
My head, it hurts

It's ringing with words

Words, which I don't want to hear

The light, the hope, it's too dazzling

Enough to sting my eyes

I've tried, again and again

To embrace the warmth and light

But alas, somewhere along the way

The shadows, they became my friends

The coldness, it soothes my soul

And the dark, it seems

Holds me close

I know I shouldn't, but I like my wounds,

My scars better

Than hope

I prefer the the burning of my heart,

Than the sting of medicine

I choose despair over hope,

For it saves me from fall

Just like how, If I am already dead,

Then I won't fear death

If I am already sad

Then nothing will upset me

But, somewhere in my heart

A part, wants me to feel

The warmth and the light

But, I am painfully aware

That, it is better to choose

Darkness over light

For it will save me

From getting hurt

And because the light was

Never me ment for me....