Chapter 4- New ambition

Tatsumi pov 

Things were getting better, or at least that's what I kept telling myself as I filed through company expenses. My fingers tapped away at the keyboard, the soft clatter blending into the low hum of office chatter around me. The open-plan office was alive with movement, staff discussing reports, phones ringing, and the faint sound of printers whirring in the background. The Border headquarters wasn't much different from any other large corporation, despite its more… dangerous purpose.

I glanced out the window beside my desk. The view wasn't spectacular just the rest of the city skyline, but I couldn't help but stare at it for a moment. My mind kept drifting back to the last few weeks. My son, thank God He'd finally woken up. But he lost all his memories. Still, that was better than the alternative. The thought of it alone tightened my chest. I wanted to check on him so bad just to see him, hold him but he only felt comfortable with my wife present. For now anyway while he adjusted to these frankly overwhelming circumstances.

People passed by my desk, deep in their own conversations, occasionally throwing a greeting my way. I couldn't help but remember the times Takumi and I would sit and play those old retro games. He was never much of an athlete, not like his sister. That's not to say he wasn't capable—when he set his mind to it, he could keep up with her, no question. But it just wasn't his style.

"Tatsumi, how's the financial report for the R&D department coming along?" My boss's voice cut through the low murmur of the office, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced up at Katsumi Karasawa, who was leaning against the doorframe of my office, arms crossed casually. His slicked-back brown hair and the slight smirk that never left his face gave him an air of easy authority. Despite the chatter in the room, everyone seemed to unconsciously quiet down whenever he spoke.

"It'll be on your desk by tomorrow morning," I replied, straightening my glasses.

"Good, good," Karasawa muttered, stepping further into my office and lighting a cigarette. He exhaled a thick cloud of smoke, which immediately mingled with the smell of coffee and the faint scent of fresh paper. I wrinkled my nose.

"Karasawa, I don't know why you insist on smoking here. You could step out, you know," I said, giving him a pointed look as I adjusted my glasses.

"What's the point of being the boss if I can't enjoy a smoke now and then?" he said with a grin, taking another drag. 

Several employees glanced in our direction but didn't dare say anything. I sighed and let it go. Karasawa was a laid-back boss, but he was good at his job. He didn't micromanage, and he trusted his employees. To a newcomer, his relaxed attitude might come off as lazy, but anyone who'd been here long enough knew better. He was elite in his field, just didn't flaunt it.

Around us, the flow of the office continued. Colleagues chatted over coffee, exchanged reports, and debated the latest Neighbor activity reports. The hum of machinery and light conversation was constant, a rhythm of productivity that never really slowed down.

"So, how's the family, Kage? I heard your kid woke up," Karasawa said, taking another drag as he leaned back against a nearby desk. I wanted to ask how he knew, but that was Karasawa. he had an uncanny way of knowing everything happening around the office. It wasn't worth asking.

"Yeah, he woke up a couple of weeks ago. He's doing alright. Just… adjusting," I replied, trying to push the anxiety out of my voice.

"I'd imagine so," Karasawa said, his voice growing more serious. "After being in a coma that long, his body must be weak. Must be tough, relearning to walk." He didn't mention the memory loss, and neither did I.

"Yeah, it is," I responded curtly.

Karasawa flicked ash from his cigarette into a small trash can by my desk beside me. "Look, Tatsumi, if you need time off, I can arrange two months of paid leave. You've been working yourself to the bone these past few months. Go spend time with your family."

His offer was tempting. I glanced around the office people moving about, carrying on with their tasks. Money wasn't the issue, even unpaid leave would be fine. But here, I felt more useful than I would at home. As pathetic as that sounded. Shoko had been taking everything hard, like when her brother died. In fifteen years of marriage, I'd only seen her break down like that twice. I worked hard to take some of the load off her shoulders. from the family business to my job to the kids. Overworking myself somehow made me feel less… useless. Before I could give him an answer, Karasawa's phone rang.

"Karasawa speaking," he answered, his voice immediately turning businesslike. I watched as his face darkened, and all the warmth in the room seemed to vanish. Grunts of acknowledgment punctuated the conversation, his usually easy-going demeanor replaced by something more focused, more serious. By the time the call ended, his expression was grim.

"What is it, Karasawa?" I asked, my concern rising.

"There's been a Neighbor attack." The office around us seemed to quiet down as the weight of his words hit me. My stomach dropped. These damned invaders… again.

"At Sakura Park," he continued, his tone grave. "It got past the restricted zone."

My heart raced. Sakura Park? The one near the hospital where Takumi was. Dread gripped me like a vice, cold sweat beading on my forehead. The worst possible scenarios flooded my mind, each one more horrifying than the last.

"Sakura Park… across from the hospital where my son is," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the pounding in my ears.

Karasawa nodded, his eyes heavy with understanding. "Yes."

"I have to go," I said, my voice hard with determination. I could feel every muscle in my body tense, fists clenched tightly as I rose from my seat. There was no hesitation in my words. My eyes sharpened, my mouth dry, my heart hammering. This was no time to panic. I would not fail my son again.

"I understand," Karasawa said quietly, taking another drag from his cigarette as I bolted from the office.

I pulled up to the hospital, my heart pounding with worry for my son's safety. I wasn't a religious man, but all I could do as I sped to my destination was pray he was okay. The roads were blocked off by police, paramedics, and, of course, Border agents. I jumped out of the car and rushed toward the crowd gathered around the scene. The only thing keeping me at bay were the police and these light barricades they had set up. I scanned the area, trying to take in what was happening. The hospital itself seemed untouched, which was a good sign. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, but my worry didn't fully subside.

