Razormaw Are a Vescarid’s Best Friend

The Vescarid army maintained pursuit of the goblin colony. Having wandered far too long aimlessly within the tunnels, they chose to burrow up through the stone and earth to reach the surface. They erupted from their tunnel like a dark tide, the first wave of workers clambering over each other as they spilled into the daylight. The fauna that dwelled around their exit point scattered, and Darian brushed their existence off. They followed a direct path to intercept the evacuating masses. 

He knew he was falling behind, he had a lot of ground to cover and wasn't sure how much farther they were, so he commanded his swarm onward until his vibrational sense picked up movement below. Footsteps rushed through the caves beneath them, selling their position and completely unaware. His children followed, a short distance behind still yet, but gaining ground at a rapid race. When the goblins spilled out, he was ready, his Hunters launching volley after volley while the Prowlers took out any bundles of flesh that got so far away. 

Goblin shrieks filled the air, their panic snowballing the rest of them into absolute anarchy. Armed with crude spears and jagged blades, the goblins attempted to form a defense, but their efforts were useless against the superior Vescarid forces.

Darian strode behind his forces, a looming figure of chitin and regal confidence. His purple eyes gleamed as he took in the battlefield. He raised a clawed hand, signaling the hunters perched in the clifftops. They unleashed a rain of spines, each projectile whirring through the air and even the shots that weren't clean, they obliterated each target. Goblin archers in the rear ranks collapsed, their bodies convulsing as the spines separated their bodies into multiple chunks.

"Advance," Darian commanded, his voice reverberating through the hive mind.

The workers obeyed, their hammer-like claws smashing through the hastily established militia. Goblins scrambled to reposition, dragging wounded allies to the rear and trying to regroup. A huge goblin wielding a rusted axe charged into the fray, throwing caution to the wind. He brought the weapon down with surprising force, cleaving a fair way into a worker's carapace. The worker shuddered and tried to shake the weapon free from its body, offering resistance as the goblin struggled to wrestle command back over his weapon.

Darian tilted his head, intrigued. He motioned for a prowler to engage. The spider-like drone darted forward, its segmented legs launched it forward in a blur of movement. The goblin finally pried the weapon loose and swung again, but the prowler was already in mid-air hurdling toward it and landing on the goblin's back. Its claws tore into the goblin's flesh while it sunk its fangs into the creature and silenced the warrior's cries.

Around them, the battlefield grew even more chaotic. The goblins' shamans raised crude protective wards. A shimmering barrier flickered into existence, briefly halting a wave of drones that hammered relentlessly at it. Darian grew irritated and focused on the shamans.

"Hunters, target the casters," he commanded.

The hunters adjusted their aim, their spines piercing through the shamans' fragile shields. One by one, the goblins' magic faltered, the barrier collapsed and Vescarid surged forward, overwhelming the defenders with little effort.

Despite their cowardice, the goblins fought with surprising tenacity. Pockets of resistance formed as they tried to protect their leaders, women, and children. Darian watched impassively as a cluster of goblins surrounded a Prowler, swinging crude spiked clubs with reckless abandon. The goblins managed to crush several of the Prowler's legs before succumbing to the swarm, his body disappearing beneath the writhing mass of drones.

Closer to the path leading off the mountain, a group of goblins tried to buy time for their families to escape, hurling crude javelins and rocks at the Vescarid below. A hunter turned its gaze upward, its spines skewering three goblins in rapid succession. The remaining beasts dropped their weapons and fled, their panicked cries echoing through the forest as they tried to catch up with the others.

Darian advanced to the heart of the fray, his form a beacon of terror as his teeth gleamed in the light. A creature Darian recognized from the tunnels, a Hobgoblin that was larger and better armed than the rest, stepped forward to challenge him. The Hobgoblin bellowed a battle cry, rallying a small group of warriors to his side. They charged as one, and their weapons were raised pitifully.

Darian moved with lethal precision. He sidestepped the first attacker, his claw slicing through the goblin's torso with ease and prying its heart out in a single smooth motion. The second warrior lunged at him with a spear, but Darian caught the weapon mid-thrust, snapping it in two before his mandibles extended and punctured the goblin's neck, tearing out its throat. The Hobgoblin swung a heavy mace, aiming for Darian's head. He blocked the blow with his armored forearm, the force reverberating through his chitin.

