Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

(AN: The borderline dark potion Ginny used acts like a pseudo-polyjuice potion. With hair from the intended father it allows a woman to get pregnant without intercourse. Ginny got the knowledge about this potion during her first year from Tom and had Dung purchase the potion. She slept with no one, but knowing how quickly the wizarding world was to leap to the incorrect conclusion gave the impression that she did. She was certain that once Harry was named as the Father everyone would believe her and she would have her man because he would do the right thing and marry her. Can we say serious mental problems here!!!!!! 10 points to anyone old enough to remember where the title of this chapter comes from and correctly identify it.)

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

"That is indeed what Miss Weasley did say, Mr. Potter." The look Dumbledore gave Harry made it clear that he was disappointed in Harry's actions.

"Save that look for someone who cares, Dumbledore." Harry told him dryly. "Once again I am judged and found guilty of something I didn't do, solely on the word of a Weasley. Given her previous actions, I'm surprised you are willing to believe her. I wouldn't believe her if she said it was raining and it really was."

"Madame Pompfrey had confirmed it this morning." Arthur Weasley told him stiffly as if Harry had just insulted his honour. "Ginny is about four months pregnant and while she named you as the father, I wanted to be certain, given what you said previously regarding your feelings for her. At my request Madame Pompfrey performed a magical paternity test and it confirmed you are the father."

Ginny smiled smugly at Harry. "I told you on our last night together at Hogwarts that nothing would keep us apart. I'm carrying your child. What further proof do you need of my love for you? It's time you accept that we were meant to be a family. You are my soulmate Harry."

Harry gave Ginny a long considering look before turning his attention back to Arthur. "While I have a good idea of the mechanics involved in getting a woman pregnant thanks to a few talks with Sirius over the Christmas break during my fifth year, I am forced to admit I have never had a chance to practise the techniques he recommended. Given that rather embarrassing fact, I can't help but wonder how your daughter is pregnant by me. I can only think of one case in the whole of human history where a woman got pregnant without a man being directly involved, but I wouldn't have thought Gin-Gin would fit the required criteria for immaculate conception. I know I certainly don't."

"Harry, you should be overjoyed by the fact that you are going to be a father." Ginny said as if she was talking to a slow child. "You will see once we are married, you will finally have the family you have always wanted. I know you will be a good father to our child." Ginny looked down at her slightly swollen belly and gently rubbed it. "Yes your daddy will be very good daddy."

"I'd go back to Azkaban first… with the Dementors." Harry muttered.

"Mr. Potter, there is no call to insult Miss Weasley." Dumbledore having spent more time interacting with the muggle world than most wizards understood the reference to immaculate conception from one of their major religions and figured out that Harry apparently was not going to do the right thing by the girl he got pregnant. He never would've thought that a Potter would shirk his responsibilities. He could also see that Arthur hadn't understood the implied reference and was grateful for that. The last thing he needed or wanted was another formal duel at Hogwarts.

"I don't consider the truth to be an insult." Harry countered.

Ginny was not pleased to hear this. Why was her Harry still trying to fight against Fate? He was hers and nothing would take him away from her. She had known that even before he saved her from the basilisk. Harry was hers and no one took what was hers, not even Harry.

After his third attempt to unfreeze his wife, Arthur spoke up before Ginny could say anything in response. "Mr. Potter, would you please release my wife?"

"Only if you keep her under control, Mr. Weasley." Harry told him. "If she tries to attack me again, I will tie her up and hang her from the battlements of the school."

Arthur nodded in agreement with those terms.

As soon as Molly was free she looked around for Harry and finding him, started to charge toward him, until Arthur barked out an order. "MOLLY! Sit down!"

"Arthur, this boy has humiliated and defiled our daughter and he has to pay." Molly retorted.

"We need answers, Molly, before we take any action." Arthur countered firmly. "Attacking Potter will not get us those answers."

"So tell me boy, after everything my family did for you, all the pain and suffering we went through for and because of you, why did you steal my baby's virginity, her innocence?" Molly sneered in a manner that would do Snape proud as she sat down next to Arthur. Harry couldn't help noticing that her fists were tightly wrapped around the arm rests of her chair as if she were strangling them, since she couldn't touch her intended target… him… yet. "Is it your intention to destroy the entire Weasley Family? You claimed over and over again that you didn't want anything to do with her and then she winds up pregnant and carrying your spawn! What spell did you use on her to get her into your bed, so you could rape her without her fighting you? I know my daughter, if she'd been in her right mind, she would've fought like a wildcat rather than give herself to someone who held her in such contempt."

