You Make Me Crazy, Myra

(Author's POV)

During the car ride, Myra kept her face towards the window, looking at the outside view but all she could see was Elio and their failed attempt to kiss. She was scratching her finger tips fiercely with her nails unconsciously. Myra wanted to talk about what were Elio's feelings towards her and what their relationship was now, but couldn't find the courage to do so.

Elio, while driving, noticed a faint sound of tick ticking. He peered Myra's way; her face was not visible from that angle, her golden bronze wavy locks covering her front. Then he lowered his gaze towards her hands and saw her nails peeling of her skin.

"If you scratch them one more time, the blood will ooze out of it, you wouldn't want another injury, will you?" Elio remarked aloofly, now keeping his eyes on the road.