The Hobgoblin roared in frustration, raising the mace for another strike. Darian seized the opportunity, his claws striking with blinding speed. The Hobgoblin's weapon fell from his grasp along with his arm as Darian's other claw punctured his chest. It gurgled a final protest before collapsing to the ground.

The Vescarid swarm pressed the advantage, driving the remaining goblins into a corner of the clearing. Trapped and outnumbered, the goblins fought desperately, their cries of defiance gradually giving way to screams of despair.

Darian watched the last of the resistance flee down the mountain, his blood-stained mandibles clicking in satisfaction. He surveyed the battlefield, his gaze falling on the piles of goblin corpses being dragged toward the hive. The mountain was rapidly becoming a mass graveyard, the grey untouched stone, now stained with blood and even a little ichor.

Something caught his attention, a faint shimmer of real steel at the edge of the clearing. He turned his gaze, his eyes narrowing as he spotted a group of humans darting toward the tree line.


He fought claw and mandible as his conflicting instincts surged within him. The humans were a threat, one he could easily eliminate on a small scale. But Fayne... she was different. She had proven herself useful, and more importantly, she had struck a bargain.

"Hunters," Darian hissed through the hive mind. "Target the others. Leave her unharmed." Not bothering to specify as the intentions of his orders were more important than the words themselves.

The Hunters moved into position, their spines aimed at Fayne's allies. He held no allegiance to the surface races, but he would still honor his deal with Fayne, so long as she continued to provide him biomass. 

Darian watched intently through the eyes of his Hunters as they took position and fired. He was slightly taken aback when the other female deftly leaped aside, weaving between each spine that hurtled her way. His vision was split between each of the two, a strange new feeling that he was beginning to master, hoping to one day view the world through all of his children simultaneously. The other Hunter had attacked at the same time, and still, he made no impact on Fayne's party as the large man blocked the projectiles with his weapon. He could see blood forming on the extremities of the man, but the lack of response from the human was oddly Vescarid.

He felt as the Hunters produced more spines for the second volley, but the party was already on him, not only engaging but dealing significant damage. These people were vastly different than his last encounter, they were much more powerful and barely seemed to break a sweat taking down one and then the other hunter. This was something he would have to address with Lilithar. 

He would either need to further enhance each of his creations or was this train of thought entirely wrong? Perhaps it was only when within the swarm that the Vescarid truly shone. Two Hunters on their own were powerful, but as demonstrated, the enemy simply needed to survive long enough to bridge the gap and engage them in melee combat. A few drones wouldn't have changed anything against more powerful foes. Five, or ten drones? What about fifty Drones, ten Hunters, ten Prowlers, 3 Mireguards, and Darian himself? He likely wouldn't lose a single Vescarid in the conflict and would have absolute control over the battlefield. This might be the way. 

Darian commanded the scouts to retreat, the ambush within the woods was no longer necessary for he would not pursue them. There was much to do and now that the humans have seen him again, he expected more hostility, for isn't that how it always went? 

Another wave of worker drones washed out of the tunnel they had created and began dragging back goblins en-masse while he took a detachment of hunters, prowlers, and a few drones with him into the cave to investigate what Fayne was up to within this mountain. 

With a dozen sets of eyes and many more legs, it was little effort to scour the tunnel system and locate where the humans began their journey in this sad excuse for a goblin hive. He was even able to eliminate a few of the elderly goblins who stayed behind and hid to allow their colony to move quicker, which to their misfortune, was a pointless gesture. Darian stood in the market district of the goblins and stared in awe at the massive beast that lay lifeless at the center, its bulky form having decimated nearly all of the structures with its fall. 

Darian approached the creature with great interest and ran his clawed hands over the segmented armored shell. He manipulated the segments, moving and shifting them this way and that, marveling at their flexibility. Gripping a plate in his hands he pulled and crushed with increasing might, and to his surprise, it did not tear or crack. There was some give to the armor, he felt his claws sink in, but when he released the tension, it sprung back. There were small divets from where he gripped it, but slowly they returned to mere shallow dents.