I looked around the street where most people were either trying to contain the situation or assist with it. At first, I didn't see anything, but then I caught sight of a patch of long, sandy blonde hair in the back of a paramedic's truck, as someone was getting checked out. My breath caught in my throat, and before I even knew it, I was moving.

"Sir, you can't go beyond this point it's restricted!" an officer called out after I jumped the barricade. I ignored him, my only focus on reaching my son. Pushing through the crowd, weaving between the people working on the scene, I kept moving forward. As I got closer, I could make out more details: the shaggy, long, dirty-blonde hair, the dull grey eyes. I took in the sight of him, noticing how incredibly thin he looked. Four people stood around him, a woman, a paramedic, and a Border agent.

When I finally reached him, I shouted his name in pure relief, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. But I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around my son, completely catching him off guard. He was safe, and that was all that mattered.

" Mr. Kage!" The surprise of someone recognizing me briefly, took my attention away from my son. Nurse Rumi I thought. She had a split on her arm and she looked exhausted, her cheery demeanor seemed way more subdued.

"So, I take it this is your dad?"

I turn around to see the person who just spoke. it's Jin Yuichi, one of our top field agents, if not the top.

"Yeah, you could say that," I hear my son reply. I realize I'm holding him too tightly, standing in the way of the paramedic trying to do his job. Embarrassed, I loosen my grip and step aside, my face flushing with heat.

"Sorry, Takumi. I was just worried. When I heard about the Neighbor attack being so close to the hospital, I rushed over. But it looks like you're okay." The sincerity in my voice is thick, every word dripping with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jin was here before it could do any real damage. I'm just worn out because I overexerted myself." Takumi looks over at the paramedic, who waves him off casually.

"Yeah, the big bug wasn't that strong," Jin cuts in with a shrug.

I turned to Jin, my heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, Jin, for saving my son."

"No problem. It's the duty of Border to protect the people of this world. Honestly, it's my pleasure." Jin gives me a reassuring smile, but before I can respond, someone calls him away, and he heads off, leaving Takumi and me alone.

Rumi had gone home after making sure Takumi was okay, and the paramedics were busy with other tasks. Now, it's just us, sitting in a silence that feels heavier than usual.

After what feels like forever, Takumi speaks. "What do you know about Border?"

The question catches me off guard, but I suppose it makes sense after being saved by a Border agent. "I don't really know much more than the public. Even though I work for them, Border is a government organization whose purpose is to combat the threat of Neighbors."

"You work for them?" His voice has a hint of interest, maybe even surprise.

"Yeah, as an accountant."

"Oh." The single word feels deflated, and I can't help but wonder if he's disappointed. I push the thought away, not wanting it to linger.

"You can find more information on the internet if you're curious."

"The internet?" He asks the question with genuine confusion, his eyes searching mine for an explanation.

I pause, realizing he doesn't know what it is. "The internet is like a giant library, but instead of books on shelves, it's full of information on computers all over the world. Imagine using a super-fast car that takes you anywhere in this library to find fun things, like games or videos, or to learn about anything you're curious about."

Takumi watches me closely, his eyes never leaving mine, as if he's trying to soak in every word.

"Each website is like a page in a book, and you can visit those pages by typing in special addresses, just like you'd look up a book's title. But just like in a real library, you've got to be careful. Some pages are great and helpful, but some might have things that aren't true or safe." I pause, gauging his reaction. "And the internet also lets people talk to each other, no matter where they are. It's like sending messages through invisible tunnels that connect everyone."

Takumi's eyes widened a bit. "You mean that black box thing Mom got me? That's the internet?"

"Yeah and no," I nod, smiling softly. "That's your phone. It can access the internet."

He looks down, thoughtful. Amnesia is a crazy thing. It's like he's rediscovering the world one piece at a time.

I stayed with Takumi for the rest of the night. The only eventful thing was a frantic shoko full of worries. We discussed something with the hospital and board and things simply settled down as Takumi was glued to his phone in his bed. We said goodbyes and things returned relative to normal.


Takumi pov 

Today was definitely a learning experience. Aftokrator are still invading country's for their trion. I guess the rumor that their world is dying is true especially when they just took the world trigger from Zebc. They may commit to a fullscale attack on this planet one day. And that day I'll be ready. Those thoughts ran like oil fueling a fire in my mind and heart as my face was illuminated by this black box called a phone.

My father taught me how to work the internet and the basics on how to operate this phone. Which function kinda like scroll from my world. But he was truly right, it was a wealth of information. 

The first thing I went to search up was the border. I wanted everything I could get on them. From their emission process, to what knowledge they had of the neighborhood. To what weapons they employed. A lot of information I got was very limited but one thing was very detailed was their enrollment process to become a broader agent. They held their recruitment test 3 times a year. August, April, and December. These are the months you are allowed to take the aptitude test to see if you're qualified. The youngest an agent can join is 14. From what I got from my mother I just turned 13 a couple months ago, precisely 3 months ago. I'll turn 14 next February so I'll have to take the test in April. It's may right now so that means I have 10 months to prepare. 

A sigh escaped my lips, that so far away I thought. There is no guarantee that Aftokrator won't launch a full scale invasion between that time. Frustration started building in my soul but I couldn't do anything about it. Let alone in this state. But I took a breath and calmed my vengeful anger in my soul. 

" I can only focus on what I can control." I moved out of my bed with staggering difficulty. I land on the floor with a lack of grace.

" and that's getting this body in fighting shape" I said as I began my push up. It was hard, harder than I ever thought. But I pushed through the pain and exerted every bit of strength I had. Finally I reach my apex with sweat dripping down my chin. A small smile grace my face as I continue on.