Shadow of the night.

As I walked into our family den, the wolf scent that covered the entire atmosphere immediately hit my nostrils.

However, despite the familiar scent, I still felt a sense of panic building up in my stomach. I didn't know what was happening, but I knew that something was wrong.

As I stepped forward, each step I took reminded me of the uncertainty that surrounded me. Even though I tried very hard to be in control of my emotions, I still couldn't get over the fact that I could hear the cold whispers of gossip among the crowd.

Deep down, I knew that a huge task awaited me.

I needed to try very hard to regain their trust, and I didn't even know where to start from.

As I sat on the floor with so many thoughts, I could feel the coldness of the atmosphere, as it tried to penetrate my fur.

Even though my parents had taught me how to be brave, I still felt like I wasn't doing enough. Now, I had to think deeply about my life, as I was on the verge of losing my mind.

As a child, I had heard stories about great men and women of valor, who had bravely fought for their communities and pack, but here I was, uncertain about what my future held.

"Rory!" My mother's voice made me jolt back to reality. Obviously, I had drifted away from the world of my own thoughts.

She looked at me with deep concern in her eyes, like she was trying to access my thoughts. "Unlike you, you came home early. Did something happen?"

"Nothing... Just the usual occurrence," I said to her without looking at her. Deep down, I was battling with my own emotions at that very moment.

"Who...? Thane? " What did he do to you?" She asked with a firm voice, which indicated her protective side. Indeed, she was ready to destroy anyone.

"I can help myself," I responded with a firm voice. Truth be told, I wasn't going to tell anyone about my feelings, ever again.

Suddenly, she let out a long sigh. "My dear Rory, you have a very kind spirit. However, you must know that your kindness could be used against you, especially in this pack."

I swallowed hard saliva, before saying another word. "I know. The thing is, I just want to help myself. " I just want to go back to my former personality," I sighed.

However, there was still a question that needed to be answered.

Would I still be able to overcome these struggles?

Would I be able to regain my sanity back?

As the sun began to set, I knew that I really needed to stop thinking. It wasn't helping me anyway.

Amid all my thoughts, I still decided to lay down, with the hope that somehow, I'd be able to sleep off. However, it seemed impossible.

I couldn't tell the reason, but I felt a sudden surge of energy running down my spine.

Life has been so hard, as I knew that it was painful, but I really didn't need to bother myself, or try to come up with any hard things to do.

I knew for sure that I really needed to help myself, so that I'd not be able to overcome all the struggles that life had thrown at me. 

I didn't know what had happened to me, but I had to believe that life would be so good for me.

Of all the challenges that I was passing through, I knew that I had to keep hoping that my life would turn out to be good. 

No matter how long it was going to take, I knew that I would be able to go to the places that I'd always desired. It had been hard for me, but I really needed to be able to withstand all the issues that had overcome my sense of understanding.

I also knew that I really needed to be able to help myself. It was never going to be easy, but I was really going to make sure that it worked out. 

Life has been so terrible for me, and I didn't want to continue to go through all the psychological pains that I was being subjected to, but I had to just try so hard to keep struggling, so that I'd be able to overcome all the pains that life had thrown at me. 

As I closed my eyes to sleep, it was as if even the leaves and trees were screaming my name. They didn't want me to have peace. 

Deep down, I felt really exhausted, but I just couldn't close my eyes to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt a movement outside. At that moment, I froze in shock, as I noticed that the mouth of the den was beginning to open up.

To me, it looked really weird, that I knew that I really needed to guide myself.

Just as I feared, my instincts were always right. I could see the presence of a creature that was outside my abode.

The creature had an intimidating height, and it stood very tall. It was him. It was Kaiden.

At that moment, I didn't know how to react. I didn't know if I was going to shout, or if I needed to stay calm.

I even felt like running, but unfortunately, it seemed like my legs were glued to the ground. 

As he stepped forward in the darkness, I could see the aura of the powers that surrounded him. I couldn't help but imagine what could happen next.

"Rory!" he called out in a calm, yet sinister voice. Something about his tone was off. It was scary, and it also sounded alluring.

"Why are you here? " What do you want?" I asked him with almost a whisper, as I was unsure about how to react.

