[Merchant Street: Hidden Junk] The afternoon sun cast long shadows as Arlo made his way west from Maria's shop, following the winding streets until he spotted a weathered sign reading "The Hidden Junk." Despite the shabby exterior, the shop itself was surprisingly massive – a two-story building that seemed to stretch far deeper than its storefront suggested.
Bigger on the inside, huh? Arlo mused as he pushed open the door, triggering a melodic chime. Classic fantasy shop vibes.
The interior was organized chaos, packed with other Pioneers browsing through an eclectic collection of merchandise. Clothes from every conceivable era lined the walls – medieval leather armor hung next to Victorian tailcoats, while modern tactical gear shared space with ornate robes. Display cases housed an array of artifacts: crystalline orbs pulsing with ethereal light, steampunk gadgets whirring with mysterious purpose, and retro electronics that looked straight out of an '80s sci-fi film
This isn't a thrift shop, Arlo thought, weaving between crowded aisles. It's like someone raided every movie prop department and magical dungeon they could find.
As Arlo walk around the shop, he saw his reflection the glass. His face which was normal but his brown eyes is more deep in color and it was so deep it could absorb the souls of others.
Arlo remembered the cogitation he did before, in the novel Old Neil said that initial step was simple. He closed his eyes and his mind depicted his smartphone.His concentration seemed to be more easily focused than before. soon, random thoughts that surfaced vanish, leaving the smartphone's Outline.
Then Arlo let his imagination run wild, just like what Old Neil said to Klein "Let your brain go somewhat blank. Exchange the object you imagined. Use something that does not exist in this world, an object you imagine completely out of thin air. You have to follow this rule. Only by doing so can you enter Cogitation, only then can you exceed the concept of 'I.' The limitless 'I' will be become one with the universe, giving you the ability to see and understand the truth. You will obtain knowledge only you yourself can understand."
Arlo outline a spherical light that is similar to what a spirit bomb from dragon balls and gather all the small ball of light until all the ball of light are one. Then Arlo's thought became ethereal and afloat
His Body and mind calmed down. Just like what Goku did with the spirit bomb, Arlo's spirituality extended inch by inch and absorb the spirit bomb.
Arlo's entered cogitation very smoothly then he used his [Spirit Vision], then he raises his and place them in front of his eyes. He put two index finger in his eyes but not touching them.
Then Arlo opened his eyes and focused on the spot behind his hands. Then he slowly moved his hands and maintaining the same pose without touching them.
Suddenly, Arlo a fiery-red color in between his fingers. He saw colors, which the initial step for spirit vision and he tried multiple times until, Arlo got used to using spirit vision.
Based on the novel in using spirit vision, Arlo can see the outermost layer which is the [Ether Body]. It is a manifestation of a person's vital energies and physical form. The aura color seen by spirit Vision is an external phenomenon of Ether Body. From their thickness, brightness, and color, one can determine a person's health and emotional state.
Arlo looked at the people in the shop and saw different colors of the Ether body. Red for limbs, Purple for the head, Yellow for digestion system, heart and other regulatory systems is green, and Throat and other parts of the nervous system. He also saw in the people in the shop that their bodies are clocked in white which mean they are healthy.
Arlo was very happy to what he achieve and thought I finally grasp using spirit vision but.. I need to end it starting to become as little painful between my eye brows.
Arlo thought To exit spirit vision, I need to divert my focus to another Item and order my spirituality to end.
He also remember by tapping twice in his glabella to exit and tapping twice to enter. He finally completely grasp spirit vision entering and exiting but he need a much better way other than tapping his glabella to enter Cogitation.
"Alright let's continue are shopping to avoid being weird to other people" as Arlo murmured.
He gravitated toward a clothing section that matched his aesthetic: sleek, dark, and practical. A black suit caught his eye, complete with a matching vest and long coat. The fabric felt high-quality despite the "second-hand" label. He added several basic items to his haul – shirts, pants, and a couple of jackets that wouldn't look out of place in either a modern city or a fantasy realm. He bought some of them for his daily use and for his quest in other world
As Arlo walk around the he arrive at the weapon section of the shop their was different weapon displayed their such as sword, knives, and different firearms. That's when he saw it. Nestled in a glass case between various weapons, a familiar pistol caught his attention.