"Butcher the beast and bring it back to the hive. I want the shell as well, that will be crucial in our next step of evolution." He commanded, tearing a piece of the tender flesh underneath and taking it into his maw. Tough… but acceptable Darian thought to himself before issuing another command to the hive as a whole. "When every piece of flesh is returned to the hive, begin work on a tunnel, we must combine our upper layer with this crude system and improve upon it. It will be an excellent expansion for our home." and with that Darian pried loose a crushed goblin from the body of the Goliath, slung it over his shoulder, and headed home. 

Lilithar greeted her master as he entered her chambers, dropping a body at her feet and returning the greeting. 

"For you, Lilithar" he bowed deeply.

"Thank you, your Highness, I presume the hunt was a great success?" She inquired, beginning the process of stripping the creature of its cloth and gear, to expose the supple flesh.

"Did you not observe?" He asked, not disapprovingly, rather curious as to what she would have been preoccupied with to prevent such a simple action.

"My apologies master, I was otherwise engaged." Lilithar turned to beckon another form into the room. "Come my sister, come meet your King," 

A much smaller version of Lilithar entered the room, and only then had Darian truly witnessed the changes his Matriarch had gone through these last few days. The young Matriach was slender, almost wiry. She was barely a claw taller than a worker drone, her carapace a dull, muted black, not yet fully developed. Her thorax was small and fragile compared to how her older sister had grown. The abdomen began to swell but still required maturation to produce eggs. Her limbs propelled her toward him with an awkward gait, reminding him of the first time he laid eyes on Lilithar, which caused his human emotions to rise before being overcome by Vescarid pride, cold and approving. 

"It is an honor, my King," she tried to mimic the bow of her master, but upon failing several times, lowered her head in reverence. "You may call this one Nyxalith if it pleases your highness." In what her bow failed to show, her tone made up for many times over. 

"The honor is mine young one, you show the same promise your elder sibling exhibited when she was but a hatchling. Feast much and often, for nothing is off limits to the heart of the Vescarid. I look forward to seeing your first clutch of eggs." Darian slipped into the hive's mind and in a few short moments, drones were bringing slabs of prepared flesh and placing it before the young brood-mother. 

Nyxalith shied away from his gaze, his words sparking the fierce loyalty that filled each of her kind and pushed them to perform at 100% at any given moment. 

"As you command," skipping the attempt to bow, she lowered her head once more, hesitated, and then began to feast. 

Turning his attention to Lilithar, he finally had time to admire the beautiful monstrosity she had become. Now close to full maturity, Lilithar towered over Darian, her chitinous armor rivaling even Caretaker in sheer density and durability. Her carapace was as though it were polished a deep, glossy sheen, darker than the void itself and yet appearing to shimmer at times. In contrast to Nyxalith, her thorax was broad and imposing, the plating interlocking seamlessly to shield her vital core. The once meager abdomen now swelled into a massive sac, pulsating with egg-laying potential, as even now while interacting with her queen, it was clear she was formulating a new breed of Vescarid to aid the hive. She lay on the Vescora, for to heft her bulk would take enormous effort, though her powerful yet elegant limbs were surely up for the task. 

Darian didn't recall if this was his doing, but atop her head seemed to rest… no, formed from her head itself was a crown of chitin, a crest of jagged ridges symbolizing her position as Prime Matriarch. Unlike Darian, her mandibles were fierce and pronounced, capable of shredding the toughest hide and shattering the hardest stone. This reminded him of one of his reasons for being here and he snapped out of his trance and approached her with care, resting his hand on her abdomen, feeling the eggs inside. She shuddered at his touch. 

"There is much to be done, but few are of immediate concern. I wanted to talk to you about replacing the worker drones, for it is clear they are not fit for combat." his hand absentmindedly stroked her form, delighting in her very existence, for she had done more for the hive these past few days than he could have ever hoped. 

"Then I have more good news for you… Darian," she felt out his name, risking his ire by omitting his royal title. When he didn't protest, she continued, "I am nearly done creating exactly what you have asked. I have been in the process of crafting a fierce but light infantry unit to overwhelm our enemies with their speed and ruthless aggression." her core warmed as she revealed her surprise. "Though it would be better if I showed you," Lilithar waved Darian toward her so that she could look into his eyes.

