Chapter 6 - First Day of School
Aiko Kage
Life's been… different lately. My brother's back, but joy isn't what fills me. It's only been a week since he came home, and now, he's already heading back to school. Back to them.
The thought churned in my stomach like spoiled milk as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. My reflection stared back at me, hollow-eyed, and for a moment, I didn't recognize the girl looking back. The toothbrush in my hand hovered uselessly. My chest felt tight, and my jaw clenched until I could feel the dull ache in my teeth.
I remember that day so clearly, the day I left Takumi behind.
Those bastards didn't just bully him; they dragged him into the restricted zone, beat him, and then abandoned him when a Neighbor showed up. And I let it happen. I didn't know it was that bad, I told myself it was just kids being kids, maybe some harmless roughhousing. But I didn't pick him up that day because I wanted to hang out with some boy. Some stupid boy who doesn't even matter now.
Takumi almost died because of my selfishness.
I gripped the sink, my knuckles white, and squeezed my eyes shut, but the imagery kept entering my mind. Him lying there, beaten, bruised, left to fend for himself. I hate imagining it. And now those same people will be there when he walks back through those school doors.
They got a slap on the wrist. There wasn't enough evidence, they said. They moved on like nothing happened, while Takumi... he lost everything. His memories, motor function, His old self.
If I'd just gone to pick him up that day... The thought clawed its way through my head, like it always did.
A knock on the door jolted me back.
"Is someone in there?" Takumi's voice.
"Yeah, just give me a second," I called back, my voice strained but steady enough. I blinked a few times, trying to focus on the present. He doesn't know. He doesn't know how much I hate myself for abandoning him when he needed me the most. He doesn't know I'm the one who should've been there to stop it.
I opened the door and froze. Takumi stood there, sweat dripping from his hair and soaking his shirt, his chest heaving like he'd just run a marathon. His eyes barely flicked to me before he brushed past and into the bathroom.
This wasn't the same Takumi who used to be glued to his computer, the one who'd whine about walking anywhere further than the fridge. He'd changed. He's not just pushing himself, he's punishing himself.
And I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen when he goes back to that school. I don't want him around those people. I don't want him to have to face them. But how can I stop it? How can I even tell him what they did when he doesn't remember? When he doesn't remember me?
The water started running in the bathroom, and I sighed, my shoulders sagging under the weight of everything I've been holding in. My eyes drifted to the closed door.
You don't deserve this, Takumi.
I made my way to my room and shut the door behind me, leaning against it for a moment. My fingers brushed over the strap of my schoolbag, and a pang of guilt hit me.
He's going back to school with those same bullies, and I'm just... standing here. Pretending everything's fine. Like I don't still see him batters in that surgery room in my nightmares, like I don't feel the shame every time I look at him and know it's my fault.
"Things have definitely changed, Takumi," I thought as I finished getting ready for school. But even as I smoothed out my uniform, the weight of my guilt didn't lighten.
God, I'm so gonna be late. The thought buzzed in my head as I bolted through the halls, weaving between students like some kind of reckless speedster. Every classroom I passed blurred into a streak of walls and doorframes, and my bag thudded against my back in a frantic rhythm. Of all mornings, my stomach had to betray me right before first period.
I was so lost in my thoughts, counting the seconds I was losing, that I didn't notice someone rounding the corner until it was too late.
It was like a airbag of a car just hit me. I stumbled back, dazed, while the poor guy I'd crashed into hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Crap. sorry! I'm so sorry!" The apology tumbled out of my mouth before I even looked up.
"It's fine," came a low, calm voice.
I squinted, still off balance, my heart pounding. My vision swam in a blur of indistinct shapes. Panic set in as I patted around. Where were my glasses?
"Are you looking for these?"
I froze and turned toward the voice. A hand hovered in my blurry line of sight, holding my glasses like some holy relic. I fumbled for them, mumbling something close to "thank you," and slid them on as fast as I could. The world snapped back into focus.
The guy stood there, already brushing himself off like nothing had happened. He wasn't even mad. His messy blonde hair fell just past his shoulders, frizzed like it'd dried halfway out of a shower. His face was sharp, high cheekbones, a slightly hooked button nose, and those eyes. Dull steel-gray, heavy and piercing. But was caught my attention what was possible seem like a scar on his forehead but his long hair made it hard to get a visual.
"You good?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks," I said, stumbling to my feet. He offered a hand, and I hesitated before grabbing it. His grip was firm, steady, and for some reason, it made me feel even more awkward.
"I'm really sorry," I blurted, brushing imaginary dust off my uniform. "I wasn't paying attention. I was rushing, and—"
"It's fine," he repeated, this time with a small shrug.
I pulled out my phone to check the time. 8:33. Great. If I sprinted, maybe I'd only miss roll call.