"Molly, you don't know that that's what happened." Arthur was shocked at the venom in his wife's voice. "Ginny told us, that she went to him willingly."

"How do we know that Arthur?" Molly countered angrily. "He is a powerful wizard, more powerful even that Dumbledore. How do we know he didn't do something to her?"

Glaring at the woman he had once considered his second mother, Harry growled, "Mrs. Weasley, because of our past history and the respect I once held for your family, I will give you this one warning. Never ever call me boy again. Also I would be very careful about throwing around unproven accusations, or you might find yourself being challenged to a duel. As for your daughter's virginity, if the rumours, I've heard in the sixth year Gryffindor boy's dorm are even partly accurate, she lost that a long time ago and I can assure you it wasn't to me."

"How dare…." Molly began to growl.

"Mr. Potter, that was uncalled for." Dumbledore chided Harry. He needed to get the tempers defused, so this situation could be discussed calmly and rationally.

Harry rolled his eyes and pointed out. "Then she shouldn't ask questions she doesn't want the answers too. The sixth year boys were quite talkative about their conquests and the conquests of their friends in other houses. Ginny has quite a reputation amongst them."

Molly got to her feet intending to rip the Potter boy to shreds, when he brought his staff around and set the butt of it on the floor between them. She stopped moving certain he was about to hex her when he wrapped both hands around it, right hand above his left. She also noticed that the capstone had started to give off a pulsing green glow, almost like a heartbeat.

"I, Harry James Potter, do hereby swear upon my magic… and my life that I have never knowingly thought of or touched Ginevra Molly Weasley in a sexual manner at any time or in any place. Nor have I ever thought of Ginevra Molly Weasley as a sexual partner or lover. Nor as far as I can recall have I ever dreamed of having sex with her. I also hereby swear that even if Ginevra Molly Weasley were the last human female on earth and I the last male, I still would not consider having sex with her, even though I know such actions will lead to the end of the human race." There was a peculiar choral quality to Potter's voice as if there were more than one voice speaking as he made his oath and Molly thought she saw his green eyes giving off the same pulsing glow as the capstone of his staff and in time to it.

Ginny gasped as Harry swore that oath. How could Harry do this to them? How could he be so cruel and heartless? Why couldn't he just accept the truth? They were meant to be and now he was trying once more to destroy the life she had planned for them to live together.

As soon as Potter finished speaking, a blinding white glow covered him from head to toe. When it vanished, everyone saw that Harry was still standing.

"Well I'm still alive, so I must have been telling the truth." Harry waved his hand in the direction of Dumbledore's desk and a number of items gently rose off of it, circled their owner and returned to the desk. "I still have my magic too. Guess that proves I never slept with Gin-Gin. So we are now left with a question of how am I the father of that child. Would you care to tell us Gin-Gin?"

"Harry, you shouldn't scare me like that! After all I am carrying your child. Why would you pretend to swear an oath that you never slept with me? How could you forget that night we had together in the Gryffindor Common room. Even though it was my last night at Hogwarts, you were everything I dreamed you would be as a lover ever since I was a little girl. How can you be so cruel as to say that we never had that night together? You told me when we finished that you had found heaven in my arms." Ginny looked down blushing slightly as she said it.

Seeing he was still refusing to go along with her plans, Ginny walked over and thumped Harry on the chest with her fingertips a determined look on her face. "You are the father of our child, Harry, and nothing is going to change that. Now we need to start planning our wedding as well as where we are going to live, the nursery for the baby." Then her face softened at thought of the baby and she smiled down at the slight swell of her belly and took Harry's hand and rubbed it over her belly. "Your child is growing within me and he or she will be born in August or September. I hope it's a boy, and that he has his father's eyes."

Dumbledore had been watching the events unfold and felt compelled to say something as Harry snatched his hand back from Ginny. "Miss Weasley, Mr. Potter didn't pretend to swear an oath. What he said was very real and his own magic judged his truthfulness. The fact that he is still alive and in possession of his rather formidable magic, means he was not nor has he ever been your lover."