Arlo's heart skipped a beat as he activated his Observe skill.
[Observe Activated]
[TTI JW4 Pit Viper] [Rare]
Pistol, Level 7
Damage: 10-40
Durability: 100/100 Stats: +3 Dexterity
Effect: 50% Critical Hit Chance for every weak points
Description: Once wielded by a legendary assassin who left an impressive body count in his wake.
Holy shit, Arlo's inner fanboy screamed. That's John Wick's gun. The actual gun from Chapter 4. What are the odds?
"I see you've got good taste, young man." Arlo startled at the gravelly voice behind him.
An elderly shopkeeper had materialized seemingly from nowhere, his eyes twinkling with knowing amusement. He wore a worn leather apron covered in various tools and trinkets.
"How much?" Arlo asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite his excitement.
"300 credits," the old man replied, adjusting his spectacles. "But I should warn you – without proper training, it's just an expensive paperweight."
Arlo grimaced. With only 1300 credits left, spending 300 on a gun would leave him dangerously low on funds. "I'd need a skill card too, wouldn't I?"
"Ah, as it happens..." The shopkeeper reached into his apron and pulled out a semi-transparent card that shimmered with data.
"I might have exactly what you need." Of course you do, Arlo thought wryly. Convenient old shopkeeper is convenient. But he couldn't deny his interest. "Let's see it then."
The old man held up the skill card, its surface catching the light. "Firearm Mastery. It's not top-tier, but it'll get you started." He paused, a slight smile playing at his lips. "I could make you a package deal.
Arlo's hand instinctively went to his BrainLink, checking his credits. This could clean him out, but... When else am I going to find John Wick's actual gun? Sometimes you had to take risks to get the good loot.
"I'm listening," he said, already knowing he was probably going to regret this decision. But hey, at least he'd look cool while being broke.
The old man's smile widened, and Arlo could've sworn he saw a glimmer of approval in those ancient eyes. "Well then, let's talk business..."
If Aria could see me now, Arlo thought, she'd probably smack me for spending my startup fund on movie memorabilia. Even if it is a legitimately deadly weapon.
Following the old man to the skill card section, Arlo tried to maintain his composure despite his rapidly diminishing credits. The display case held rows of shimmering cards, each containing different abilities and masteries
"The Firearm Mastery card will be 300 credits," the old man said, carefully removing it from the case. "Combined with the Pit Viper, it's quite the investment, I will throw even a case of 9mm bullet for free."
"Thanks for your help with all this," Arlo said, then hesitated before asking, "I didn't catch your name, by the way?"
The old man's eyes crinkled with amusement. "Michael Seaworth, owner of this fine establishment. And you are?"
"Arlo Leeroy" as Arlo replied
Michael asked "Say, how'd you hear about this place?"
Arlo replied "Maria recommended it, actually."
"Ah, Maria." Michael nodded with immediate recognition. "She's quite selective about who she sends my way."
studied Arlo for a moment. "You're new to the HUB, aren't you?"
"That obvious, huh?" Arlo admitted.
Michael chuckled. "Like a country bumpkin in a Futuristic City. No offense meant – we were all new once."
Arlo felt his face heat up. Great, might as well have 'tourist' stamped on my forehead.
Michael's expression suddenly turned serious. "Listen, since you're new, let me give you some advice. The HUB might seem safe, but you need to watch your back. Especially when it comes to the Guilds."
"The Guilds?" Arlo's hand instinctively tightened around the skill card. "What do you mean?"
Michael's voice dropped lower. "People die in this city, Arlo. Or worse – become slaves to the Guilds. They prey on newcomers from outside by the system. Never, never sign a contract without reading every line of fine print. That's how they trap you."
"Why are you telling me this?" Arlo asked, studying the old man's face.
Michael sighed, adjusting a tool on his apron. "I try to warn everyone who comes through here, but most newcomers... they get dazzled by the Guilds' false promises. Some Guilds are legitimate, mind you, but many aren't what they seem."
