Chapter 29: Life has to go on.
The tree was finally in full bloom. Doomed to lose all the leaves and the blossoms when the snow fell.
I was curled up in a ball and destroying a bowl cake. What's a bowl cake, one might ask?
It's a mug cake… with extra chocolate. I told myself the recipe again and again, trying to calm down.
First you put in the flour, then you put in the baking soda, not too much, or else you get a stomachache. Then you dump in some sugar, salt, mix it all up, and then you dump in the milk, and of course… the giant spoon of cocoa cream.
It was bad for me.
But bad.
I still spooned another spoonful into my mouth. It was perfectly baked. I had to leave it in the microwave rune for three minutes. For a bowl, one minute is never enough.
"Sylvan?" I looked up from my cocoon.
There she was, Anne.
With something that looked like a rooftop brick but was actually made out of marshmallows.