Solas pointed at the map under my feet, but there was something wrong with it. Now, I was not very good at reading maps, but the sign for a city was universal.
And there were none of those to be seen in the Necromantic Union territory.
"Solas… is your map old?" Maybe I shouldn't have started off with something silly, but I could not explain it to myself any other way. Either the map was old or not updated in the last couple of hours.
You know, while there were still cities in the largest empire in the world.
"Sylvan, you don't know much about the Necromantic Union, do you?" Solas placed a hand on my shoulder, then patted it. "The map is updated. You must be wondering where the cities, towns and villages are?"
I nodded.
"There are none," Solas even held his breath for dramatic effect. I could see that he only leaned in so the light of the small candle in my hand can cast his face in light and shadow.
Oh, that git!