Chapter 8: Plans for the Fortification of the Isle of Claw

Gathered in the large central tent, Edmund, Voss, and Kieza were leaning over a rough map of the Isle of Claw, drawn with charcoal on stretched leather. The flickering torchlight cast shadows over their determined faces. The future of the archipelago depended on the decisions they would make there.

Edmund, with his almost black brown eyes fixed on the map, pointed to the protected bay to the south of the island.

— Here will be our main port. The natural cliffs around it make direct attacks by sea difficult, and the entrance is narrow enough for us to fortify it with towers and ballistae. We will also build a shipyard for repairs and the construction of new ships.

Voss crossed his arms, his expression serious.

— We need a defensive wall around the main camp. Wood can serve at first, but if we want something lasting, we will have to seek stone from the northern mountains. We should also dig a defensive ditch and set up sharpened stakes to prevent land attacks.

Kieza, leaning over the map, traced a circle around an elevated plateau near the center of the island.

— Here. This will be the heart of our fortress. If we build watchtowers, we will have a clear view of the sea and any approaching vessels. It will also be the ideal location for a barracks, where we can train and maintain our guard.

Edmund nodded.

— And we'll have to organize our people. Voss, choose experienced men to supervise the construction. We need artisans, carpenters, and stonemasons to build the structures. We should divide the work groups into fortification, housing, and agriculture. If we don't secure a reliable food source, we won't survive.

Kieza added:

— The plantations should be established to the east, where the soil is more fertile. We can also create a water reservoir in the central hills to ensure supply during dry periods. Access to drinking water will be essential for our survival.

Voss slammed his fist on the table.

— We should also patrol the waters around the island. If pirates or other enemies try to surprise us, we must be prepared to intercept them before they reach the shore.

Edmund smiled faintly, feeling the energy of the collective decision.

— It's decided, then. Today we begin to turn the Isle of Claw into a true stronghold. We will no longer be mere exiles. We will be a people with a home and a purpose.

The three exchanged glances, aware of the challenges ahead. The Isle of Claw would no longer be just a refuge — it would be the beginning of a new domain, a new home that would need to be defended tooth and nail.