7. A day in the life on The Golden Hero

I'm a human, okay, I live just like a normal human. Being The golden hero is just my job, as everyone has their own job and contributes to humanity with it.

A young child with high mana aptitude that has an enormous sea of potential gets chosen by the mages high council to be "ThE gOlDeN hErO". So fun right!

The child gets taken from their parents. The high council puts the child through hard training to make them meet their expectations. And when their demands have been met this child, treated as an adult since the age of 5, is allowed to return to the world. Ready to protect humans in case of a new war with creatures of Éthérée attacking humanity.



To you the readers, being the golden hero will seem special. You will be greeted by multiple people when you walk down the street. Treated with respect. Live rich.

But the truth is that Elliot hasn't fought any huge battle. Actually for over 7000 years it has been quiet without battles and the respect for the golden hero has decreased.

For now the hero is mostly seen as a normal crime helper.



*Elliot woke up*

"God another fucking day of living."

"The streets seem to be full of life already."

*he could hear all the noises coming from outside*

*his apartment was only a few floors up into the sky, his breakfast included daily supplements an egg toast, and after eating he he was ready to leave*

"Who wouldn know being the hero isn't what matters anymore, having money and status is what matters" : he mumbles to himself walking through the busy street.

*he hears a voice not much in front of him*

"Sh*t." : he mumbles.


*he changed his face to a happy face, and fixed his hair, he looked up before him stood Mrs Yyn*

'Mrs Yyn is an older woman that sells food at the nearby market'

"Good morning to you Mrs Yyn! " : he smiles.

"Sorry to say, but today I don't have time to converse, I'm in a hurry to catch the sky train!"

"Oh dear then you must scurry away, I shan't stop you! " : she says.

*He looks over the old lady's shoulder at the white Structures towering over the city. The tall buildings the belongs to the wealthy and all the enterprises*

"If I may. Thank you!"

*he continues his route to the sky train*