E Rank Luck

Azrael handed Maddison back her phone and thanked her for her help before he got up to leave. Maddison was surprised that he was leaving so quickly and asked him what he was going to do.

"I don't need you for this, so keep a low profile and leave me alone for now. I'll see you later."

This was all Azrael said to her before he vanished from the cafeteria.

That night, Azrael stayed up late while listening for when the laundry truck would arrive at the dorms. The Family Care laundry company came to the dorms to take the dirty clothes from the matron every night before bringing them back the next day. It was the same person who did it every day, and the matron was friends with the man, so they usually spent some time talking before the man would leave.

There was a uniform that the man wore that had an intricate Family Care logo printed both in front and at the back. Azrael knew that to get into the hotel, he had to either be one of the guests or a worker. And from the date on the picture that Maddison showed him, he could tell that the Family Care vehicle had gone there on a Saturday. That meant he had to get a uniform and blend in with the other Family Care employees by the time Saturday came around.


Status: Cursed by Necrosis

Rate of Propagation: 25%

Days Till Complete Propagation: 4 Days

Comment: User is in the Safe Zone

Azrael glanced at the tab on his system that showed him how much time he had before the Necrosis would start to spread again, and he saw that he had enough days to carry out the mission. The Necrosis propagated very slowly in the first few days, but as the days counted down, it began to speed up until it was nearly racing forward on the final day. It would be best if Azrael didn't allow it to get to that point at all.

If Azrael kills Romanov, he would be killing two birds with one stone. He would both be making sure that the police didn't have an interpreter for their investigation while also resetting his Necrosis clock to prevent it from spreading.

The sound of the truck arriving outside the dorm drew Azrael's attention, and Azrael threw off his cover and got off the bed while making as little noise as possible. Azrael was already wearing dark clothes, so he just grabbed a black face mask with a face cap before he started making his way out of the room barefoot.

Downstairs, the laundry man was chatting with the Matron as he walked into the house. The dirty clothes were kept in another room, so he was going to wheel it all out and put them in the truck.

Azrael held the Oathkeeper sword in his hand, which helped to activate the [Silence of Death] skill. This made sure that his feet didn't make any noise and also brought his Aggro [Presence] stat down by two ranks so that it would be harder for people to notice him.

Azrael made his way out of the house and towards the laundry truck. The back door was already open because the laundry that was being wheeled out would be thrown in immediately, and Azrael entered into the back and hid beside some laundry stacks, which covered his silhouette properly, preventing anyone from seeing him when they looked in.

A few minutes later, Azrael heard voices coming from the door of the orphanage.

"Thanks a lot for the cookies, Ma'am. They were really nice!"

"Ohoho, thank you. You're a nice boy and I'm really grateful you're working so hard late at night for us. Go on now, don't be late."

The laundry was rolled to the back of the truck, and the laundry man put it in before closing the door. He said a few more words with the Matron before he headed to the driver's seat and drove away.

At the back of the truck, Azrael felt the truck swerve away from the dorms, and he waited for a few minutes quietly. There was a small window at the rear of the truck where Azrael could see through, and once Azrael noticed that they had passed most residential buildings and were now heading onto an empty highway, he started his plan.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Azrael knocked on the demarcation between the back and front, and the driver in front slowed down a little in suspicion. Azrael knocked again, and this time the truck finally came to a stop at the side of the road as the driver grew too curious about what was happening. Footsteps circled the truck as the man came around to the back, and once the door opened, the first thing the driver did was frown.

"Who in the world is—"


A sword appeared right in front of the man's face, making his eyes widen in shock as he took a half-step back. Azrael's dark eyes glared at the man.

"Run, and you're fucking dead. Do you understand?"

The man swallowed and nodded while raising his hands up. The man was only a normal human, so he was not important to Azrael. Azrael might not have anything against killing, but he didn't need the unnecessary burden that would come from killing without a reason.

Azrael reached out and grabbed the man before tossing him into the truck unceremoniously. The man started to scream in fear as he thought that he was going to get killed, but Azrael just clicked his tongue and shut the truck door before getting to work.

A few minutes later, Azrael opened the door with a pile of clothes in his hand and a small card. The clothes were the Family Care uniform, and the card was a keycard that all Family Care employees got to show that they were part of the company. With this, Azrael would be able to sneak into the hotel without any trouble.

Azrael also took the money that the man held on him because he needed a reasonable cover for this. If he just took clothes and a keycard, then it would look like he was aiming for those things. But since he took the money, the police would think he was just an armed robber that went too far.

Behind Azrael, the laundry worker was lying on the floor with his hands and feet tied up with pieces of cloth. There was another cloth stuffed into his mouth, and he was nearly naked, with nothing but his boxers left on him. Azrael had put the cloth in his mouth to make him shut up, but when the man kept struggling, Azrael had to knock him out.

The man must've thought that Azrael was some sort of sex offender who was trying to do horrible things to him or something!

The road outside was nearly empty. A few cars had passed by when Azrael was inside, but they didn't stop because a car parked on the side of the road wasn't that suspicious. Azrael closed the door behind him and was about to leave when he suddenly felt a pressure fill the area!

Azrael stopped immediately as the pressure increased in intensity, and the space in front of him started to ripple and pulse like a living thing. Azrael took a step back once he saw this.


There was no way his luck was this bad.