Now, as much as I didn't want my sons to become fathers just because I said so, we needed an army. To throw Alexios' stones at his own head was something that I had never thought about.
But, hey, maybe it was time for a very big family?
The last one was Mordred, who was still trying to get a toddler to stop chewing his blonde hair.
I ignored him.
That should have been his first word. He missed the chance to butter me up ages ago!
Which is to say… five days ago.
I should have really done something about the fact that my children were aging at the speed of light, but as Solas pointed at the entrance of the Mammoth Graveyard, I just stood up and looked at Mordred.
"Son, there are times in the life of every father when he has to do the hard thing, and…" I began. I felt that such a speech was the best life lesson I could impact on Mordred.
But he…