"Ginevra, we know the child you carry is Harry's. How was it conceived?" Arthur demanded to know. He was having a hard time believing that another of his children would betray their family's honour.

"Arthur! You can't believe this fairy tale that Potter has spun." Molly couldn't believe that her husband would turn on their child. "Potter is powerful enough to fake an oath, and make it good enough to fool people."

"He might be able to fool us, but he can't fool magic." Arthur countered. "There is a book kept at the Ministry that records oaths that are sworn. Not the wording, but the fact that they were sworn and who they were sworn by and to as well as the where and when. I'm willing to bet if I have someone check the book it will show that Potter did indeed swear a magically binding oath here in Dumbledore's office."

"There's an easy way for your daughter to prove me wrong." Harry put in. "have her swear an oath on her magic, that I really did sleep with her on her last night here at Hogwarts and that it wasn't the product of her demented imagination."

Ginny stared back and forth between Harry and her parents, biting her lip nervously. If she didn't swear the oath, they would be fairly certain she was lying and if she did swear it and lost her magic, it would confirm that she had done something wrong. Ginny quickly weighed her options and decided.

"Ginny!" Molly shrieked as her daughter collapsed.

She rushed over to make sure she was ok.

"Drama queen," Harry muttered and conjuring a torrent of icy cold water, dumped it on Ginny.

"How dare you!" Molly sprang to her feet screeching like a banshee as Ginny sputtered and coughed, shivering from the icy cold water.

Before Arthur could intervene, Molly vanished from the room and they heard a screeching sound outside Dumbledore's window. Hurrying over, Arthur confirmed his wife was hanging from the battlements outside Dumbledore's tower.

"She will rejoin you when you leave." Harry told Mr. Weasley. "Right now she is safer out there."

"Ginevra Molly Weasley, as head of the Weasley family, I demand to know how you came to be pregnant with Potter's child." Arthur looked his only daughter in the eyes.

Ginny could feel the family magic take hold, compelling an answer from her. "It was a potion. I had some of his hair and that was all it needed."


"Harry is mine. I knew he would come to me if I gave him the one thing he wanted above all else… a family." Ginny met her father's gaze without flinching. She knew Harry would do the right thing and marry her so she had nothing to lose.

Harry was silent through all of this as was Dumbledore. Both of them were thinking and planning. Harry finally realized there was only one way to get Ginny out of his life permanently and to make sure that the child she was carrying grew up in a happy home. It wouldn't be with him though. He knew he was not yet ready to be a father because he still had too much anger toward the world to be a parent just now. The problem was going to be the how.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley," Ginny winced at the frigid tone of Harry's voice. This wasn't how he was supposed to sound. He was supposed to be happy that they were going to be a family, no matter how their first child had been conceived. "I charge you with Line theft. You do realise that you could go to Azkaban for this crime."

"No! You don't mean that Harry!" Tears started rolling down Ginny's face.

"I don't know why I am not surprised that you would do such a thing given your mother was telling you and Hermione how to make love potions when you were thirteen." Harry went on. "Did she give you the recipe for this pregnancy potion as well? I wonder if maybe she might have used the love potion on someone herself and that's why she was telling you about it, so you would know how to use it when the time came."

"No Harry! I got the information from Tom in my first year. Dung got me the potion from Knockturn Alley last year." Ginny protested, really crying now as she saw the shocked look on her father's face.

"Getting help from Voldemort? Not real smart Gin-Gin. The only reason I am not calling the Aurors right now is because of the respect I hold for your father." Harry continued. "However I am invoking the Life Debt you owe me for saving your life from Riddle during your first year. The child you are carrying is mine, but by theft, in violation of the Debt you owe me so I am calling it due. Surprising isn't it, given I told you that I would never call that Debt in, well you have forced my hand by your actions. The price I am demanding from you is my child that you are now carrying. You will carry the child until full term or until a Healer determines the baby must be born. You will take care of yourself so that the child will have the best chance at life and in no way, shape or form will you try to harm the child in any fashion. Once it is born it will be turned over to me without a whimper or any attempts to use it to bind me to you as you were attempting to do here today. Also Ginevra Molly Weasley, you will have no further contact of any kind with me and you will give to your father anything that you may have that makes you think of me, including anything that used to belong to me so that he can destroy them. You will keep nothing that even remotely reminds you of me. And in case you haven't understood anything about the oath I swore here today, Ginevra Molly Weasley, once that child is born and delivered to me, you will be dead to me. Do you understand what I have told you?"

