Now, I know that I shouldn't be snooping around during such a private moment, but I wanted to see Solas cooking!
Sure, there were more important things:
The zombies, who thought that they were alive now, and would stay that way.
Desmond, who might still be mad at me, I didn't know. He had not come back. Nate didn't seem concerned, but I still worried.
And, finally, Mordred and Mortimer, who were working their way through the vampire part of our army. Probably getting all kinds of nasty diseases…
But this was important too!
This was the first time Solas was going to show Doran he cared! The first time he was going to cook for him, or, at least, I thought it was the first time.
Doran was smoking his cigar, as Solas was stirring something in a pot. On another cook fire, I could see that he had a pot with a lid on. Coals over the lid.