"I came because I know you need urgent help," he replied in a firm tone. "Rory, you're in great danger, and it has to be averted."

As he spoke, there was something about him that made me want to believe him. "What do you mean? " What danger are you talking about?"

"Thane's loyal fans are spreading rumors about you. To worsen the whole matter, they're trying so hard to turn the pack against you. " If it works, then there's going to be a big problem." As he spoke, I breathed heavily, as each word that came out of his mouth caused my heart to beat very fast.

"I can help myself. " I can handle whatever it is," I said in a firm tone, even though my voice was shaky. "They have accused me in the past, and I know that they know that I can never betray this Pack!"

"Rory, you don't understand the gravity of these accusations." He spoke with a calm, yet intimidating tone. As he stepped forward towards me, I felt some kind of bond around us.

"It is easy to manipulate anyone with their fears, and Thane knows that. He'd feed them with bad news about you, and they'd never hesitate to turn against you. When they eventually do, there will be no redemption for you."

As I looked at Kaiden, I noticed something off about him. My instincts kept telling me that he was hiding something bad, and he could also do the worst to me. Well, I was watching him.

"Why are you even bothered about me?" I asked him with a sudden surge of boldness in me. "Who sent you?"

Immediately I asked him those questions, he paused for a slight second. Indeed, he didn't expect it.

"Rory, it's because you're worth more than you think. You're worth more than their rejection, more than Thane's words. You're worth it."

"Stop it!," I blurted out him with closed eyes. "I don't think this is right."

"At times, the right things might seem wrong to us, until it's late."

"So, tell me Kaiden, what do you want from me? " What do you stand to gain from all of this drama?" I challenged him with a firm voice. At that moment, I was really trying to uncover whatever secret that he might have kept hidden from me.

Finally, like a child who had a bad day at school, he spoke with hesitance. "I don't mean bad for you. I just want to protect you from their evil hands, the evil hands of Thane. Remember, he won't stop until he expels you from this pack, or destroys your soul."

"Protect me?" I looked at him from head to toe. Truth be told, he sounded very off to me."I don't think I'd be needing your help."

"If you're truly not afraid, then why are you shaking in fear?" he immediately said. He stared deeply into my eyes. 

Indeed, his words pierced through my soul.

On a normal day, I could've argued with him, but at that point, I couldn't help but imagine what could go wrong. I knew for sure that what he was saying was right.

 I didn't know if it was fear, or if the figments or my emotions were playing games on me. I just knew for sure that it was making me sick.

"Maybe because it's been my only friend," I responded with tears in my eyes. "From the very beginning, fear has always been my companion."

Immediately I said that, silence immediately engulfed us. I knew at that moment that my heart was really broken.

Suddenly, Kaiden stepped towards me with a firm gaze. Even though he tried to look very confident, I could still see the hidden traces of vulnerability in his eyes.

"Listen to me, Rory. If you must win this battle, you won't do it alone. There are a lot of shadows who are willing to help you, unless you agree. You have to agree, first."

Immediately he said that, I felt a sudden surge of confidence pump into me. "About you Kaiden... Will you support me? Will you defend me? Will you fight for me?"

"Rory, I'll do anything it'd take to protect you, even if it means destroying Thane and his allies," he said with a firm tone. But even as he spoke, I could sense the fear of uncertainty around me, as I tried to believe him.

Before I could even respond, I had a sudden howl, which sent shivers down my spine. It only meant that something was wrong.

Immediately, I noticed the intensity of my heartbeats, as I tried very hard to wave off the thoughts of what I was experiencing.

"What's that? " What could it be?" I asked with a confused expression.

"I can't tell," Kaiden responded in a cold tone.

Again, the howl echoed for the second time. This time, it was louder and scarier. It was at that moment that I realized that it was a clarion call.

"Rory!" he called out to me with urgency written in his voice. "It's time." We have to go now."

Deep down, I didn't feel okay with what he had said, but I didn't want to seem discouraging to him. "What do we do if it's a trap? What if it's Thane?"

Suddenly, he grabbed my right hand in a firm way. "We can't remain here to find out. " We have to come up with our own game plan, to mobilize everyone that wants to support you."

Just then, I felt a shadow closing in on us.