
Our dear small school,

Had a breeze, so cool,

In the hallways, laughed echoed,

And the birds from the faraway trees, sweetly cooed,

The life, it seemed to smoothly flow,

And our souls seemed to glow,

The place buzzes with mischief,

Swarming with cut little thieves,

The rustles of the mango leaves,

Said us, the classes are not to be grieved,

Everything seemed like a grand beginning,

Cause there were so many small little stars, shining,

A place so bright,

Which always, felt so right,

A time which felt like a beautiful dream,

Soothed, all our pains and screams,

It felt that all started yesterday,. But without us knowing, the end had already reached our doorway,

So now, I try to remember,

My dear school's, small little embers.....