Chapter 6: nature's attribute, nature's talent


After taking care of Ji Li and a few other babies, while Hua Jing already decided on which babies he would take under his wing, he went out and checked on the trainees that were panicking, giving them again a slightly quiet yelling session and telling them to come back the next day so he would properly give them an introduction into their responsibilities.


A few hours later, when it was getting dark, at the courier's entrance gate, Tian Xuan arrived and knocked at the door, to which it was opened from the other side.

"Jing'er..." He started while stepping forward to hug Hua Jing, acting too intimately for Ji Li's taste if he saw it. "I will have to leave shortly. Do you remember that I was serving the first prince when we were younger?"

After a short blush, Hua Jing calmed his mind and questioned, "First Prince? I heard he just came of age this year too. After all the happenings in the imperial harem..." he thought back to all the drama that happened. "I remember that you served him during a hectic time, right? I thought you stopped working there for a long time because he got new long-time servants.

Tian Xuan, while hugging, came a bit closer to his obvious partner and whispered to him, "I didn't tell you before because it was a 'secret', but now it's different. When he was just 9 and I started working for him, after what seemed to be small tests of loyalty, he taught me some cultivation methods. Later on, when he was 12 and got proper servants, he sent me away with martial arts and gave me the advanced and 'proper' version of the cultivation.

I have been cultivating the advanced version now for 4 years and have made considerate progress... He helped me awaken my Nature's Attribute -" he continued. "My Attribute is Wind, and my Talent is 'Vivid Gale', it's a type of fast and strengthening wind stream."

In this world, there are many types of awakenings. The Emerald Brilliance Empire is known for its 'Natures Attribute' and 'Attribute Talent'. After strengthening the four body stages and opening up the sixth sense, which enables one to actively perceive Essence, the energy of nature, one can awaken through special methods. The Emerald Brilliance Empire is known for its wide range of nature and vast Greenland, which gave it its name. Their ancestry discovered a special fruit from a tree, the Emerald Tree, a tree with translucent green leaves. After researching this fruit, it gave them special powers that awakened their soul compatibility with certain elements.

A normal person can awaken on their own after strengthening the four body stages and opening the sixth sense, but what they awaken might not be a Nature's Attribute if their compatibility with any of the six main elements isn't high. Other countries have other awakening methods, and truth be told, Nature's Attribute is not one of the stronger ones. The fruit of the Emerald Tree, Nature's Gift, is different in this regard. It gives a pre-awakening cultivator a guaranteed chance to awaken their attribute as long as they have any compatibility with the elements, and additionally, they give the awakened the "Attribute Talent" which is a special Talent that originates from their Attribute.

In this case, Tian Xuan has a 'Vivid Gale', it's a Talent that originates from their attribute and goes into the direction of buff and attack, as it is a strong wind stream that could be used in an attack while also strengthening targeted people. Talent is compatibility based on your soul, meaning that even if Tian Xuan didn't awaken with Nature's Gift and used another country's or organisation's awakening method, he'd still go into the direction of buffing and attacking.

The miraculous effect of Nature's Gift is to combine their attributes with their soul compatibility to create a special and unique ability. Though there can be similarities among the same Attribute Talent, they are never the same. Everyone is, sometimes just slightly, different from each other. This fruit tree gave the early Fei (emerald) Tribe an advantage in the early ages, as bloodline could carry on the body's compatibility of attributes, not talent, and it's also not a 100% chance for two wind attribute parents to create a wind attribute child, but it's a larger possibility.

After discovering the Emerald Tree, the Fei Tribe always tried to research it, and now, thousands of years later, it could be publicly bought at the price of 10.000 ES, equivalent to a High Essence Stone, the currency used worldwide, as it is a natural mineral produced in places with a higher than average density of Essence. The basic commoner's household with two workers would earn around 100 ES monthly, so it was not a cheap price. Although it was publicly available, it didn't weaken the Empire, which itself decided to sell 90% of their yearly wield, 9.000, throughout the year.

As the discoverer and long-time researcher, the Fei Tribe had a special inheritable talent that could suppress and support all other attributes when on the same level or below. The Imperial Family repeatedly produced many of the strongest fighters, and with a few of their children every few years, they had enough power to overwhelm any enemy that had any nature-related element.

"Vivid Gale? Sounds inte... wait, he bought you Nature's Gift? Wh... why?" asked Hua Jing nervously.

"What do you mean, why?" Tian Xuan hugged tighter and asked, upset. "Of course, because your... I am strong, and he saw my potential! Anyway, he started recruiting for his guard team and asked me if I wanted to join. I, of course, accepted! This way, I will repay him for everything he's done for me. Me and a few other servants of that time accepted that, additionally, with his private Imperial Guard, we would be his guard's team and work for him."

"Yes! You are right; this is a big opportunity for you. Next year I will become an Intermediate Eunuch and also gain a Nature's Gift, as it doesn't matter which age one is when taking it, as long as they strengthened their four body stages and opened their sixth sense. To be honest, I finished that some time ago when I was in my last year of being a trainee. I had cultivated over a long time because we Eunuchs don't usually need to be that strong."

"That's good. Since you get your fruit from the empire, I don't have to worry about getting you one. At least you will have a way to protect yourself after awakening while I'm away."

"Are you going to be far away? Can you write me letters?" said Hua Jing while snuggling slightly.

"Of course, but why are you worrying about me? Aren't you busy with having three little brothers to mentor? Go back fast and check on them; don't worry about me. I will just train and not leave the capital, and if I do, then it's just the prince going out... I will tell you whenever I am not in the capital, now go away fast," replied Tian Xuan while letting go of Hua Jing.

Hua Jing looked back again and again while moving towards the Trainees Yard's baby building.

"Jing'er, I will be busy for a bit, but for our future! Haha, that small baby looked so serious when he saw us. He is a smart and polite little brother," said Tian Xuan lightly as he also left.


The following days, it went for Ji Li very boring. Besides the second day, when Hua Jing properly yelled and taunted the trainee eunuchs, he didn't really do much and was always in a sulky mood.

Meanwhile, Ji Li tried to learn the language by himself, while Jing was mumbling and rambling all the time. He didn't need to be a genius to know what a frown meant.

His daily routine was waking up, drinking milk, looking around the house, especially at the small, cute babies left and right, even though he was a baby himself, pooping, getting cleaned, and repeat.