I knew that Robert did not like this, but this was the perfect opportunity for me! I had to prove myself to the soldiers, so they would eat my food!
And, as Robert and Nara were forced to play nice with the Lich, I took out the onions!
For I had no illusions that I would ever be able to feed an entire army, even one that numbered only 2,000 soldiers, with food I would have given to my humans.
So, finger food it was!
I cut the onions, but not all the way through. They ended up in the cauldron with water and salt.
Now, for the hard part!
I took the pot and then added the olive oil. Some of the soldiers grumbled. We were at war, and I was using a luxury item.
One imported from our enemy, at that.
"Cooking has nothing to do with politics," I said, for if the soldiers did not want to try my food only because of the olive oil, then I was going to bring a pan on each one of their heads!
I shook my head.