Naerys was quite shocked, she didn't expect to be proposed by Lucian of all people I mean it's not like that I'm mad, still isn't it too sudden? I mean he sure is handsome, and most of all my businesses partner.However it still doesn't explain why me?
As Naerys asked "Why me?"
"Oh, yes I didn't explain my reasons, well as you know, I still haven't inherit the tiltle of a count after everything I've done. The reason is quite simple my father simply said he can't pass the title to a unmarried person. My old man is quite old fashioned."
"Oh, it was like that." what was I thinking. Of course Lucian has a valid reason to propose me.
"However, if I marry you, what benefit there is for me? Unlike you I've already inherit the title of a count." Naerys said with a firm look.
"Yes, you are right, but my lady I'm aware of your situation. Even though you inherited the title of countess Rosetti, your position is still unstable, isn't it? Lucian said with a composed face.
Naerys after breifly looking at Lucian with a poker face said "It seems you came well prepared, however I still don't see why I should accept your proposal."
"Yes, I'm aware my lady, but what if I say, if you accept my proposal, I would allow your trading comapny to trade at my territory?"
With a slight smile Naerys said "Now that's what I'm talking about."
Anastasia, Jeremy and Marriane were waiting for a right moment to approach countess Rosetti. after a while, the Countess leave the Inn with a man. As they saw them leaving they quickly followed them.
"So are we stalking someone?" Marriane said while giggling "It's really fun."
"You fool! stop joking around." jeremy said with serious expression.
Then Anastasia said with a concern look "Guys, I think we've been found."
Just then, a man from behind caught them and lifted them with thier roabs "What do we have here?" Lucian said with an amused look.
"Let us go, you fool!" Jeremy said while struggling to get free from his grasp.
"You are quite the rude one, huhh?" Lucian said while putting them down.
Naerys approched them and said "So care to explain, why you little kids are following us?"
Marriane said with an annoyed expression "First of all we are not kids! second why would we follow you? I guess you guys were following us, yeah that would explain things."
Jeremy with a quite sigh said "Ignore her she is just a kid." Marriane after listening to Jeremy response said with an angry expression "I would kill you today, you good for nothing brat." Anastasia stopped Marriane from hitting Jeremy.
As Jeremy continue "We need help." he said with a firm expression.
"What is wrong with your expression kid? You ask for help with that face?" Lucian said while observing the children.
"I think we should first move to a better location, to continue our conversation." Naerys said while looking around.
Anastasia nod while looking at her friends and said "Okey, we will follow you."
As they moved to a nearby cafe and setteled at a table near the window, after ordering two cup of coffee and 3 hot chocolate Naerys said "So, what do you guys need? You all seem to be from a noble families, so where are your parents?"
At first children didn't response, after a brief silent the three of them finally spoke "Can we trust you?"
Lucian and Naerys looked at each other in confusion then Lucian said "Why would you ask such a question? of course we are more then willing to help some lost children."
Naerys said, "Yes, you guys can tell us what the problem is, if it is within our reah we will help you."
The three of them nodded at each other before removing their respective robes.
As soon as Naerys and Lucian looked at the children, their eyes widened with shock, and the cup of coffee in Lucian's hands fell.
Princ...princess and the heir of the house Willos and Niolle?
"It's quite the reaction." Jeremy said while smirking.
"What are the princess and the young lords are doing here? shouldn't you be in the Aurelia?" Lucian said with a troubled expression.
"Your Royal highness and young masters, I suppose there is quite a lot to explain." Naerys said while looking at the three chidren.
As she said that Anastasia and Jeremy started to explain there situation, excluding the details.
After some time there was only silent at the table no one spoke a word. Marriane broke the tension while saying "So, what is your answer? will you take us directly to the capital or at Duke Ravenshore's territory ?
Naerys and Lucian not sure how to handle the situation, they hesited for a while, as it was the matter concerning the Royalty, but then they came to a decision and said in unison "Alright, we will help you, however there is a condition."