Chapter 2: The Pirates of the Archipelago

The sun had barely risen on the horizon when the lookouts in the masts spotted black sails cutting through the sea. The relief of discovering the archipelago quickly gave way to a new threat. Edmund's ships had barely anchored, and they were already being watched from the shadows.

In the heart of the dense jungle, keen eyes observed every move of the newcomers. The pirates who had ruled these waters for decades knew every treacherous reef, every hidden current, every concealed refuge within the islands. To them, the arrival of such a well-equipped fleet meant one of two things—a threat to be eliminated or prey to be plundered.

These corsairs were not mere raiders; they were hardened warriors of the sea, men and women who had fled the law and forged their own empire in these isolated isles. Their ships were swift and maneuverable, equipped with rusted yet still deadly cannons. Many bore the scars of past battles, both on their bodies and on the hulls of their vessels. They were led by a man feared throughout the region—Captain Gregor "Black Serpent" Voss, a former naval commander who had become one of the most brutal and cunning pirates of the Zafira Sea.

Gregor Voss ruled his fleet with an iron fist, imposing discipline among his men and crushing any sign of rebellion. His flag, a black serpent coiled around an anchor, fluttered in the wind, heralding death to those who crossed his path. His main stronghold lay in a stone fortress built atop a rocky cliff, from where he watched every ship that dared venture into his domain.

Edmund gathered his commanders on the main deck. His men were still exhausted from the journey, provisions were scarce, and their lack of knowledge about the local geography placed them at a severe disadvantage.

— We have no choice — he said, scanning the faces of his followers. — If we don't act now, we'll be hunted down one by one.

Before he could issue any orders, a deafening explosion shattered the silence. One of his fleet's ships burst into flames, struck by a flaming projectile from the coast. The attack had begun.

The pirates emerged like phantoms on the sea, advancing swiftly in their nimble vessels. Harpoons with ropes were launched at Edmund's ships, allowing the raiders to scale the hulls like relentless predators. Battle cries rang out as the corsairs leaped aboard, wielding rusted sabers and chipped axes.

The deck became a chaotic battlefield. The clash of steel blended with the screams of pain and fury. Edmund drew his blade and felled the first pirate who dared approach, but more took the place of the fallen. Archers from the fleet rained arrows down from the sails, trying to stem the tide, while the remaining cannons exchanged fire with enemy ships.

However, Gregor Voss was not an opponent to be underestimated. Amidst the smoke and chaos, a larger pirate vessel deliberately rammed into Edmund's ship, locking them in a deadly embrace. From its ranks, a new wave of corsairs stormed onto the deck, led by the Black Serpent himself, his curved sword gleaming under the morning light.

— Edmund Oakforest! — Voss bellowed, a cruel grin on his lips. — What a gift the sea has delivered! Let's see if your reputation is truly earned!

The duel between the two leaders was about to begin, while the fate of Edmund's fleet hung by a thread.