"You know it's only 8:20, right?" he said casually, gesturing to the clock on the wall.
"First period doesn't start for another ten minutes," he added, pulling out his phone. 8:20.
I frowned, holding my phone up. Still 8:33.
"It's wrong," he said, pointing again.
I turned to the clock. 8:20. My stomach sank. "Oh. Uh, thanks," I muttered, feeling my face heat up.
"No problem." He started walking off, leaving me to stew in my embarrassment.
We were heading in the same direction, which made things even more awkward. I fell into step beside him, trying to think of something, anything to say.
"So, uh... what class are you in?"
"C-9," he replied without looking over.
A small smile tugged at my lips. "Me too."
That got his attention. For the first time, he really looked at me, his gaze sharp and probing, like he was sizing me up.
Up close, he looked... older than he probably was, like life had piled too much weight on his shoulders too soon. His hair was wild, his posture stiff, and there was something distant in the way he carried himself. A wave of Deja vu washed over me I couldn't place but I couldn't help but think that he look familiar.
"Cool," he said after a pause. "Uh, do you know where it is? I think I'm kinda lost."
"Yeah, I know the way," I said, gesturing for him to follow.
The halls felt quieter now, the rush of students thinning out as the minutes ticked closer to class. The silence between us wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it wasn't easy either.
"You new here?" I ventured.
"Something like that," he said, his tone clipped.
Something about the way he said it made me glance at him again. He didn't elaborate, just kept walking, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Well, C-9's not far. Just down this hall and to the right," I said, trying to fill the silence.
"Thanks again," he muttered, his voice quieter this time.
We made it to the classroom with a few minutes to spare before the bell. As we stepped inside, the hum of chatter quieted for a moment. Dozens of eyes darted toward us, scanning, curious. Then, realizing we weren't the teacher, they went back to their buzzing conversations.
I scanned the room for open seats. Most were already claimed, either by bodies or by bags and jackets marking territory. At the back, by the window, I spotted two empty desks. Perfect.
"There's some open seats over there. If you don't mind sitting by me?" I asked, glancing at my blonde companion.
He shrugged. "Sure."
We moved through the rows of desks, slipping past outstretched legs and scattered belongings, until we reached the back. As we sat, I caught snippets of conversations around us. A mix of last-minute homework excuses, weekend gossip, and low chuckles.
Then, a sharp voice cut through the noise.
"Stop it, Bito!"
I turned toward the commotion. A tall boy with short brown hair swatted at another kid. Shorter, with messy black hair, ocean colored eyes, and freckles. The smaller boy looked like he wanted to disappear.
"Stop crying, Oshida," Bito sneered, his grin sharp and mean. "With Kage halfway to the afterlife, who's gonna be our errand boy? Guess you just got promoted. Right, Eida?"
Another boy, lounging with his feet on a desk, chuckled. His shoulder-length burgundy hair swayed slightly as he rocked back in his chair. "We do need a new errand boy," he mused, his black eyes glinting with amusement. "Oshida, go grab us some milk."
"But... but I don't have enough for all of you," Oshida stammered, his voice trembling.
"Well, you better make do!" The third member of their group slammed his hand on Oshida's desk. His hair was neatly parted down the middle, with the bottom half dyed blonde. His sneer deepened as he leaned closer.
"But I really don't have the money, Shihara!" Oshida's words spilled out in a shaky rush, his wide eyes darting from Shihara's face to the desk.
Shihara didn't care. He grabbed Oshida by the collar, twisting the fabric in his fist and yanking him up to eye level.
"Then you'll work for it," Shihara growled.
My body ached for the boy, but what could I do? I would only make things worse on oshida let alone myself. I stared intently at the scenes taking place before me, no one seemed to bat an eye. It wasn't that it was unnoticeable, it's that people didn't want to get involved. People would rather focus on themself than getting the attention of those 3.
My eyes covered the classroom for a few seconds to see if anyone shared my concern but few did and even fewer didn't go back to ignoring it. But how could I judge, I've come to the same conclusion. But even still, it was wrong, I opened my mouth to speak but the words that came out weren't mine.
"Disgusting!" The blonde hair boy who I walk in with came into my frame of vision. His once dull grey burst with intensity staring at the people tormenting oshida. The room fell silent again, every head turning to watch the unfolding scene. Muttering and whispering sweep the room in a low rum discussing what was unfolding in front of them.
Bito glanced at him, then smirked. "And who the hell are you?"
"Just a person who hates cowards. And sees three right in front me.," the blonde hair boy said, walking toward them. His hands were swinging by his side, twitching ready to turn into a fist. His eyes sharp as I ever saw them, piercing right through their tuff façade. His hand gently grabbed oshida's shoulder in which oshida turned to look at the boy and at that moment you could see relief grace his face if only for a second.
