Jace and Ethan chatted lightly between themselves as they departed the arena, their excitement about everything they had seen still buzzing in the air.
"Man there's no way that I'm going to be able to sleep anytime soon after that" Jace said, stretching his arms as they walked. Now back in the compound, he glanced around, taking in the layout of everything. The towering buildings, intricate magical symbols etched into the walls, and the bustling students all added to the sense of grandeur and possibility.
"I fully agree," Ethan said, jumping a couple of times to emphasize his point. "I'm definitely going to need to blow off some steam. There has to be a training building around here, right?"
Jace nodded, looking towards a direction board. "That'll tell us." walking over and scanning the board. His eyes lit up as he spotted the information they needed. "Nice, there's one close by. Let's go." He pointed at a nearby building, its structure sleek and modern, with faint traces of magical energy emanating from it.
Little specks of yellow started forming around Ethan as a wicked grin formed on his face. "Race you there." he said, his voice tinged with mischief. The specks glowed brighter, and his eyes shone with a vibrant yellow light. With a loud crack, Ethan's body transformed into a streak of lightning, ripping toward the training facility.
"CHEATER" Jace yelled out, shaking his head and laughing as he started to skate towards the building. When it came to pure speed, he knew he didn't have a chance at catching Ethan. but that didn't stop him from trying. The ground beneath him shimmered slightly as he glided forward, his movements smooth and effortless, the ice glinting in the fading sunlight.
As he skated, Jace couldn't help but marvel at Ethan's transformation. He knew the sheer amount of practicing that he had done to be able to transform with such fluidity, but it still impressed him every time he saw it. It made him want to practice even harder, as he approached the training facility.
Ethan's laughter was the first thing he heard as he reached the building. His friend was sitting on a bench outside, looking as relaxed as ever. "Man, I thought I was going to fall asleep waiting for you to show up," Ethan said, pretending to yawn.
"Yeah, whatever," Jace replied, rolling his eyes. "Just wait until I figure out a way to keep up with you." He subconsciously checked to make sure he had melted all his ice, not wanting to leave any traces behind.
"Keep dreaming, bud," Ethan winked at him, before getting up and heading inside the facility. Jace shook his head again, a small smile tugging at his lips, before following him inside.