The Realm Between

When the green light came down from the sky in 2040, no one knew how much it would change the world.

Though it only lasted forty eight hours, this light changed human life forever.

It changed human biology by creating special cells called Lumina cells, which gave supernatural powers to about one-fourth of all people.

But something strange happened, even after the light disappeared, people kept getting powers. Scientists claimed the light had changed human DNA forever, causing random people in every generation to develop abilities.

These people were called the Awakened, and they usually got their powers before turning sixteen.

Some people got similar powers, while others developed completely new ones that still needed to be studied.

The Global Powered Alliance established strict protocols to ensure public safety, all Awakened were required to complete a mandatory two-year military training from the age of sixteen, ensuring they could control their powers and understand their responsibilities to society.

When Leo opened his eyes, he found himself staring into Neo's face, her brown and green eyes filled with concern. He was lying with his head in her lap, surrounded by complete darkness.

Leo was used to darkness. He'd seen it in Mars's tight spaces and in Neo-Tokyo's dark alleys where he worked as a journalist. But this darkness was different, it moved and swirled around them as if it were alive.

"Stay still," Neo whispered, her light brown hair giving off a faint glow in the dark. "Your body needs time to adjust."

Leo tried to sit up anyway, wanting to see where he was. The movement made him dizzy, and through his skin he watched in horror as a black substance moved in his veins. "What's happening to me?".

"Your powers," Kaori said, appearing from the darkness. She usually seemed confident, but now she looked worried. "They're not normal. When you passed out, they brought us to this place."

"Kaori!" Leo backed away from both women in fear, his muscles tensing despite his dizziness. "Why should I trust what you say? The resistance isn't exactly known for its honesty." His eyes fixed on Kaori. "You had me knocked out and kidnapped just hours ago for a video."

The resistance was a powerful organization that publicly fought against the Global Powered Alliance or GPA, a system placed in order to keep the awakened in check and have them benefit for their abilities.

The resistance claimed to protect people without powers, saying the GPA treated them unfairly. Their message was simple and appealing - they wanted equal rights for everyone, whether they were awakened or not.

But Leo had spent years as a journalist investigating powerful groups, and he knew better. He'd seen too many noble-sounding causes hide darker purposes.

Like a rose with hidden thorns, the resistance's beautiful message of equality probably concealed something more dangerous.

Kaori Yamashita was one of the three leaders who ran the resistance. She was famous for her beauty, powerful crystal powers and her speeches about justice, but Leo had tracked her movements for months. The places she visited, the people she met with, it all pointed to something bigger than just fighting for equal rights.

Kaori's expression hardened. "You're right not to trust us. But right now, we're all stuck in this place together. Whatever you think of the resistance, survival comes first."

Neo still held onto his arm. "She's right. We can sort out our differences after we figure out where we are and how to get back."

Leo considered their words. They had a point – this strange darkness was a more immediate concern than political differences. He nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But I want answers."

"What exactly happened to me?" he asked, watching the black substance move under his skin. "I don't have any abilities. I'm too old for manifestation."

Neo shook her head. "You're one of the extremely rare cases, less than 0.00001% of the population manifests abilities after sixteen. Something triggered your awakening in that building, and your powers..." she paused, searching for words. "They're unlike anything we've seen. They pulled all three of us into this dark realm. None of us have ever encountered abilities like these before."

The black ground under them seemed to absorb the sound when they walked, they could see it vibrate every time it did so.

In the distance, they would occasionally hear strange, high-pitched voices speaking in an unknown language. Each sound made them more careful about where they stepped.

"This isn't our world," Neo explained as she helped Leo stand up. When she touched him, the black substance under his skin calmed down. "The laws of physics don't apply here as it does on Earth."

Kaori tried to use her powers to make crystal barriers, but they came out in weird shapes and would break apart instantly. "Our powers don't work right here," she said, frustrated. "Nothing works normally in this place."

Leo felt the darkness pulling at his feet, making it hard to walk. Neo held his arm tightly to keep him steady.

"The shadows," Leo said, cautious. "They're alive, they're trying to pull me in!"

"Not alive," Neo corrected, looking around carefully. "They're aware of us. There's a difference."

They heard a loud roar in the distance that sounded almost like words in a strange language.

"We need to move," Kaori said quickly. "We're not alone and whatever's here probably doesn't want us around."

"Move where?" Leo asked, pointing at the endless darkness. "There's nothing here."

Just then, from a little distance away, something began to emerge and the ground beneath them shook. In the distance, they saw strange buildings rise from the floor, ruins of what looked like an ancient city, floating in the air at odd angles.

"There's always something in the darkness," Neo said quietly. "That's what makes it scary."

Suddenly, they heard another roar, closer this time. Leo could feel something dangerous nearby. His new powers reacted to it, sending a chill down his spine.

"We need to get back home," Kaori said, walking toward the ruins. "Before whatever lives here finds us."

As they began walking, Leo noticed that distance seemed to work strangely here. Buildings that seemed close never got closer, while far-away things suddenly appeared right in front of them.

Walking was like moving through thick mud, as if the darkness itself was trying to stop them.

The whispers just kept getting louder, and Leo realized with horror that he could understand them now:

"The vessel awakens..."

"The First Shadow stirs..."

"The hunt begins anew..."