6:00am, Queens, NY
*ring* *ring* *ring*
"mh? it's morning already?" I said with a confused tone.
Moving my sheets aside and placing my feet down on the cold floor reminded me of my tough life. I then stand up and walk a few steps to the bathroom. My reflection on the mirror cabient reminds me about my rough past.
My name is Leo Rodriguez, 19 years of age, and....I'm an orphan. Yeah, I said it. O.R.P.H.A.N. As sad it sounds, atleast I'm not with my cruel parents who left me at the streetside. I guess it was hell living with them, that's why they left me to freeze by the roadside.
As I open the cabinet to take my toothbrush and paste, I get a glimpse of a scar on my palm. Scar? Correction, Scars. Scars that remind me of the path I have taken in the past to survive. I can clearly face myself in the mirror and say it was worth it.
Atleast I have a 9-5 job, an apartment to my name and food to eat. But it is enough? Where I live there are the helpless, the ones who helped themselves, and others who are helped. It is much better to help yourself because who will?
*Brush-Brush* *Brush-Brush*
Even if you have someone to help you, how sure are you that there will be with you at the cooking pot of failure.
*Brush-Brush* *Brush-Brush*
I may sound harsh to myself but it was how I was brought up. . . correction, how the streets brought me up. But there are expections. . .
Uncle Lee, is one of them. Who taked care of me until his last breath.
But he taught me something, if you are experiencing your lows in life, just know, the highs will come.
As I finish up preparing myself for my day job, I exit my apartment and locked the door behind me. One of the people who brighten my day, is my neighbour, Ms. Mariam.
"Ah, Leo. Up early again?"she asked with a surprised expression.
Mariam, a woman in her 30s who strict to her business, and that is being as effective as possible. With her virtues and discipline she is a lighthouse to women in her company, giving them hope to do better. Plus, with her smooth skin like silk, and a curvy body that defies gravity, she is a magnetic to men.
Particularly, this day, she wore her designer special, a blue blouse that accentuated her generous breasts and pencil skirt that displayed her wide hips. Truly, she was a beauty from heaven.
"Ms. Mariam, good morning. I just don't want to miss the bus to my workplace," I said with a smile.
Why does she have to be soo....beautiful, let me not get started on her curves....
"Oh, is that so? Well, have a good day," she said as she turned to walk away.
As her figure disappers into the hallway, I then snap out of my daze and walked my way to the bus stage. Upon arriving at the stage, the bus arrives at the same time.
The door opens and I meet the second person who makes my day, Ken, the bus driver.
"Yooo Ken, what's up" I said as I entered the bus and fist bump him.
Ken, a man in his 40s but still with the mindset of a youngster. He fists bump and smiles at me, "Early as usualy? Your job must be paying loads if you are this early," he said with a chuckle.
I could not help but laugh at his comment. He was not half wrong. My job averaged in a little over 4000$ a month, which is enough for my day to day life.
"Bro, it just enough, not too much, not too little," I said with a smile.
I then moved to sit down at a window seat as more and more passengers entered the bus. Before I realised, the bus was already moving.
Soon enough, we arrived at the first stop which was were my workplace was located. Swiping my card to pay for the fare, and then stepping out of the bus, it was as if I was used to these movements, just like a reflex.
Modern Autos & Repairs
The huge sign "Modern Autos & Repairs" was in my view as I walked towards a one storey building, which consisted of red and white color schemes, the design really complimented the name "Modern". I then continued to walk, heading behind the building and finding the staff entry point.
You can already tell that I work here as a mechanic, as boring as it sounds, being a mechanic has its downs but atleast the pay is decent so I can't cry about it.
The third person who makes my day is none other than my workmate....
"Oh, Rodriguez made it today!" a man in his twenties shouted with happiness.
His name is Rudy Perez, a fellow Spanish brother from another mother. As usual we dap up.
"Amigo, are you ready to rock these engines?" he said with a smile as I removed my coat, placing it on the rack.
"Anytime bro, just don't screw up like last time. I had save your ass last time, you totally messed up the transmission box...." I said with a wryly smile
Rudy was a lantern of positivity in the garage, even when everyone else are feeling down. With his light hearted comments and infectious smile, he always seem to make everyone's day.
Then, after changing up to my mechanic uniform, I looked at the first car on the list, it was the famous 2006 Dodge Charger. This car made history by reviving the muscle car community with its sleek design and strong horsepower.
"Hermano! The owner wanted a change of tires in this beauty," Rudy said, as he admired the smooth matte red paint of the car.
"All tires?"
"Sí! Every one of these worn out tires,"
Rudy also had a keen eye. From a normal person's view, the tires still looked new but with his months of experience, he learnt a lot about tires making him to discern from good and worn out, racing tires or normal tires.
With that, we both worked on the car, replacing them and filling the new ones to the right pressure before lowering it from the car lift.
Second on the list was a classic, the 1991 Hondo Civic. Even thought this car looked new with it's glossy white paint, the car has gone through a lot.
"Perez, the owner of this car must have a deaf ear! I told him to buy a new car but he is very persistent to use this one."
"Leo, what are on about? The car is fine, give it a few years then we can call it a lost cause but for now, it's still a good car."
After fixing the second car, more of my workmates arrived and were surprised at our workrate, making them encouraged to do better.
Screwing bolts here, changing engine oils there, and the day turned into night. Most of the employees already left, leaving me, Rudy and the manager behind.
"Yawn...Bro, we should be going, I got a nice club where we can have a few drinks....what do you think?" Rudy suggested with a smile.
As much as his offer was tempting, I was focused at the fixing the car before me, it was the Honda Civic SI 2008 edition. This was a beast in the street racing scene, but the owner just dropped this car the previous year and never came back. So I agreed with the boss to buy the car in installments if and only if I can fix it.
"Sorry amigo, I have to fix this car urgently," I said as my eyes were focused on the engine of the car.
"As you say then, don't forget tomorrow I have the location of a car meet so don't burn out yourself on work."
Soon enough, he left, leaving me and the manager in the building.
It had been hours of trying to fix this car but I couldn't find the reason why the car wasn't starting. . .