When we came back, for I did not let the three simply hunker up in their boring castle, Solas looked about one burst vein from ending the war.
With the destruction of the world.
"You made them stronger!" Solas roared, as Doran was hugging him from behind. I was thankful to the general, I really was.
But I knew his type. He was going to let this monster loose on me, I just knew it!
"Now, I wouldn't say that," I told him. For I could feel the vampires now. It was something like the leaves of a tree. "I took them over!"
Oh, it had taken me a while to realize that, but that did not mean that it was a lie! No, the vampires were mine, as long as they had porridge in their bellies.
Vampires do not need to go to the bathroom.
I smiled.
Small mercies.
"You took them over?" Solas did not look so, as if he believed me. I shrugged.
"Well, yes! They ate the cooking of a nymph!"