Chapter 1- Weird Survey

Never gonna give you up~

Never gonna let you down~

Never gonna run around and desert you~

Never gonna make you cry~

Never gonna say goodbye~

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~

"Mhm~" Groaning I woke to the sound of my alarm, yes it's Rick roll, got a problem with it? Getting out the bed, I went to the bathroom, did what people do early morning.

I'm Lucius, 18 years old. Third Year in High School at Tokyo, Japan. Yes I'm a international student. It's soon going to be three years since I've arrived in Japan and for the last two years it's been ass. I didn't make any friends, fucked some Japanese girls since I always wanted to try Asians.

Japans got some weird cultures as well, cheating seemed quite normal since a girl tried getting with me even when she had a boyfriend of course I denied, after all I'm not into ntr or cucking guys.

Well today is a Sunday so no school, usually people sleep in all day but you know waking up early has become a habit for me. I went to working desk, as I turned my laptop, went to google and typed, a pirate website to watch animes.

(A/N: You shall be missed!)

Well after that I started watching one piece, nothing to do after all. Currently I'm in the post-wano arc. Gear 5 Luffy is crazy, overpowered? Then what about imu? He or She might be as powerful as Luffy huh?

I'm not up to date with the manga but I think they're currently in the Elbaf Arc? Heard oda been cooking.

While watching the last episode before they sail away to their next island with jinbe, a ad popped up, stopping the episode. I pressed the cross sign but it didn't go, doing it repeatedly it still didn't go away annoying me as I mistakenly pressed it.

I sighed to myself before I was taken to another page with the front cover being Luffy with a giant smile and below him was the words "DO YOU WISH TO BE IN ONE PIECE!?" Hilarious. I thought with a straight face closing the tab but it didn't, is this some kinda trap or is my laptop hacked!?

Either way I scrolled down the ad as I saw some questions something like a survey.

Question 1: Who is your favourite character in one piece?

Hm hard question, cause I like everyone but I guess it has to be him.

Answer: Buggy

lol purely because he's a funny guy, clown and a lucky motherfuc-

Question 2: What's your top 3 fights in the whole one piece series?

Damn why are these questions so hard!? Either way I answered.

Answer: 1) Luffy vs Kaido! 2) Luffy vs Rob Lucci! 3) Zoro vs King!

That's my answer first one is obviously the best fight in one piece, my second choice of the fight because of the arc itself and the third I would've put it second but it is epic on its own way.

Question 3: Favourite Villian in the one piece series?

Hah! No thoughts needed!

Answer: The Goat Doflamingo!


Question 4: Favourite Waifu in the one piece series?

I lift my hands and interlocked them bringing it up to my face as I had a serious face, now this is a damn hard question. It's not even 10, 7, 5, 2 But only one answer needed!? Like wtf!?

Answer: None

Yes I couldn't choose!

Question 5: Is one piece your no 1 anime?

What kinda question is this!?

Answer: Yes Mofo!

I then pressed "next" that was at the left bottom. Then a long sentence followed up with capital letters.


It said as I had a bad feeling about it but ignored it regardlessly. As I scrolled down there was new sets of questions.

Question 1: If you were in "ONE PIECE" which year would you like to start in?

The question said as I thought about it? Void century is immediately struck out unless I'm a celestial dragon which is ass. Rocks era? Nah. Rogers era well it's boring, except for the god valley incident which I still don't know about and finding the one piece but pfft if I really was in one piece I would live as a regular human, background character with no screen time.

Answer: 1521

The great pirate era it is, true that I might have picked the worst era of em all after all we're entering the last saga so tons of shit can happen but well it's just a survey.

Question 2- If you were in one piece would you be a pirate or marine?

Hm, what about none of the above? I typed none and it said "answer invalid". Tch, it's a survey alright? so FREEDOM BABY~!

Answer: Pirate!

Question 3- If you were in one piece what would your dream be there to achieve?

Answer: To Be The Greatest and Strongest!

I typed in childishly with a grin.

Question 4- If you were in one piece would you want to have the Gomu Gomu No Mi?

The question asked as I instantly typed,

Answer: NO!

I mean it's luffys fruit, that's what symbolises him in some ways.

Question 5- Would you like to be in One Piece? Yes or No?

I again typed without hesitation.

Answer: YES!

After finishing it, I pressed next again and another set words came in capital letters!


I stared at it with a deadpan look, what a joke.

After pressing "finish" to close the survey ad down, my laptop shut down so did the lights that were turned on, I pressed the keyboard to turn it back on but a sudden surge of electric shock went through my body as I collapsed hard on the floor.

"What….. the... fu-"