Special Duty Officer Limitless

"Whore, stop hiding and show yourself."

Vanessa called out as her eyes scanned the destroyed kitchen. As if on cue, Lilia appeared behind Alex from a haze of pink smog with a slovenly grin on her face.

The succubus wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and pulled him into her embrace.

"You called?" The succubus smirked to the cultivator who had a pulsating vein appear in her temple.

"Where were you? You are contractually obligated to protect darling, aren't you?"

"Master was never in any real danger~"

Vanessa looked towards Alex's scorched arms and the bone deep gouges that were still emanating sword qi. They were practically rendered useless, but Lilia smiled while placing her hands over the wounds.

Alex's arms seemed to go back in time as the cuts closed and burns shrank until nothing but clean, unblemished skin was left. Even the injuries on his legs vanished as they reverted to their undamaged state.

At the same time, Lilia's forearms turned black and the skin split open, mimicking the damage that had just been on Alex's arm.

"Don't worry master, I will bear all of your injuries," Lilia seductively whispered into his ear, causing his face to blush from the heat of her breath.

"You can do this?" Alex asked as he looked at himself, as if he were never injured.

"Devil Qi is quite flexible, master~"

Shana didn't really understand what the succubus did, but Vanessa had a better understanding and her brow furrowed in consternation.

"Was that... causality interference?"

Vanessa was correct. This wasn't some form of healing technique, but an adjustment in causality itself that altered the result of Alex getting injured to her getting injured instead.

"It's just a minor thing~"

"We have very different definitions of minor..."

*Knock knock knock*

A knocking sound came from the front door while the red and blue flashing light in the frosted windows by the front door indicated it was the police.

"Ah, master, it would be best if they don't see me," Lilia giggled and forcibly stole a few kisses, "They will want to see my contract if they do, and I don't have it. Make sure they take away the attackers from the roof, I didn't kill them unlike a certain someone~"

Lilia vanished in a puff of smoke after her blatant provocation, and in her place appeared two unconscious assassins who were drooling as if their mind had wasted away.

Shana looked at the two assassins, their previous intimidation nowhere to be seen, and scrunched her brow. Yes, they hadn't been killed, but she was conflicted if this was any better. So long as they recovered it would be fine, at least that was how she considered it.

"Ouch!!" Shana cried out as Vanessa ripped out the dagger from the back of her shoulder, opening the wound and causing fresh blood to flow.

"Be quiet," The black-haired beauty rolled her eyes and slapped a paper talisman over the wound that sealed the injury, one of the back of her shoulder and another on the front. "Pull them off for two days, you should be healed by then. There is no need for darling to waste his points on something like this."

Alex then led the way and opened the front door with the two girls behind him.

Much to all their surprise, judging by their simultaneous raising of eyebrows, was an enormous man over 8 feet tall and covered in dense muscles. He was so big in fact, that his head was above the top of the door frame and his body eclipsed the light of the outdoor light.

"Good evening," The man spoke in a deep and authoritative voice, "I am Special Duty Officer Limitless. Please excuse me as I step inside and inspect the scene."

The man wasn't asking. He placed one hand on each side of the door frame and bent slightly as he stepped into the house.

Officer Limitless' sharp eyes scanned the three wide-eyed individuals before glancing around the apartment to ensure there were no lingering dangers. Alex saw how his police uniform clung to his body, doing nothing to conceal his giant, intimidating muscles, and didn't dare protest the sudden entry.

Vanessa had settled back into a more cool, distant beauty attitude ever since Alex's injuries had been healed and was unperturbed by the officer, while Shana's was visibly excited yet nervous at meeting one of her heroes.

"Sir?" Alex tepidly asked.

"Where are the... oh nevermind," Special Duty Officer Limitless began asking before he spotted the bodies lying down in the completely ruined kitchen. "Tell me what occurred here tonight."

Shana was the one to explain, providing a statement from how they were training in the backyard and suddenly got attacked up to now. She was also about to describe Vanessa a murdering one of them, but Alex cleared his throat and she bit her lip before glossing over the fact one of them died.

