The Gauntlet Begins

The massive blaze raged before them. 

"Orion!" Aurora called out.

"Already on it," Orion responded, casting a focused blast of water to carve a narrow path through the flames. At the same time, he used his Earth magic to raise stone walls, blocking the fire from the sides. "GO!" He shouted as the passage formed.

The five of them sprinted forward. Even with the stone barriers the heat was nearly unbearable. 

"Don't stop!" Aurora commanded as they pushed through.

Once past the flames, they didn't slow down entirely, just enough to conserve their energy. They pressed on until they reached another large chamber. The floor was completely covered in water, stretching twenty feet across and fifty feet long.

"Swimming's too slow," Felix said, his eyes scanning the room for a solution. Then, a spark of realization flashed across his face. "Orion, follow my lead." He dashed toward the wall, the others right behind him. Placing his hands against the stone, he cast his usual rock barrier spell, except this time, he positioned it as an extending pathway above the water.

"Understood." Orion immediately followed suit, adding to the structure. The two alternated their spells, ensuring there were no gaps.

"Nice work!" Aurora praised as they crossed. This was exactly why she chose this team, Felix's quick problem-solving, Orion's adaptability, and their seamless teamwork.

It wasn't long before they reached the other side.

"That's two down," Orion murmured. "Wish we knew how many more there were."

"They wouldn't make it that easy," Felix replied. "If we knew how many obstacles were left, we'd be able to ration our mana perfectly."

"The whole point is to force us to adapt," Aurora agreed as they jogged toward the next challenge.

As they neared the next chamber, movement became noticeably harder. The wind picked up, growing stronger with every step. When they entered, they saw why, massive gusts of wind tore across the room, whipping chaotically. A narrow walkway, barely a foot across, was their only way forward. Below it, a chasm loomed, waiting to swallow anyone who lost their footing.

Aurora's mind worked quickly. "Lucian, Felix, you take the lead. Orion, Elias, you'll follow behind me." She brought her hands together, then slowly pulled them apart. Void energy seeped out, swirling around them. "I'll use my Void magic to absorb and redirect the wind. Let's move!"

Sticking to formation, the team began crossing.

Orion glanced around as they moved. "I've never been inside Void magic before. It feels... empty."

"That's because of its nature," Aurora explained, her voice calm despite the chaos. "Void magic disrupts the flow of ambient mana. You don't notice it usually, but right now, the air around you isn't replenishing your magic, it's just... nothing."

"Oh…that makes sense." Felix murmured as they finished crossing the chasm.

Reaching the next room they stopped in their tracks. A massive maze stretched out before them, its winding paths vanishing into the distance.

Orion knelt at the entrance, pressing his palm to the ground. "This is gonna take a huge amount of mana… I'll probably be out after this." He closed his eyes, sending wisps of wind through the maze. His breathing slowed as he focused, tracing the paths through the complex structure. The strain built quickly, his head pounded, his muscles tensed, but he pushed through.

After a moment, he exhaled sharply and opened his eyes. "Found the path." He stood, staggering slightly as he wiped a small trickle of blood from his nose.

Aurora stepped in, steadying him with a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Orion gave her a tired but determined grin. "Used all my mana, but I'm fine. We need to keep moving."

Without hesitation, they pressed forward, following Orion's directions and avoiding the maze's various traps.

As they neared the next challenge, Aurora took stock of their condition. "We're all in good shape, except for Orion. Lucian, make sure you protect him."

"Understood," Lucian said, shifting position to guard Orion as they moved.

They entered the next room, and froze.

A giant spider loomed before them, standing between them and the exit. Its many legs twitched, as if waiting for them to make the first move.

Elias reacted instantly. This was his job. He unleashed the spell he'd been preparing, a dark haze shooting toward the creature's eyes. The blinding magic struck true. The spider shrieked, thrashing wildly, its legs stabbing at the ground in a desperate attempt to strike anything nearby.

"Lucian!" Aurora barked as she sprinted toward the door.

Lucian didn't hesitate. He cast his barrier, a shimmering shield forming around the group just as the spider lashed out. Protected and unharmed, they dashed for the exit, slipping past the furious creature before it could recover.

They burst through the door, finally free of the spider's reach.