Ginny gasped unwilling to believe that Harry would go that far. It had been centuries since that spell had been cast. It was usually only done for the greatest of family crimes, where there was no possible hope of the family member ever being brought back into the family because the crime they had committed was so unspeakable.

When Ginny continued to remain silent, Harry barked out. "Do you understand what I have said, bitch!"

Ginny flinched at the icy tone of his voice and nodded.

"Out loud, Ginevra!" Harry reminded her. "Say it out loud."

"I understand." Ginny stammered as her dreams went up in flames.

"I understand… who?" Harry persisted.

"I understand, Lord Potter and I will comply." Ginny completed the ritual response. It was rare that Life Debt ritual was used, but a life debt was like a magically binding contract and the terms had to be acknowledged by both payer and payee.

"Harry!" Dumbledore gasped, surprised that young Potter even knew of the Outcasting ritual. While it wasn't that complicated, the ritual was very old magic that hadn't been used in Britain in centuries because it was a complete and utter severance that could not be reversed by any means. Even the inheritance rituals that the goblins used to trace bloodlines wouldn't recognise you or your heirs as belonging to a family line once an outcasting was done. About the only place the ritual was still used as far as he knew was in portions of magical as well as muggle Japan. It was usually only used by the Head of the Family and then only when the Head felt that whatever the family member had done was totally unforgivable. Stating that someone was dead to you, meant that even if you were in the same room with them, you would not see or hear them and magic would keep them from coming anywhere near you. "Do you realise what you have done?"

"Yes, I have made sure this psycho stalker bitch understands that she has no more hope of getting me, since normal magical methods of trying to get through that thick skull of hers weren't working." Harry didn't even bother looking at Dumbledore. "Now she will no longer harbour even the faint hope that I might change my mind, cause it can't be changed. Once that baby is born I will complete the ritual."

Harry looked at Arthur too. "Mr Weasley, I am calling your Life Debt due as well. When the child is born it will be given to me, without a fight. That child is mine. Ginevra stole what she needed to create it. Once the child has been turned over to me, no member of the Weasley or Prewitt family's currently living or in the future, with the exception of the twins, since they were the only ones to believe me innocent when I was sent to Azkaban, will make any attempt to locate the child or I. I swear that the child will not come to harm at my hands, but your family will have no part in raising it. It will be as if my child does not exist for you. Also Mr. Weasley, you will explain things to your wife and warn her that if she tries to interfere or harass me, that I will invoke my rights under the law with regards to your daughter. Also sir, while this is not part of the debt, I would strongly recommend you get your daughter some help. Surely even you can see she has some major problems."

"I understand and will comply, Lord Potter." Arthur didn't even wait to be asked, knowing that Harry was letting Ginny off easily, when he could've sent her to Azkaban for life. Line theft was a very serious crime in the wizarding world.

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A few weeks after learning that he was to be a father, Harry got a letter by owl from Myra Armstaad his solicitor in London. She had had someone monitoring Dudley's trial and she had written to tell him that barring any last minute surprises today was to be the last day of testimony and that a verdict was expected before the end of the day.

Harry decided to skip classes for the day and go see what the judgement was for Duddikins.

By the time he slid into a seat near the back of the courtroom, the closing arguments were being made. While not real experienced in legal matters, Harry thought the Crown Prosecutor did a better job at restating the facts of his case than did Dudley's Solicitor, but then again, he knew Dudley was guilty.

When the jury retired to deliberate his cousin's fate, Harry took out his notebook and began making some notes about what he needed to do regarding the child that Ginny was carrying. He wanted to make sure it grew up safe and happy, without any possible hint that it was his child. He'd found a few things in the library at Hogwarts that might help but he would need the help of at least one other to carry it off. He was trying to work out the best approach to use, when a voice interrupted his plotting.

"What are you doing here? Did you come here to gloat?" Petunia hissed. "You swore to stay away from us. Aren't you afraid of losing that freakishness of yours?"

