World View settings (pls read first)

Sellardraxians: The second sentient life to appear on Earth, capable of using magic. Name originating from a strange rune alien to mankind. Following WW3 and the Veo invasion, they have managed to live at peace among mankind, though discrimination persists. 

Vanguard movement: A Sellardraxian extremist group. Their ideology is that they are the superior sentient life on Earth and hence deserves to dominate mankind and control the sector of space from the Solar System to the Alpha Centauri system. 

Sapiens movement: "Humanity first" terrorist group. 

Cosmic Energy: A new fundamental force discovered by mankind after joining GOMCA, properties still largely unknown, is the source of power for Sellardraxian's and the Deep Dweller's magical feats.

Squad Artemis: Elite Sellardraxian super soldiers bred by UNSSD, dubbed "living robots" due to their naturally formed titanium alloy skeletons and uploadable memory banks. Despite the massive surge in mass, they maintain their agility.

Sellardraxian Subspecies: Based on the appearances of their "true forms", gigantic none humanoid forms that they have when using cosmic energy to the max, humans have classified them under several code names:

Avis: Sporting the features of birds in their humanoid forms, capable of short distance and low altitude flights. True form: resembles crosses between birds and pteranodons

LongZu (Lin): Sporting Chinese dragon horns and elf ears, and a dragon tail. The Lin subspecies are mostly Asians and has an affinity for wind, water and matter manipulating forms of Cosmic Energy magic. True form: resembles chinese dragons. 

Draconian (Draco): Sporting 2 sets of horns: a pair of demon like horns and a pair of ram like horns. They have a hidden serpent tail that has a retractable pincer. Immune to most poisons, with an affinity for fire Cosmic Energy magic. True form: resembles an western dragons, or crosses between quetzalcoatls and wyverns. 

Leviathan (Lita): Sporting aquatic characteristics, gills along their necks, red eyes, fins on limbs, black and white skin, and crowns as part of their head. Able to summon tentacles as extra limbs. True form: Sea monsters.

Inari: Sporting feline and canine characteristics: cat ears, wolf tails and clawed hands. Fastest moving subspecies, some in their true forms can even break the sound barrier. True form: resembles a giant lion with 9 tails.

Rein: Sporting deer antlers on their heads. Mostly Europeans. They are the strongest subspecies physically. True form: resembles crosses between the pegasus and the qilin. 

Angel: Sporting no differences from humans albeit for a slight ghostly appearance. The rarest subspecies. Able to use mind related Cosmic Energy magic more effectively than others due to their special affinity. True form: "Beyond human comprehension".


Empire: A mysterious race that once ruled the Milky Way galaxy, extinct. The Veo took over its main territory while the liberated industrial worlds became GOMCA.

Galactic Organisation of Mutual Aid and Cooperation (GOMCA): An galactic organisation that Earth is part of. Aim to liberate and develop the entire galaxy into an utopia free of oppression. Mainly lead by the Bethorians.

Bethorians: A Communist society (human attempt at interpreting its society, inaccurate). Most technologically developed species in the galaxy. This species is tall (>2m), has long lifespans (210 years on average), has purple eyes, orange skin, with no ears and hair. They have tendrils that sprout from their heads which act as motion and auditory sensors.

Veo: A militant and xenophobic empire in the universe, currently at a Cold War with GOMCA with Earth as a frontier world. They are ruled from their home planet by the Emperor of the Veo. They have a 2 sets of arms, with feathery protrusions from their heads. This earned them the derogatory "moth face" nickname from mankind. Their skin is also naturally armoured. 

Deep Dwellers: An Eldritch abomination originating from Veo space. They are connected to the Empire. They operate in a hivemind and can evolve to live in almost every environment, even vacuum, bringing carnage wherever they breach. Not a main threat to the galaxy.

UNSSD basics:

United Nations Strategic Security Department (UNSSD): UN's standing army and space force.

UNSSD Administrative Bureau: In charge of the management of the Department, internal affairs and intelligence. 

UNSSD Military Commission: In charge of its military operations. 

UNSSD Science Office: In charge of developing technology and furthering fundamental sciences.

UNSSD Alien Affairs Office: In charge of facilitating diplomatic and cultural exchange with aliens. 

New countries and entities:

Democratic Republic of Korea (DRK): Consisting of modern day North and South Korea. Its political structure is the same as modern day ROK, though with 2 president terms, and its military is largely inherited from DPRK. Formed after the united front of the Korean Peninsula during WW3 (The Veo invasion).

New Soviet Socialist Federation (NSSF): Consisting of modern day Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan . A Marxist-Leninist union, considered a semi-revival of the USSR. Formed after WW3.

People's Republic of Yugoslavia (PRY): Consisting of modern day Serbia and Montenegro, a Marxist-Titoism Republic as opposed to a federation, considered a semi-revival of SFR Yugoslavia.

Union of Arabian Republics (UAR): Consisting of modern day Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Ideology is Arabic Islamic nationalism. Formed after WW3. 

New Palestinian Union Area (NPUA): A territory directly administered by the UN formed post ww3, consisting of the lands of Israel, Gaza, West bank and Jordan. A trans-racial and religious ideology "The new Palestinian" is enforced in the area, with both Zionism and Palestinian nationalism outlawed and suppressed. 

New Baltic Union region (NBUA): Another territory directly administered by the UN formed post WW3, consisting of the lands of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. 

Spades International: A private military contractor with close ties to UNSSD. Based in Paris, France. It is made up of human, Sellardraxian and alien contractors.

Rhodes Life: Based in Rhode Island, USA. It is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. 

NOIR Industries: The parent company of Rhodes Life. It is responsible for supplying UNSSD with space vessels, space stations, extra-terrestrial infrastructure, mechas, unmanned vehicles, robots and Exo-suits. Based in Shenyang, China. 

Archangel: Another leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, a fierce competitor of Rhodes Life. It is based in Windsor, UK, with main operations in London. Its founders are members of the British nobility. 

Ajax: A private military contractor that is a subsidiary of Archangel, acting as their security detail.