sans's plan, evolution guide

Somewhere in the royal forest, sans is standing in a cave with a floating orb circles around him collecting souls of the beast sans just slayed. His human form looks much better than it was during his race change,the skin and muscles have increased to a level where he looks more like a human than a living husk of a human,white hair with blue tips has grown on his head.

Sans: now I understand why chara never lets chocolate go from her hand*munches on a chocolate bar* this is damn delicious.

Guide:*arrives in front of sans* host soul collection is complete.

Sans:about time*eats the whole bar in one bite* so what is the collection and level now?

Guide:127 tier 1s and 12 tier 2s. You have reached lvl 20.

Sans: so let's start the second phase now shall we?

Guide: second phase?

Sans: it's not like I fight the entire army of that guy alone even if we have 12 years*shrugs and starts walking towards the exit* allies, money, everything, we need everything we can get. Even if there is another host of your other part, we can't win without a force of our own and-*remembers chara and the genocide* I got a score to settle with that puppet.

Guide: what do you plan to do host?

Sans: you said you got the knowledge of almost all current race's evolution patha right?

Guide: I do indeed have it.

Sans: I am gonna make a book and put all that knowledge into it, then I will take the book to alphys and strike a deal with the king saying that I followed it and become a shifter. I will make the entire kingdom grow to a stable level before we change the barrier condition so we don't get spawn camped as soon as we open the kingdom. We will get financial funding, a better army and even access to the storage of the royal magic archives.

Guide: that is indeed a brilliant plan but host needs to ensure his own training as well because you will be the one facing him directly.

Sans:*his smile shifts into a sad expression* I hate training so can we skip that?


Sans and guide come out of the cave, sans changes back to his skeleton form and starts teleporting to alphys's lab.

Sometimes later in the evening, sans enters into alphys's lab and gives her a call.

Alphys calls back and greets in a shy voice.

Alphys: h-hello sans,how are you?

Sans: good, are you still trying to make that determination vessel thing?

Alphys: y-yes why do you ask?

Sans: we don't need that anymore.

Alphys: what do you mea-

Sans turns into his human form and alphys gets so shocked that she hid under a table. sans sees her reaction and laughs.

Sans:*laughs loudly while grabbing his stomach* you may be the most coward lizard in the entire monster kingdom. nerd come out it's still me.

Alphys:*comes out flabbergasted * h-h-how? What magic is that?

Sans: I found a crystal in the depth of the ravine near my booth and got a lot of knowledge about something called race evolutions. So I decided to come and make a offer to you.

Alphys: what do you want? Tell me tell me*her voice turns crazy* tell me now.

Sans:*steps back a little* sure sure, make a call to the king first will you?

Alphys:*her nervous expression comes back* r-right away, Follow me.

Alphys leads sans to her computer and makes a call to the king's castle. A servant answers and soon asgore is on the call.

Alphys: your highness, sans found a huge load of lost knowledge in a memory crystal...

It may even help us to control the barrier open.

Asgore: sans? That top graduate, son of gaster who grew lazy after gaster's death,that sans?

Sans:*peeks from behind and waves* sup king. I wonder if you would like to strike a deal?

Asgore: same as always, eh brat? You could always ask me if you need something you know, you're one of gaster's sons and can ask for anything I could offer but still refuse to get any benefit without a price.

Sans tells asgore about his deal and asgore accepts with no hesitation, sans asks for alphys's help in noting down everything and asks if he could use the testing ground for some training.