Harry looked up at her and wasn't really surprised by the changes. She was no longer so immaculately dressed or made up the way she used to be. According to Myra, Inland Revenue had taken a lot of their money for back taxes and Vernon had lost his job as General Manager at Grunnings because of the scandal of him stealing from his wife's nephew. He couldn't help wondering just how long it would be before they had to move away from Privet Drive, if they hadn't already to get away from the gossips. "If you will remember Aunt Petunia, I swore not to come to your home unless asked by you and that I would never voluntarily approach or speak with you. I also told you it was possible you would see me since I was going to be living in Britain and this is a small island country. As for gloating… yes, you might say I came to gloat… just a little. I'm entitled to gloat after all the pain and suffering I was put through by you and your family when I was growing up."

After taking a quick look around to make sure there was no one nearby, Petunia hissed like an angry goose. "We didn't want you, but we took you in anyway. We put a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your mouth…"

"And you were well paid for doing that," Harry interrupted her attempt at self-justification, "though you never spent any of that money on me, the one it was intended for. Instead you treated me like a slave. Don't talk to me about taking me in out of the goodness of your hearts. It was greed for you pure and simple. The money you were being paid and safety for your family as long as I lived there and called that place home. You want to know something Aunt Petunia, I'm willing to bet the protections that were supposed to be in place collapsed a long time ago, because as soon as I was able to understand what a home really was, I never thought of Privet Drive as home. Which means if my kind could've been bothered to really look, they probably could've found your home without any trouble whatsoever."

"Just more proof that you and your kind can't be trusted." Petunia retorted.

Harry spoke up before she had a chance to get away. "The wards might have worked correctly if you were capable of loving someone other than yourself, Petunia. I don't think you even loved Dudley or Vernon. You indulged your son yes and you acted the part of a loving wife and mother, but I think it was more pride and your fierce determination to be seen as normal, than it was real love. I think you knew deep down that what you were doing to me was wrong. And as for Dudley, I think you knew that letting him grow up without any discipline was going to backfire one day when you could no longer blame me for his crimes. All that aside, I have a question for you Petunia, and I would like you to give me an honest answer… if you are even capable of it."

"What?" Petunia had her nose in the air as if she were certain that what he wanted to know couldn't possibly be of interest to her.

"If you and Vernon had died and my parents were the only ones available to take Dudley in, do you think my parents would've treated Dudley the way you treated me? Or would they have treated him like their own child?" Harry inquired curious to see what her answer was.

"I don't see the point in wasting my time with what ifs." Petunia countered. "Your parents are dead, so trying to figure out what they might or might not have done is a pointless exercise."

"You're afraid to answer my question." Harry countered. "You know they would've treated him better than you ever treated me. I wonder how you will explain YOURSELF to my Mum when you pass on, not to mention how you will explain your actions to the god you claim to believe in. I doubt he would approve of how you treated me either."

"It's well known he doesn't like your kind." Petunia sniffed haughtily. "It says so in the bible."

"I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you." Harry countered. "The word witch might be mistranslated from the original language it was written in. The word in its original language might not mean witch or wizard, but instead may be describing one who practices harmful magic. You know like how the Commandment: 'Thou shalt not kill' might actually be: 'Thou shalt not murder'. Otherwise the bible is full of contradictions, because in the Old Testament, he approves of stoning adulterers and that is killing isn't it?"

Before Petunia could come up with a response there was the sound of people filing back into the courtroom. The jury had made their judgement.

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As Harry took hold of the portkey that would take him to visit Azkaban, he couldn't help but smile at the appropriateness of Dudley's sentence.

While the whale had lost weight during his stay in jail, given Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hadn't been able to raise the necessary money to get him out until the trial he still appeared to weigh enough to match any sumo wrestler.

The verdict was that Dudley was guilty on all counts. He remembered the judge lamenting the fact that the option of offering a first offender like Dudley the choice of signing up to serve in the military rather than go to jail was no longer available. He had told them that he had found that the majority of those who took that option went on to become a productive member of society, instead of being a useless layabout in prison with their food and other necessities being provided at the taxpayer's expense. He had also commented that the option might not be able to be offered to Dudley, even if it were still available because he was so obese and might not survive the very demanding basic training.

Dudley was sentenced to ten years for the extortion charge and two years each for the five assaults he was found guilty of with the sentences to be run consecutively, which meant that Dudley would be in prison for at least twenty years. True it was possible that he might get time off for good behaviour, but it was also possible that Snape would wash his hair and develop a love for dancing the ballet with Harry Potter too.

