APÓS O ATAQUE: TENSÕES EM FROSTHAVENApós o ataque surpresa de Dorian e as perdas sofridas, Allan organiza a reconstrução de Frosthaven, mas o descontentamento cresce entre certos grupos. Líderes tribais: Os clãs tribais estão divididos. Alguns acreditam no sonho de Allan de construir uma grande fortaleza, enquanto outros o veem como um fardo desnecessário que os afasta de suas tradições nômades. Os clãs Frostpeak, liderados por Bjorn Frostbane, estão especialmente descontentes após a morte de Thalrik, e muitos questionam se vale a pena morrer por Frosthaven. Cena no Conselho Tribal: Bjorn Frostbane: - Meu pai deu a vida por isso, Allan. Ele acreditou no que você prometeu. Mas tudo o que vimos desde então é sangue e perda. Você quer que cortemos mais árvores, cavemos mais pedras... E quando será suficiente? Quando não há mais nada para dar?

Allan: (calmo, mas firme) - Não vai acabar enquanto Dorian ainda respirar. Ele matou seu pai. Ele queimou nossas terras. Frosthaven não é só para mim, Bjorn. É para todos nós. Um dia, quando o sul chegar, você verá por que vale a pena.Bjorn: (desconfiado) - Talvez. Mas lembre-se, Allan. Os homens do norte não se curvam por muito tempo.(Bjorn sai, deixando uma atmosfera pesada na sala. Outros líderes tribais trocam olhares incertos sobre sua lealdade.)

TENSÕES ENTRE SOLDADOSSoldados do Sul vs. Guerreiros do Norte:O exército de Frosthaven é composto por dois grupos distintos:Os soldados leais a Allan, que fugiram do sul com ele. Os guerreiros tribais, lutando por suas terras e costumes. Essas diferenças culturais começam a causar atrito. Os soldados do sul veem os guerreiros tribais como indisciplinados e primitivos, enquanto os guerreiros tribais veem os soldados como arrogantes e alheios ao modo de vida do norte. Cena no campo de treinamento:

Durante uma sessão de treinamento, um soldado do sul fica frustrado com um guerreiro tribal que se recusa a seguir ordens. Soldado do Sul: - Você só sabe gritar e correr como animais! Este não é um exército; é uma matilha de lobos!Guerreiro Tribal: (com raiva) - E os lobos do norte esmagaram mais inimigos do que seus exércitos do sul arruinados!(Uma briga começa e Allan chega para separá-la.)Allan: (gritando) - Chega! Você acha que o sul vai nos poupar porque estamos muito ocupados lutando uns contra os outros? Eles não vão. Eu quero ver disciplina. Eu quero ver unidade. Ou posso muito bem cavar suas sepulturas agora.(Embora ele controle a situação, Allan percebe que precisa fazer mais para integrar os dois grupos.)

A INFLUÊNCIA DE ESPIÕES E RUMORESRumores espalhados por Dorian:Dorian sabe que Frosthaven é jovem e suas alianças ainda são frágeis. Ele usa espiões para espalhar rumores entre os aliados tribais, sugerindo que Allan os está usando para lutar em suas batalhas pessoais e que, quando Frosthaven estiver pronto, ele descartará as tribos como "selvagens inúteis". Cena:

Lyanna intercepta um dos rumores enquanto fala com guerreiros tribais. Guerreiro Tribal: - Dizem que quando as paredes estiverem prontas, Allan nos expulsará e governará o norte como um rei do sul.Lyanna: (frustrada) - Quem disse isso?Tribal Warrior:— We heard it from travelers. They say Allan wants a crown, not a home.(Lyanna tries to contain the rumors, but they continue to spread, planting seeds of distrust.)


Bjorn Frostbane Confronts Allan:

Bjorn, influenced by the rumors and dissatisfaction, leads a faction of tribes that decides to leave Frosthaven, taking essential supplies and resources with them.

Allan tries to negotiate, but Bjorn accuses him of being a tyrant disguised as a savior.



— You don't understand the north, Allan. You want to turn us into something we're not. The southern men betrayed us before, and you're no different.

Allan: (trying to stay calm)

— I am not Dorian. I fought for this land. I bled for it. And I will not fight against you, Bjorn. Not because I'm afraid, but because I know one day you'll see what we're trying to build.

Bjorn: (turning his back)

— Maybe. But when that day comes, we won't be here to see it.

(Bjorn and his followers leave Frosthaven, taking valuable resources and leaving a void in Allan's military strength.)


Rising Tensions:

With Bjorn's departure, other tribal leaders begin to question Allan's leadership.

A small group of southern soldiers also begins to murmur about how Frosthaven is "wasting resources" trying to please the tribes.

Scene in the Council:

Remaining Tribal Leader:

— Bjorn is gone, and I can't say he was wrong. Maybe you're trying to build something the north never wanted.

Elara: (intervening calmly)

— The north never wanted an empire. But it never wanted destruction either. Frosthaven is more than walls. It's hope. And that's... something you can't abandon.


Allan realizes that the only way to unite Frosthaven again is to show that he is willing to sacrifice as much as he asks of others. He decides to personally lead a dangerous expedition to recover the resources Bjorn took.

Departure Scene:

Lyanna: (worried)

— You're going to lead this alone? What if it's a trap?

Allan: (seriously)

— If I'm not willing to risk my life for Frosthaven, why would they?

During the expedition, Allan faces Bjorn again, but this time he proves his determination by saving a group of tribesmen from a bandit attack. Bjorn realizes that Allan truly fights for everyone, not just the south.

