"Victoria!" Patrick yelled, shaking Victoria who was convulsing on her bed. He was almost done with breakfast when he heard her scream. He immediately left what he was doing to check up on her. Then he found her convulsing while gripping her neck.
The man went into panic on what to do. He didn't know if he should run out and call for help or stay with her. And there was the rain which has even increased its downpour. At this rate of which the rain has increased, no one would be willing to offer help to take Victoria to the nearest clinic.
"Victoria, please wake up," he prayed while shaking her. The window to her room immediately banged against the wall which made Patrick jolt in fear. He quickly left his daughter's side and shut the window. The moment he shut the window, Victoria's gasp reached his ears and he rushed back to her side.
"Father?" She called. Her eyes brimming from tears.
"I'm here Toria, look at me," Patrick panicked and brought her into his embrace. "What happened? You refused to wake up and were convulsing," he asked. Rubbing her back to calm her down.
Victoria shut her eyes as she relished the arms of her father. When she was a little calmer, she pulled back and wiped her face. "I don't know. I couldn't see anyone. Then I was being choked by someone." She replied to his question.
"Choked?" Patrick asked as his face paled in realization. That was why she was gripping her neck. To pry the hands off. His hands turned cold. What if she had died in the process.
Silence reigned in the room before Patrick said, "let's get you to the living room. Breakfast is almost done." He then helped her up and led her to the living room.
On the other hand, Victoria couldn't stop thinking about the last words she heard the voice say. 'Your darkness.' What did it mean?
After breakfast was served, they ate their food quietly which was unlike the Donovan's. Sensing the tense air, Victoria tried to lift her father's mood. "Mrs Donald sends her wishes to you. I saw her at the market today."
Patrick raised his head and nodded at her. "It's been quite some time since I last saw her. How are you feeling now?" he asked .
"Better than an hour ago. Stop worrying father, it's just a dream." Victoria pouted in slight annoyance. Her father was worrying too much about petty things.
He dropped his spoon on the table and leaned forward. "A nightmare in the morning Victoria. I can't just act as if nothing happened. I know what I saw. You were strangling yourself and you know it was hard for me, similar to how your mother died." Patrick inhaled upon saying that and Victoria's face fell.
Her mother had died from a heart disease. She had struggled for life in front of her father and her, trying to cling on something yet nothing. Her gasps filled the room while her father sobbed quietly. Victoria had stood at the far end of the room, young and had no idea about what was going on. It was after her mother stopped gasping and remained still did she know that her mother had finally succumbed to the inevitable claws of death. It was a demise that almost frustrated her father and upon seeing a similar action before his eyes, it was right for him to be bothered.
"I'm sorry father," she said but he only waved her off.
"Don't. You did nothing wrong. Just don't do that again. I'm afraid my fragile heart won't be able to handle it."
Victoria nodded with a small smile on her face. "Let's rest for the day."
She cleared the table and washed the plates. When she was done arranging it into the shelf, Victoria made her way to the living room and found her father fast asleep on the couch with a book on his face.
Patrick loved reading. It was another hobby that allowed him to take his mind off his late wife before getting soaked in regret that he wasn't able to help her.
Victoria stepped into her father's room. A room that her parents once shared and picked up a quilt. She returned and placed the quilt on his body to prevent cold from sipping into his skin.
Just as Victoria started reading her favorite fantasy book, a hurried knock came to the front door. At first, she thought it was just a passing wind because the rain was still falling heavily. Then the knock came again and this time, much louder.
Patrick jolted up from his sleep and so did Victoria who was now frowning. Who would be so dumb to step outside when there is a heavy downpour.
"Stay behind me," Patrick said to his daughter who immediately nodded.
Balor was annoyed now that the door was still unlocked. He knew the duos were inside considering that the rain had been falling torrentially. He was about to kick the wooden door when it was opened from inside.
Patrick and Victoria immediately drew back when they saw the burly guard who was with the Duke the previous day. Patrick suddenly blocked Victoria from the guard's sight like a protective father would.
"What do you want?" He asked. Now wondering what the guard was doing by this time of the day.
Meanwhile, Balor shot deathly glare at the old man who would be a bone on his neck after telling them what he was sent here to do. "I want nothing from both of you," he replied swiftly.
"Then why and what are you doing here?" Victoria retorted from behind her father, causing the aged man to glare at her.
"The Duke of Galwynn Empire has finally decided to send me to bring you to the palace, Lady Victoria Donovan," Balor announced with a stoic glare.
Patrick's heart started beating fast upon hearing the Duke's decree. "I'm sorry sir but I think you're wrong here. My daughter can't go to the palace." He replied while Victoria agreed with a nod from behind. Her heart was already palpitating heavily against her ribcage.
Balor immediately lost his temper. "The Duke can never be wrong, and are you refusing his grace?" He asked as his right hand reached for his sword.
"No, never. We would never refuse him but why is she summoned to the palace?" Patrick asked in fear while his eyes kept moving from the man to the sword.
"To serve her punishment."