Harry had grinned broadly at that as he saw both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon go red in the face when he claimed their son would be a useless waste of space in prison. Harry reflected that Dudley had been a useless waste of space outside prison why should that change once he was in prison.

The next part of the sentence though had made Harry's day if not his whole year and made Harry want to kiss the judge. The judge told Dudley that while he was in prison he would be placed on a mandatory diet until he reached the proper weight for someone of his age and height. The judge told Dudley that he wasn't going to get out of prison by dying or by having a heart attack that would cause him to be moved to a prison medical facility for the remainder of his sentence and make him an even bigger drain on the British taxpayer.

The expression on Dudley's face was even better than Vernon and Petunia's had been. He looked as though he'd just been told he was going to be shot by a firing squad at dawn. Then the stupid git had to have a temper tantrum that made him look like he was all of five years old, stamping his feet, wailing for his mum. The only thing that had been missing was Dudley falling on the ground and pounding his feet and fists on the floor because he'd been told something he didn't want to hear.

The portkey that Madame Bones had provided for him deposited Harry in the Warden's office at Azkaban prison and he managed to avoid stumbling this time.

The warden was standing there waiting for him. "Good day Lord Potter."

"Warden," Harry responded flatly. He hated this place and all the memories it brought up for him, but it wasn't this wizard's fault.

"I understand from Madame Bones that you wish to visit with Prisoner Severus Snape, is that correct?" This warden was brisk and business like. While he understood that there were sometimes changes in the daily routine, the warden preferred to get them over with as quickly as possible.

"Yes, in private if that is possible." Harry told him. "I have some business concerning my family that I would like to discuss with him. Is that possible to arrange?"

"Yes, it can be if you don't mind speaking to Mr. Snape in his cell." The warden told him after a few moments.

Harry shrugged. "If it is the only way, then I will speak to him in his cell."

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"You have a visitor, Snape." The guard for his wing of the prison announced as he opened the door to Snape's cell.

The former potion's teacher was surprised when the last person he ever expected to see at Azkaban came strolling into his cell.

"Just call when you are ready to leave, Lord Potter." The guard requested as he locked the door again.

Harry nodded.

"Come to gloat?" Snape growled in an almost bore tone of voice.

"Nope," Harry told him. "I have a question and depending on your answer, I may be making you an offer."

"What question?" Snape couldn't help being curious as he eyed Potter as if he might be a source of some entertainment. He could only do so much meditation before even that became boring.

Harry handed over a folded piece of paper. "If I get you the ingredients and the equipment to do so, can you make this potion?"

Snape's eyes widened at the name of the potion written there. Why would Potter need this particular potion? He eyed Potter suspiciously, wondering just what the Golden boy of Gryffindor had been up to since his incarceration. "Do you understand what this potion will do?"

"Yes." Harry did not elaborate. "Can you make it?"

"Yes." Snape was equally abrupt.

"Then to my offer, since I want to keep this matter as quiet as possible." Harry told him. "If you make the potion, I will consider your debt to me paid in full. Once you are out of here, I will arrange for you to be paid for making the wolfsbane potion for the foundation every month, and if the werewolves will allow it, I will even pay you to find a cure as long as said cure is not fatal. The only thing I will require from you is a magically binding oath that you will not mention this matter or the fact that I made you this offer, either verbally, in written form, or even telepathically, if wizards are capable of such a thing with anyone or anything."

"And if I refuse?" Snape wanted to know.

Harry shrugged, "then I will oblivate you and wipe this conversation from your mind and you will still be obligated to make the wolfsbane potion for the foundation every month and you will not be paid for doing so. This is your chance to clear the debt you owe my father and get paid for your potions skills and if you are lucky, you could go down in history as the person who found a cure for lycanthropy."

Snape stared at the boy… no young man in front of him. He had hardly expected this response from Potter, the model Gryffindor. But then again, he wouldn't have expected a Gryffindor to need or want this particular potion either.

(AN: Yes, I know I said this was going to be the last chapter, but the file size limitation thing got me again. Fortunately, I found out after I completed the chapter, so you get 2 chapters for the price of 1. Surprise! :D )