Bjorn: (after being saved by Allan)

— Maybe I was wrong about you, boy. Maybe you have something worth following.

(Bjorn returns to Frosthaven with his warriors, restoring some of the lost unity.)FINAL IMPACT OF PARTIAL UNITYAchievements:

Allan demonstrates his leadership, regaining the loyalty of some of the tribes.

He begins integrating the southern soldiers and tribal warriors with joint training, using their differences as strength.


Distrust still exists, and the loyalty of allies may be tested again at a critical moment.

Dorian's spies continue spreading doubts, preparing the ground for a larger internal conflict.


Despite the difficulties, Allan finds ways to overcome divisions and regain the trust of tribal leaders, soldiers, and civilians. His leadership, personal sacrifice, and vision of Frosthaven as a refuge for all begin to bear fruit.

Reconciliation with the Northern TribesAfter saving Bjorn Frostbane and his warriors from a bandit attack, Allan shows that he is willing to fight for every ally. This convinces the Frostpeak clans and other skeptical groups to return to Frosthaven.

Reconciliation Scene:

Bjorn Frostbane: (kneeling before Allan, a rare gesture for a tribal leader)

— You proved you're different, Allan Drakov. You don't see us as tools, but as war brothers. For that, my strength is yours. And from my warriors, you'll have loyalty to the end.

(The other tribal leaders present bang their fists on their chests as a sign of respect, sealing the renewed alliance.)This reconciliation not only brings back important warriors but also strengthens the presence of the tribes in the north, ensuring that Frosthaven has a network of allies around its borders.


With resources and unity partially restored, Allan redoubles efforts to turn Frosthaven into an unbreakable fortress.

Double Walls Completed:The construction of the walls is finished, creating an impressive defensive system.


The outer wooden walls are reinforced with battlements for tribal archers.

The inner stone walls, with fortified gates and watch towers, are nearly impenetrable.

Scene of Completion:

Allan and Lyanna watch from the top of the inner walls as the last stone block is placed.

Lyanna: (smiling)

— Double walls. It's a bit... excessive, don't you think?

Allan: (calm)

— When Dorian's armies come, I want them to look at this and know they will never pass.

Active Patrols and Watch Towers:New towers are erected in the nearby forests and mountains, connected by secret trails. This allows patrols to detect any enemy movement before they approach Frosthaven.

Underground Tunnels:

The underground storage depots are completed, protecting essential supplies from potential sabotage.

Trap Addition: Mira leads the creation of traps in the false tunnels, ensuring any invader suffers heavy losses.


With the reconciliation between southern soldiers and tribal warriors, Allan finally unifies the forces of Frosthaven, creating a hybrid army that combines the best of both worlds.

New Army Divisions:Ice Guards:

An elite force composed of experienced tribesmen and loyal southern soldiers, trained to fight in the extreme northern conditions.

Features: Reinforced armor with pelts and weapons adapted for fast combat.

Skarnvald Archers:

Tribal archers led by Lyanna, known for their deadly precision and guerrilla tactics in the forests.

Heavy Cavalry of Drakov:

Allan revives the tradition of heavy cavalry from the old empire, using the few cold-resistant horses that remain. They are used as an impact force in crucial battles.

Training Scene:

In the training field, southern soldiers and tribal warriors train together. Initially, there is friction, but Lyanna and Allan personally lead the exercises, showing that unity is essential.



— They still look at each other as enemies.

Allan:— And they need to stop. The south doesn't care about our differences. They just want to destroy us. If they want to live, they'll learn.(The two demonstrate guerrilla tactics and group combat, gaining the respect of the soldiers and tribesmen.)


The frozen soil of the north is still a major obstacle, but with the help of tribal elders and experimentation, Frosthaven develops a solution to feed its people.

Innovative Solutions:Rustic Greenhouses:

Using wood and treated ice, Frosthaven builds greenhouses to protect crops from the extreme cold.

Irrigation Systems:

Small channels are created from frozen rivers, directing water to the fields.

Adapted Crops:

Tribes teach ancient techniques for growing root vegetables that can thrive in frozen climates.


During the first successful harvest, Allan celebrates with the farmers.


— It's a small step, but an important one.

Allan:— It's not small, mother. It's the beginning of something no one thought was possible here.


With Frosthaven stronger, Allan decides it's time to send a message to the south. He orders the Eyes of Frosthaven to carry out a major sabotage against Dorian's supplies.

The Operation:Allan's spies intercept information about a supply caravan heading to Velkaris, carrying weapons and provisions.

Mira and Garran lead the mission, ambushing the caravan in a ravine.


The caravan is destroyed, and the supplies are burned, causing a significant impact on Dorian's army.

Message from Allan:

A Frosthaven banner is left at the site with a message engraved:

"You burned our lands. Now, we burn yours."


After weeks of work, sacrifice, and victory, Allan holds a ceremony to mark the completion of Frosthaven's walls and defenses. He calls the people together to reaffirm his vision and inspire unity.



— Look around you. Look at these walls, these towers, these lands. This was not built by one man. It was built by all of us. Every stone, every arrow, every sacrifice brought us here.

(He raises his sword before the crowd, with his golden eyes shining in the firelight.)— Let the south hear our voices. Let Dorian know that we will not fall. Frosthaven is not just a kingdom. It is an oath. And it is a home.(The crowd cheers and shouts "Frosthaven!" uniting the people for now.)RESULTS OF ACHIEVEMENTSFrosthaven Becomes a Fortress:

With the walls completed, the army unified, and agricultural production growing,