Limitless inspected the scene in the kitchen, using one hand to pinch the broken kitchen plumbing and stopping the spraying water as if he was folding a piece of paper in half.

"This was self defense?" He asked gravely as he looked at the scorched and half disintegrated body with a sword wound through the chest.

"They came for our lives," Alex stated in place of Vanessa out of fear she would brush it off or say something an officer charged with protecting society disagreed with, "we weren't in a position to hold back."

"I wasn't asking you."

Limitless' gaze honed in and scrutinized Vanessa.

"I practice fire techniques, they aren't very good at restraining."

Vanessa responded in a matter-of-fact manner without batting a brow, resulting in the officer scoffing.

"You cultivators are all the same, treating life far too lightly."

To the side, Shana was almost physically nodding in agreement as her idolization for him, a man who worked directly with the Realm Guard on many occasions, seemed to grow stronger.

"Do any of you have enemies that could have caused this?" 

Special Duty Officer Limitless' gaze was focused on Vanessa. It didn't take a genius to see one cultivator, a relatively rare type of person within modern suburbia, and link it to the fact that all of the attackers happened to be cultivators too.

At this question, Alex was completely lost on how to answer. He knew how it looked, and he had thought of that too, but they seemed intent on killing him.

"They seemed to be targeting me, Sir. I only know one cultivator and I don't have any enemies so I am confused as to their reasoning."

While he could speculate, he didn't want to say anything concrete or make too many assumptions.

Limitless asked several more questions which Alex struggled to answer, even being blatantly evasive when it came to how two of the attackers had seemingly turned into vegetables.

While the giant of a man knew something further was up, he didn't pry too hard and left himself some comments in his notes to review later before placing thick enchanted deep sea cold iron handcuffs on the attackers and carrying them into his vehicle.

Unlike regular police who drive cars, the Special Duty Officer's means of transport hovering out front of the house. It was an AY-42 Panther, a VTOL steel warship that was around 15m in length and could reach supersonic speeds in seconds thanks to the enchantments carved into the frame of the machine. 

Perhaps it was a small bit of a comeuppance for avoiding most of his questions or the act of killing itself, but he didn't take the corpse and left it for them to deal with.

"Darling," Vanessa leaned her head on Alex's shoulder after getting in between him and Shana, hugging his arm and closing her eyes while enjoying his closeness.

Alex looked at her from the corner of his eye and sighed.

"Tell me who actually sent the attackers."

"I honestly don't know exactly, I have been away from my clan and the sect for too long. I told you about my sister, remember. It may be from her supporters, but I actually think it was from my family."

"I thought you were banished?"

"I was. I don't know what has changed since, but perhaps they are planning on selling me off as a cauldron again."

Shana grabbed Alex's other hand with her only functional arm and locked their fingers together. She glared at Vanessa before quipping.

"Then go back and be sold off. Nobody will be trying to kill husband, then."


"Shut it, murderer."

"You are so vehement towards murder, but you are okay with sexual assault and rape? Oh, what did you think it meant for me to be sold as a cauldron? To serve as somebody's alchemy assistant?"

"I... I didn't mean it like that..."

Shana was caught off guard by this while Vanessa had a smirk tug at the corner of her lip. She seemed to want to push the superpowered blonde beauty even more, but Alex caught wind of her mood and pinched her in warning.

[Sin Points +7]

"Fine, fine. But I will need to go back. I need to find out who is behind this and now that my cultivation is growing once more, get some backers in the sect."

"Will that be hard to do?"


Alex didn't even have to think about it before stating, "I will go with you."

Vanessa tried to reject him, stating how unwelcome outsiders were in cultivator communities, and how easy something as simple as his [Lusty Gaze] skill could cause someone to try to take his life.

He persisted though, and under the expectation Alex could be in danger, Shana stated she would also be with them.

Neither of the two were taking no for an answer.