Standing before her, Darian watched as she brought two of her four primary claws up to his face to cradle it in her hands. As he looked up into her eyes, his mind flooded with the intricate images of the creation stirring within the clutch of eggs in her abdomen. 

Darian found himself dragged into a similar mind space as he communicated with the High-Queen in. The Vescora was everywhere and the voice of Lilithar echoed much as his mother did, encompassing the entire realm, coating everything in her presence. 

"I do hope you approve of my gift to the hive, my master," her voice radiating through and around him as a figure revealed itself from the shadows. 

It was a Vescarid at its core, its segmented carapace unmistakably of the swarm, but its form was distinctly lupine. The sleek, angular body was built with speed and lethality in mind, its chitinous plates flowing like natural armor that seemed to breathe with the creature's movements.

Its four primary legs were long and muscular, jointed like the early predators brought back as biomass when the hive was still young. The claws at their tips ready to carve through flesh and stone alike. Its secondary limbs, closer to its thorax, were tucked close to its body but extended as his gaze met them. Each one was armed with talons that would make short work of anything but the strongest of human armors, and even then, with enough help even that would not stand before their might.

The head drew Darian's attention, its elongated snout filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth that gleamed in the dim glow that illuminated the mind-space. It snarled silently, the low growl reverberated in Darian's chest. Unlike its kin, this variety did not possess mandibles, which disturbed him but seemed to fit with the more mammal-like form of the beast. Its glowing purple eyes were fixed and unblinking, a string of orbs that ran up the side of its head in a row. They seemed to pierce every shadow as they scanned the area for prey.

"It is swift," Lilithar continued, her tone exuding satisfaction. "Designed for pursuit, for tearing prey apart in coordinated waves. Imagine them running down those who flee our domain, their speed unmatched, their teamwork flawless as they flank, corner, and surround even the most formidable of our enemies."

Darian's gaze shifted to the tail, whip-like and tipped with a sharp, segmented barb. It swayed with the same deadly precision as the rest of the creature, ready to strike or stabilize the beast during high-speed maneuvers.

"It has the pack mentality of the predators your human memories recall," Lilithar added, "Yet, it is Vescarid. It obeys. It learns. It adapts."

As if in command of her words, several more strode forward, showing a pack of this new breed in motion. They moved as one, their steps synchronized to the point of perfection. Several human forms stepped forward, ready to demonstrate Lilthar's creation. One of her creations leaped onto a ledge, slashing downward with its scythe-like talons as another darted between its legs to finish the kill with a throat-tearing bite. Others circled in, cutting off escape routes, driving the prey into the claws and teeth of their kin.

Darian felt the faint hum of approval emanating from his Vescarid instincts. These creatures were exceptional, a true blending of efficiency and ferocity. Yet, his human mind itched with questions. "Their armor is light," he noted, his voice a low rumble. "They sacrifice protection for speed. Will they endure?"

"They are not meant to endure," Lilithar replied, her voice cold and logical. "They are meant to overwhelm. To strike before an enemy knows they are hunted. Their speed and ferocity will eliminate most threats before they can retaliate."

"They will serve," he finally said, "Can you make many? Will this take time to see the fruits of your labor?" he asked, concerned at the complexity of the beasts.

"I will spawn endless tides. When we return, I will be ready to produce fifty eggs with more to come as the spoils of your recent raid are brought to me. In the coming week, they should number in the hundreds, possibly more if Nyxalith matures quickly." Lilithar marched the new creation to face Darian as they lowered their front legs in a bow, a declaration of their loyalty.

"Then let us return, I am eager to meet the newest addition to our family." As Darian's words entered the mind-space, he felt himself being pulled from it and returning to his body. 

"Your will be done… Darian." she lowered her massive body until her head matched his. 

Darian cupped the side of her face in his hand, "You have done well Lilithar. I wish you ease and comfort as you birth the next generation, as you bring into the world our… Razormaw." He removed his hand and began to walk away before turning for two last words, "Thank you".