15. Stoneheart Citadel

Stoneheart Citadel. The only city of the human realm that stands on the frontlines ready to protect humanity incase of an invasion, from its neighboring forest on the other side of the mountain range.

80 of 100 citizens per district are trained in at least basic combat but even so everyone lives with fear, that the creatures will attack, day and night..Day and night. And indeed at night when the humans lock their doors and close their windows, they come crawling through the street. They, the creatures journey over Aegis mountain peak and down to Stoneheart Citadel. During the night the streets are in their hands and at the crack of dawn they flee back to Éthérée forest.

Stoneheart Citadel is a grand stronghold. The inhabitants residing in the city are mostly military legions and their families and therefore the city needs to import most of its goods.

89% of the inhabitants live in the slums and the highest ranked military officers live as rich nobles.


"OPEEEN THE DOOOORS !!!!" : the man screamed right as the elevator doors opened.

On the floor of the elevator papers were laying and the man quickly grabbed them and ran straight to the huge doors.

"HEY!! STOP IT!!!"

A surprised secretary jumped off her seat and yelled back at the running man.

"You're not allowed to enter!!" : she yelled.

The man pushed the secretary to the side and continued to run to the doors.

And as they automatically opened he screamed "SORRY MISS!!", to the secretary who stood frozen by shock at the man's behavior.

The man ran into the huge room. Stumbling and almost falling over a rug.

"SIR!! SIRR!!" : the man screamed.

At the office desk sat a man, the one the only Mr Arlel Lacey, the big boss of the hero's association.

*Lacey lifted his head up*

"Calm yourself, young man. " : he said.

"What may it be that is of such urgency that you sprint past my secretary into my office?" : he asked.

"TH-THE REPORT!!" : *the man gasped for air*.

He was out of breath.

"TH-THE RIOT AT STONEHEART CITADEL!!" *pants* , *he was breathing heavily*

*he dropped the papers on to the desk*

The young man took really deep breaths and calmed his breathing.

"It's a bloodbath sir! The riot turned into a bloodbath!! Soldiers are forced to fight to the death with their families to protect the greedy nobels!"

"Within a week the citadel will be abandoned, with only dead corpses to protect the borders!" : the man said.

Hurriedly Lacey grabbed the papers, skimmed through and said: "SEND THE GOLDEN HERO TO STONEHEART CITADEL!!"