Lord Nigel stood in the kitchen, awkwardly tying an apron around his waist. The maids, who had discovered the situation, were trying to stifle their giggles. The chefs, too, were struggling to contain their laughter, and they hastily exited the kitchen, still chuckling.

Lord Nigel 's hands trembled as he tried to compose himself. "So this is what it feels like for someone to tremble," he thought to himself, his mind racing with panic.

Aria, meanwhile, had found a chair and sat down, her eyes fixed expectantly on Lord Nigel. "Begin cooking now," she instructed. "Make it delicious."

Lord Nigel's eyes widened in desperation. "Oh heavens, help me," he whispered to himself, his sweaty hands clinging to the kitchen counter.

Lord Nigel stretched out his hands, unsure of where to begin. "What was it to cook, again?" he thought to himself.

He rummaged through the kitchen, gathering various ingredients: carrots, vegetables, eggs, corn, pepper, garlic, cucumbers, and rice.

"Now, what was the plan?" he wondered.

He picked up the cucumber, washed it, and sliced it into uneven, messy shapes. Then, he broke an egg into a bowl and added the sliced cucumber to the whisked egg mixture.

Next, he sliced some ginger without peeling it and added it to the egg mixture, creating an unusual concoction.

Lord nigel turned back to Aria, who was watching him intently. "Go back to what you're doing," she commanded. "Cook, cook!"

He returned to the kitchen, sweating profusely. He couldn't believe the situation he was in. What was he supposed to be doing?

He washed the rice, then boiled it in a pot. At least he knew that much. But what came next? He tasted the plain rice and realized it needed salt. How did he not know that?

Undeterred, he searched for spices and added them to the rice. He had no idea what he was doing, but he hoped for the best.

Finally, he added the egg and cucumber mixture to the rice and closed the pot. Exhausted, he removed the apron and sat beside Aria.

"Don't worry," he said, "I've tried my best. I hope it turns out well."

Aria nodded and smiled. "I knew you could cook. You were just pretending."

Lady Charlotte slipped into the kitchen, and her eyes widened as she detected a strange aroma wafting through the air. She knew instantly that Lord Nigel had cooked something disastrous.

She recalled her time working for Lord Nigel's family and how he had never set foot in the kitchen. "The power of a woman," she thought, amazed at how Aria had managed to get Lord Nigel to cook.

As she approached the pair, she noticed Lord nigel and Aria sitting close together. She strolled over to them and asked, "Lord Nigel, may I check what you've cooked to see if there are any mistakes?"

Lord Nigel agreed, and Lady Charlotte promptly opened the pot. She burst into uncontrollable laughter, unable to contain her amusement.

Lord Nigel looked concerned. "What is it? Is the food not good enough?"

Lady Charlotte struggled to speak between laughs. "No, no, my lord... nothing, my lord." She reached out to taste the food, and her expression turned incredulous. "Oh my God, this is... tasteless!"

Aria suddenly stood up and said, "nigel, can you serve the food? I'm getting hungry."

Lady Charlotte looked at her with concern and said, "Aria dear, please, can I cook something for you instead? This food... you won't be able to eat it."

Aria's expression turned defensive. "How dare you?" she shouted. "My husband cooked for me, so I will eat it."

Lady Charlotte chuckled and said, "I'm just trying to save your life."

Aria looked at Lord Nigel and insisted, "Can you just serve the food, please? I'm hungry."

Lord Nigel stood up slowly, aware that the food was not edible, thanks to Lady Charlotte's laughter. He scratched his head, hesitant to serve the dish.

However, Aria's persistence left him no choice. He hoped that once she tasted the food, she would realize it was inedible and calm down, then look for something else to eat.

The kitchen staff and guards couldn't help but join in on the laughter, even though they were outside as they have heard lady charlotte laughed, they knew something funny had happened.. Even Lordl Nigel,normally stern and reserved, had become more approachable since his marriage.

Lady Charlotte wiped tears from her eyes. "What... what is this?" She gazed at the unappetizing dish, its appearance as uninviting as its taste.

As the food was served, Aria examined it and asked, "What's the name of this dish? Why does it look like this?"

Lady Charlotte burst into laughter again and hastily exited the kitchen, unable to contain her amusement. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to breathe.

Aria turned to Lord Nigel and demanded, "What did you cook?"

Lord Nigel hesitated before responding, "I cooked rice."

Aria's expression turned incredulous. "Rice and what? Why does it look like this?"

Despite her reservations, Aria decided to taste the dish. Her reaction was immediate and comical. "Are you planning to kill me?" she exclaimed. "Is it because I told you to cook, so you decided to poison me?"

Lord Nigel hastily defended himself, "It's not like that, it's just that—"

Aria cut him off, her voice rising. "What? What is it? Huh?"

With that, Aria stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Lord Nigel feeling defeated.

He tasted the food himself and was shocked. "What the hell did I cook?" he wondered. The flavor was unimaginably bad.

Aria's mother had finished plucking fruit and was walking through the hallway when she came across lady charlotte laughing uncontrollably. Curious, she quickened her pace to find Lady Charlotte, who was also in stitches.

"What's going on?" Aria's mother asked, amused. "Why are you laughing? What happened?"

Lady Charlotte wiped tears from her eyes. "Aria told Lord nigel to cook, and you need to see what he made!"

Aria's mother burst into laughter, finding the situation hilarious. She wasn't laughing at Lord Nigel's cooking skills, but at the absurdity of a noble lord being ordered to cook. The image of the usually stern Lord Nigel in an apron, attempting to cook, was too comical to resist.