainous terrain, the super breath might not be as effective; it might not be able to destroy everything.

Did it still need to shoot point-blank?

One transport plane was approaching its location.

"Godzilla's mouth is showing ionization reaction; it's about to use its breath! The railgun is releasing its restraints and charging up!"

A blue light emitted from its mouth.

Godzilla was about to use its breath; from the timing, it undoubtedly aimed to attack the first exposed transport plane!

The closest transport plane was still five kilometers away, circling around to appear within Godzilla's firing range.

Godzilla was building up energy.

"Railgun ready, five, four..."

As long as we operate well and reveal ourselves in the right position. Following Godzilla's habits, we can determine the location of its throat!

The energy inside Godzilla was about to reach its limit.

"Three, two..."

By that time, through the railgun, they could collide head-on with Godzilla's throat while it was using its breath.

And cause it to implode!

"One! Ready to launch!"


The anticipated breath attack didn't come.

Instead, there was an explosion when Godzilla jumped.

It jumped onto the smoke, reaching the same height as the mountain's peak!

Then it aimed its mouth towards the ground.

One, two, three!


The charged breath burst beneath it, and Godzilla tore through all the smoke, creating a sun in the darkness of the dust cloud.

Then Godzilla swept the surrounding area below, conducting vertical strikes on the battlefield below, directly destroying around sixty to seventy percent of the remaining military vehicles.

The transport planes were not spared either; they were also hit by its breath and instantly evaporated.


With a loud noise, after annihilating most of the remaining human forces, Godzilla fell from the sky onto a mountain peak. It then directly smashed the mountain, sending it rolling down from the snowy summit.

The humans' final strike hadn't even been launched yet, and they had already lost their last fighting force in the snowy mountains.

"Remaining... How many... military vehicles?"

"Two positions..."

"Is that so."

The operation had failed.

In the sky, there were no mountains.


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