"I suggest you let him go," his tone was resolute.
Shihara's grip didn't loosen. Instead, he grinned wider, a predator scenting blood. "Or what you blonde bastard."
The blond hair boy stared shihara down not budging an inch. His hand final grip in to a fist. He understood that word wouldn't get thru to them.
Bito being tall saw my blond hair companion ready to pounce at any moment. I guess he found it amusing since a smirk graced his face. he closes in on the blond hair boy semi surrounding him. Bito leans his face closer to the blond boy.
"if you feeling froggy-" Bito couldn't even finish what he was saying because the blonde boy threw an overhand to land squarely at Bito's nose.
If that was in slow motion the everything else was in 2x speed. While Bito was reeling from the punch he push shihara away from oshida while he was distracted by Bito. Pulling oshida away from shinhara and immediately made distance between them and himself.
Beside the gasp of shock in the room everyone remained silence.
Bito regain his posure and start at the person who cause his pain. He let go his nose only to find a red streak flowing down his upper dripping of his chin.
" You bastard!" Bito roared. Ready to charge and the blonde hair boy prepared he'd lower his center of gravity. But the echoes of Eida's voice stop Bito.
Laughter rippled through the room, loud and mocking. It came from Eida, who was now rising from his chair. He moved with deliberate, lazy confidence, each step calculated to draw attention.
"Calm down Bito. No need to get work up over a lucky shot." Eida calmly.
" calm down I want this bastard dead!" Bito claim to his little ring leader.
" I know but the teacher should be here at any moment will handle this later." Eida said placing a hand on Bito shoulder.
" So calm down." Eida voice his not giving room for disagreement staring directly into Bito 's eyes and he gives in. He keep moving once he has Bito in check.
"You're funny, you know that?" Eida said, stopping a foot away from the blonde boy oshida right behind him. "Trying to play the hero. Hate to break it to you, but this isn't a manga. Heroes don't win here."
" who the hell said I was trying to play hero, I just hate bully. Especially the cowards." The blonde responded. The amusement in Eida's face drops.
But Eida stays cool, he place a hand on the blonde boy should.
" I don't recognize you so you must be knew. So let give you some words of advice. Mind you business or." Eida didn't elaborate further his grip just tighten on my blonde companion. He didn't flinch thought, he grab Eida hand tighting his in his wrist drigging his claws in his for arms.
" Or what!" Boy with the dull grey eyes exclaime. His tone dark and Ruthless.
The weight in his tone was enough to make even Eida pause. Which angered Eida even more.
" You bastard who do you think you are!" Eida roared, staring dagger at the guy that grip his forearm.
The classroom door slid open with a sharp clang, cutting through the tension like a knife. A wiry man with graying hair and glasses perched low on his nose strode in, his brown suit slightly wrinkled. He didn't need to raise his voice; the sheer authority in his presence was enough to silence even Eida, whose hand dropped from the blonde shoulder as if burned and the blonde followed suit.
"Back to your seats. Now." The teacher's voice was clipped, no-nonsense.
Eida seeth in anger but obeyed, sauntering back to his desk. Shihara followed with a sneer, and Bito followed suit, both muttering under their breath as they slouched back to their seats. I caught Oshida's wide-eyed look of gratitude as he sank into his chair, relieved.
I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding and faced forward. When everything settle back down and the teacher took his place in front of the class the teacher announced.
"Before we start today's lesson, there's an introduction to be made." He gestured toward the blonde-haired boy who had gotten entangled with Eida and his gang, stood up and walked to the front of the class. "Would you like to introduce yourself." The teacher asked and the blonde boy nodded.
" My name is Takumi Kage, I guess I'm not half way into afterlife."
The name landed like a thunderclap. Whispers erupted across the room, rising in pitch and urgency. a collection of "oh my god," "is that really Kage" " I'm glad he alive" was faded into the quiet chaos.
The trio of Eida, Bido, and Shihara eyes widen like saucers.
" No fucking way." Eida glared at him muttering under his breath, fury burning in his gaze, but Takumi didn't flinch.
Eida's stare burned holes into Takumi, anger radiating off him, but Takumi met it with unyielding calm.
Kage leisurely walk back to his seat having zero care that Eida was trying to burn a hole through his head. I just stare at my classmate taking him in.
The wind ruffled his hair as he stared out the window, Serince and uncaring. The I saw the scar, the scar that marked Takumi's survival.
"Your different Takumi." I thought
AN: hey guy leave a like and comment it help with motivation also I wanna hear on how I'm handling osomu, he was kinda tricky to write. I'm tryna not make him super altruistic yet and let him get there during the C-rank saga. Hope you enjoyed