
I don't feel anything,

I don't know why

But, seems like I'm losing it

I no longer feel desire

Because, they were never granted

It hurts

It hurts like hell

But, strange, isn't it?

I feel no pain

None at all

Even when I'm laughing,

And Even when I'm crying,

I feel like A mask is hanging

Hanging on my face

I guess, this is what you get

This is what you get

For keeping others first

But, I am afraid

Afraid of being left

And afraid of being dead

Not my body, but my soul

But, I guess,

it's already too late

For, my soul was shattered

A long time ago

My soul, which I tried,

Tried so hard to protect

Now, in the end It's dead

Even now, I can't find words

Words, that can express me

For, I'm now devoid of thought

My heart, It seems to beat,

Yet strangely, there's nothing left

I think I'm dead,

For, I can't understand

Anything and nothing at all

Oh, how good and easy,

will it be

To just end things now

But I can't,

Not right now

For, I have things I need to finish

But, I want to cry

I want to flee

And I want to hide

My heart,

It seems to dry up

Oh, but I wonder

What had caused it

Please I beg of you,

Please, just let me be,

But, again, don't leave me

I am scared to have people

By my side,

And I am scared when, there is

No one on my side

Because I'm afraid that,

When I'm alone, the monsters

They will be set lose

And I'm afraid that,

When I am with you those monsters

Of mine, will hurt you too....