Chapter 4: Stop the Talk.
Reggie and Lucy arrive at the police station and decide to share their new information with the detective on the case. They are greeted by Detective James, a fierce woman with a sharp mind and a passion for solving mysteries.
"Ah, Reggie and Lucy," Detective James said, nodding. "I'm waiting for you, what new information do you have about me?"
Reggie fills her in on their visit to the Archibald Mansion and the notes they found in the art studio. Tirotiro James listened intently, his eyes widening as he processed the new information.
"This is interesting," he said. "The notes in the lab are clear instructions to follow. I'll send someone to see if we can find any footage."
Lucy said. "I think we should take another look at Gillesbo's alibi after the voice disappeared," she said. "He was upset when we talked to him."
Tirotiro James agreed. "I agree. I'll send someone to interview Gillespie and see if we can corroborate his alibi."
Reggie felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps they were close to solving the case.
As they left the police station, Lucy turned to Reggie. "I think we're making progress," he said. "But there's still a lot of work to be done."
Reggie nodded. "I know. But I'm glad we have Detective James on this."
Lucy smiled. "I think we have a good team," he said.
Reggie smiled at him, feeling like he was solving a new crime with his partner.
As they were walking back to Dad's house, Reggie's phone rang. Detective James.
"Reggie, I have something to say." "We found a surveillance camera near the painting studio that caught someone carefully hiding in the area. I thought you should go down to the train station to see."
Reggie's heart didn't waver. Could this be the break needed to defuse the situation?
When Reggie and Lucy arrived at the police station, they were greeted by Detective James, who led them into a small room with a computer screen.
"Okay, let's look at the video footage," Detective James said, pressing a button on his computer.
The screen came to life, showing blurry images of people lurking around the museum. Reggie's eyes widened as he tried to get a closer look.
"Can you improve the picture?" Reggie asked. Detective James nodded and pressed a few buttons. The image on the screen became clearer and clearer, and Reggie's eyes widened as he recognized the person.
"It's Emma," Reggie said. "The maid."
Lucy's eyes suddenly widened. "But why is Emma hiding in the museum?" Reggie's thoughts were racing. He suspected Emma of being involved in the robbery, but he never suspected she was working with anyone else.
"I think we should question Emma," Reggie said.
Detective James shook his head. "I agree." let's go. "
When Emma was brought in for questioning, Reggie couldn't help but feel a little sad. He had always thought of Emma as a loyal, honest employee, but now he wasn't so sure.
Detective James led the interrogation, questioning Emma about her whereabouts on the night of the robbery. Emma looked scared and upset, but she stuck to her original story.
"I didn't take the necklace, I swear," Emma said, her voice shaking. "I don't know who could do something like this."
Reggie studied Emma's face, trying to read her expression. He couldn't help but think she was hiding something.
When the questions seemed to be getting tiresome, Lucy spoke up.
"Emma, can you tell me more about your relationship with Archibald?" Lucy asked.
Emma's face widened in surprise and she hesitated before answering. "I don't know what you're talking about," Emma said.
But when Reggie saw the girl's fear, he knew they had found something.As the interrogation continued, Reggie and Lucy began to piece together a list of Emma's actions on the night of the robbery. It was clear that Emma had spoken to Gilleasbuig, and their relationship was more complicated than they had initially let on.
"I think we should bring Gillesbuig in for further questioning," Detective James said, his eyes narrowing.
Reggie agreed. "I think you're right." "Let's go."
As they leave the police station, Reggie can't contain his excitement. They're finally making progress on the case, and he's determined to see it through to the end.
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When they arrived at Archibald's house, Reggie felt a sense of relief. He knew that Archibald would not be easy to crack, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.
Archibald greeted them calmly, his eyes narrowed as he understood the reason for their visit.
"What is this?" Archibald asked, his voice laced with contempt.
Detective James smiled sweetly. "We wanted to ask you a few questions, Mr. Archibald."
Archibald raised an eyebrow. "Good. Let's do this together."
As the questions continued, Reggie noticed that Archibald seemed restless. His face was red, his eyes growing more angry.
"I think we're getting closer to the truth," Detective James said, his gaze fixed on Archibald. Reggie nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think you're right."
As the questioning continued, Reggie noticed that Archibald seemed to be getting nervous. His face was red, his eyes were angry.
"I think we're getting closer to the truth," Detective James said, his gaze fixed on Archibald.
Reggie nodded in agreement. "Yes, I think you're right."
That's where the questions end. Archibald is left sighing, while Reggie and Detective James exchange pleasantries. They are one step closer to solving the mystery of the missing necklace.
The investigation continues, but for now, Reggie is satisfied. He has come to terms with the truth and is determined to see justice done.