There had been no meat in the soup, so I didn't notice it before, but as I took out the chicken from my bottomless bag, I heard it.
A gasp, followed by whimpering.
I bit my bottom lip. Someone who didn't want to eat meat!
I had two options before me: I could try and talk the person into trying the meal, or I could make something to the side just for them.
I asked myself what the humans would have done. If they would have enforced their wish on that person.
I shook my head.
No, they wouldn't have. No one who sang for so long and so full of love would ignore someone's wish.
This was a challenge, but I knew my spices! If you can't put meat in, make it hot!
I set the chicken down, washed my hands, and then turned to the villagers.
"Everyone who doesn't want meat in their dinner, raise your hands!" I said, a smile on my lips.