Sounds like every mega-corp dystopia story ever, Arlo thought. Except this is real.
"Now then," Michael said, activating his BrainLink, "let's total up your purchases. The clothes come to 30 credits, 300 for the Pit Viper, and 300 for the Firearm Mastery. That's 630 credits total."
Arlo winced as he watched his credits drain away. Down to 670. Fantastic.
"Consider it an investment in staying alive," Michael said, noting Arlo's expression. "Better to be broke and breathing than rich and dead."
"Thanks for everything, Mr. Seaworth," Arlo said, carefully storing his purchases. "Really."
As he headed toward the exit, Arlo's mind raced with Michael's warnings. Note to self: add 'avoiding predatory Guilds' to the growing list of survival priorities. Right after 'don't get murdered' and 'figure out how to make more credits.'
Leaving The Hidden Junk behind, Arlo's mind churned with Michael's warnings. Being a Seer might give him an edge, but there was clearly much about this world he still didn't understand. At least his abilities might help him spot manipulation before it was too late.
Walking through the bustling shopping district, Arlo spotted a small occult supply store tucked between modern shops. He pushed open the door, triggering a chime that echoed strangely in the dim interior. The shelves held supplies for both divination and ritualistic magic, but Arlo knew which path he preferred.
"Ritualistic magic means dealing with entities," he muttered to himself, moving past shelves of ceremonial implements. "I've got enough problems without inviting something nasty into my life."
Instead, he focused on the divination section. The shopkeeper, a quiet woman with silver-streaked hair, helped him select what he needed: a deck of tarot cards with peculiar symbols, a scrying mirror bound in dark wood, a set of ancient-looking coins, and a crystal pendulum.
The total came to 70 credits – expensive, but necessary tools for developing his abilities.
[Shopping District Train Station]
At the shopping district train station, Arlo opted for one of the floating trains he'd seen gliding above the city. The fare checker scanned his BrainLink, deducting a modest fee.
"Beats paying for a taxi," he said to himself, stepping onto the platform.
The train itself was a marvel of engineering – sleek silver cars that seemed to defy gravity. Arlo found a seat by a window, watching as other passengers filed in. Some were clearly Pioneers like himself, while others moved with the casual confidence of long-time residents.
As the train hummed to life, Arlo pressed his hand against the cool window. The city spread out below him like a luminous circuit board, beautiful and impossibly complex. Streams of flying vehicles wove between towering structures that disappeared into the clouds.
But Michael's warnings cast shadows over the gleaming vista. Beauty could hide danger, and this city had plenty of both. Every bright light cast a dark shadow, and those shadows were where the real power operated.
The train's route took him past massive corporate towers bearing Guild logos. Arlo watched them slide past, wondering how many broken promises and ruined lives those pristine buildings contained. Like a coin, this city had two faces – the shining surface and the grimy underside.
A soft chime announced his arrival at the residential district. Arlo gathered his purchases, nodding to a fellow passenger as he stepped onto the platform. The Quantum Cube rose before him, its reality-bending architecture a reminder of just how far he was from home.
Walking back to the complex, Arlo felt the weight of his new divination tools in his bag. These weren't just fortune-telling toys – they were survival gear. In a world where Guilds preyed on the unwary, the ability to see what others couldn't might make the difference between life and death.
The lobby of the Quantum Cube welcomed him with its usual impossible angles. Arlo's reflection fractured across the geometric surfaces, a dozen versions of himself carrying his day's purchases. Each one a possible future, he thought, and not all of them pleasant.
In the elevator, Arlo checked his remaining credits: 600 credits left. Not much, but he had weapons, clothes, and tools for developing his abilities. More importantly, he had information – warnings about the city's true nature. Some lessons were worth more than credits.
Reaching his floor, Arlo felt a strange mix of exhaustion and anticipation. Tomorrow he'd start learning to use his new tools properly. Tonight, though, he just needed to process everything he'd learned about his new home. Beautiful, dangerous, and far more complex than it appeared at first glance.
"Like a cosmic game of chess," he muttered, unlocking his door. "And I'm still learning how the pieces move."